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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Hi ODATIMERS all the best.... the conference went well...... I went to sleep and they planned how to take over the universe!!!! I did eat the sardines but no close contact this time.... all the best to you
    love capt

    ODAT Thursday

    OK, it's morning. Another day, blah, blah, blah. I'm in one hugely crappy mood this morning; I have no idea why, just woke up that way. Day 14; looks like it's going to be a lovely, cloudy, dark, windy, cold one. Yippeeeeee. That oughtta help with my mood!

    Well, that's all I've got for now. Think I'll go kick the dog and beat the kid, maybe that'll cheer me up!

    Edited to add:

    PS - I hope everyone knows that that last sentence was a JOKE!!


      ODAT Thursday

      Dinggy whats up "Think I'll go kick the dog and beat the kid, maybe that'll cheer me up!" sounds really angry whats up can we help please talk to us !!!!! day 14 is huge hang in there youre doing great
      Love cap


        ODAT Thursday

        I honestly don't know! Just feeling ornery as hell. Maybe it's the sleep thing. I keep waking up earlier and earlier, and for the last couple of days I can't get to sleep when I go to take my naps.

        Don't worry, I'm not going to go off the deep end. I think I may just be a royal beeyotch today.

        Thanks for caring, though, capt


          ODAT Thursday

          OK - something just made me laugh. The girl on the news called Paris Hilton "famous rich person":H.

          PS - If she had just said "that skank", I think I could face the day as Mary Sunshine.


            ODAT Thursday

            Understand Dings !!! Hey as far as sleep get the melatonin supplement its great....... It works for me..... and Im a hugely crappy sleeper... ever since I can remember!!!!! it works ! try the good homeopath stuff IT WORKS !!!!
            love cap


              ODAT Thursday

              WELL SHE A FAMOUS LIGHT ON BRAIN SKANK. Bring on Mary sunshine


                ODAT Thursday

                Goodmorning, Dingbat sorry your having such a crappy day, hope it gets better for ya!!

                Twosox :l


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Ohhh you guys are... well... not sure if there's a word for it - but whatever it is, it gave me a Giggle.

                  (NEEDS ME GIGGLES!!!)

                  Hey - how 'bout "BLANK SKANK"??

                  OK, I've INSTRUCTED MYSELF to have a Good Day! (We'll see how that works...!)

                  It IS Day 3, so I guess that's pretty good. Hangin' on by a fingernail.

                  "Instruct yourselves" to have a good day, too, all you ODATers!

                  PS - and Cheer Up, Ding! (Don't you hate when people say that??!)
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    ODAT Thursday

                    Thanks savvy your the best !!!!! ps fingernails dont cut it put a major body part on the line !!!! like next drink AHHH there goes a leg OOUCH now ya talkin


                      ODAT Thursday

                      Just for the record: I have never kicked the dog or beaten the child!!! I did have a go at my husband once, but he deserved it. Seriously, if I told you the story you'd be surprised that I didn't castrate him in his sleep rather than just beat him about his head and shoulders:H!!

                      I think the coffee's kicking in, I'm feeling a bit better.


                        ODAT Thursday

                        Morning All, Capt. Sardines were my favorite canned food, as a kid.Can you believe that I developed a allergy to Fish at puberty time.Now I can only eat Shellfish...That leaves Canned smoked oysters as my sardine alternative.I love a cream cheese stuffed peppericini with a smoked oyster on top, even for breakfast (after a binge).
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          ODAT Thursday

                          Evie I LOVE YOU thanks for the description you are so special to me you make me laugh ......Just for the record: Quote Dingers "I did have a go at my husband once, but he deserved it. Seriously, if I told you the story you'd be surprised that I didn't castrate him in his sleep rather than just beat him about his head and shoulders!!"

                          I think the coffee's kicking in, I'm feeling a bit better.
                          WOW dings I was about to ask you wanna go out for a cyber coffee!!!!!


                            ODAT Thursday

                            Hiya, just been having a good giggle at dingbats exploits with hubby. I know I shouldnt but it did make funny reading )
                            Glad you survived the conference cap, they are not much fun are they?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              ODAT Thursday

                              Starts about as funny as a fart in church when the collecting plate was just handed to ya Granny

