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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    I have played "get to know you" games and they are feckin torture!!!!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      ODAT Thursday

      Hello, day 61 here. All this talk of violence towards the deserving and the vulnerable... I like it.
      It's really going to cool down here today. Only 85 for the high. It's going to be tough deciding which tank top to wear.


        ODAT Thursday

        Starty Arent they!!!!!! as i have said before nothing!!!!!!!!!..... I MEAN nothing!!!!!!! on this planet makes me want to curl up and die as the request to get to know a feckin stranger I have to work with.....


          ODAT Thursday

          Hi all ODAT'rs

          Great way to start the day or rather in my case afternoon with a laugh. Hope your day has improved Dingbat.

          Took the doggies for a walk and had a yoga class so thats the exercise out of the way. On Day 4 and planning to stay motivated.



            ODAT Thursday

            Morning ODATers!

            Hey captn, thanks for starting such a fun thread! I hate conferences.

            I'm glad to hear your coffee's kickin' in, dingy! LOL

            morning twosox, savvy, and lovely evie.

            Hey starting, thanks again for that book list on the other thread. Already ordered some.

            noma'am. So jealous. It's 30. I have my thick old lady sweater on to stay warm. Sigh.

            Rusty, I hope your health kick rubs off on me. Did the treadmill the day before yesterday
            and need to get back on the damn thing today. It's all set up and waiting. Congrats on
            day 4. It looks like today's day 4 for me, too. Sometimes I loose track.

            Heres to a great day, one way or another, eh? :thumbs:

            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              ODAT Thursday

              Hi all! I'm out of here for a week. Sister's for Thanksgiving! Taking hiking shoes and letterboxing stuff. A glorious week of change of scenery, away from gobshite (my new word I'm liking) and divorce drama!

              Have a happy week and love yourself!! :l & :h
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT Thursday

                noma'am;473171 wrote: It's really going to cool down here today. Only 85 for the high. It's going to be tough deciding which tank top to wear.

                15 below here and the sun won't even get up until around 10:30 so why should I ? I want to go back to bed!!! But it's off to work. No antabuse yet but doing okay.

                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                  ODAT Thursday

                  storms here, biggest since 1974, but we're ok. im back here.... cause I cant commit to anymore than this right now, but do you all realise, how much your posts mean to folk who just want to read about other peoples similar situations?! Sharing is a good thing.


                    ODAT Thursday

                    Morning ODATers,

                    Bit cooler today at -8C - Noma'am, you crack me up!! Must be a bit nippy down there at 85F!!!! Congrats on day 61. How's your mindset about it all - getting easier???

                    Savon -I too am on day 3, and doing fine. No craving last night, even after my swim. The supps and Kudzu and L-glut must be helping (unless it is all a placebo effect, which is also ok) - plus eliminating sugar and flour might be helping too. But no sleep last night, as I didn't cheat and take a sleeping pill. Frustrating!!

                    Evielou - that is so weird about a fish allergy - I always thought that shell fish were more allergenic than regular, non-shell fish!!! I've never been fond of fish, probably because of what was available up here on the northern prairie when I was a kid (solid blocks of frozen cod!! yuck!!), but I absolutely loved the different fish I ate in Hawaii!!!

                    Dingbat - great way for all of us to start the day. You may feel like crap today, but you seemed to give us all a good laugh!! I was like that last night after work - didn't get home 'til 6, so tired, my feet were killing me, and then I have to make dinner for BF and his son???? I guess I didn't HAVE to, but I do and then get all pissed off after a while, as the dinner isn't even for me, as I am restrciting what I eat somewhat. Maybe the PMS thing has something to do with it???? (I did apologize later to BF for my upsetted-ness!)

                    Anyhoo!!! On to day 3 and alot of work to do here, so i'd best get to it!
                    Have a thrilling thursday!
                    xoxo peanut


                      ODAT Thursday

                      Uhm - why are all of Captnjack's first responses to my posts missing????

                      I mean, I do talk to myself, but usually don't hold whole conversations and certainly not on a public message board. The first few posts make me look certifiable now!


                        ODAT Thursday

                        I'm hysterical laughing at Dinbats comment about "kickin' the dog and kids"! Please know I would never do that..I don't even have a dog..but that made me laugh- thanks dingbat! sorry your feelin' crappy:upset:

                        I wish you all the best day! :goodjob:

                        Anyway, day4 today....thursday, my hardest day.....I feel good so my plan for later today....AF...and I'm ready for tomorrow! I know, I know...ODAT!

                        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                          ODAT Thursday

                          I'm feeling much better. Had a shower and some OJ, going to get something to eat and then I'll take a nap (with a couple of Valerian so that I actually sleep). I think I'm just pooped!


                            ODAT Thursday

                            Hello ODATers
                            freezing my butt here it's been in the 30's since monday. We usually don't get those temps her in CT until mid Dec. Wish I had your problem noma'am 85 degrees and deciding what tank top to wear?ull

                            On day 3 and starting to feel a bit more human. The calm zzz helped last night but felt a bit light headed this morning. I don't know if it was the calmzzz or just withdrawl symptoms. Hope everyone reaches their goal for today.
                            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                              ODAT Thursday

                              The note

                              One 2 many- Yes, he loved it.....he actually wrote back to me and put it on my bed. It said.."your welcome mommy" . This morning I had to yell at him for something on the way to school, but I left him another note saying that I should not have yelled but he has to remember to behave....

                              "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                              "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                                ODAT Thursday

                                not terribly chatty this morning, but day 4 here. I have to work night shift so I will get through today AF.

                                I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY.

                                Wishing everyone a great day,

                                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

