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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    From where I'm sitting, it's still a respectable time to say Good Morning. I thought it was a rather humdrum day until I read through this thread! :H:H:H You guys are a happening riot. Dingbat, when you wrote about the kids and dog, I pictured you seeing your dear hubby's head on the little bodies and chasing him down. I am dealing with mine by interacting with him as little as possible. When the grandson is around HE refers to me in the third person. What a comedic routine.
    Cptn: I so understand your feelings about forced socializing. Your fun and getting to know you games reminded me of one my mother always instigated at parties (as if 3-4 rounds of manhattans wasn't enough already) Everybody was forced into a circle and she started with passing a banana, held between her knees, to the knees of the person on her right: around the circle the banana traveled. This was in the 50's mind you. My father and I hid out in distant parts of the house, but the sounds of obscene laughter still hit my soul.
    My weather is about midway between Peanut's and Noma'am's. The sun's finally showing and I'm going to put in the winter garden today. We can get leafy greens most all year round and it's late for the garlic but better....: you know.
    Bessie, do you have chickens and what have you been out hunting? It's almost deer season around here. I think the only thing I would be able to shoot would be a wild pig if they started digging up around the property. They are so destructive and oh so tasty: bad combo for them.
    Did I mention that the salmon are running? It is a totally religious experience for me to sit on the edge of the terrace and watch them... endlessly. Somehow, it puts the whole world into perspective for me. I need to hold that balance more firmly these days:l
    P.S. Abouut not being able to sleep. Melatonin+ theanine, valerian oil on the soles of your feet a dose of calcium at bedtime, no heavy proteins for dinner AND no napping:H
    xxxxyou all. g.


      ODAT Thursday

      Hi guys,

      Heading to the doctor to hopefully get some ativan to help me sleep - tried all the melatonin, calms forte, avail. But this insomnia is killing me - actually creating anxiety because I'm so tired......

      AF/NF again last night though and will be again today.

      Hope everyone met their goals,

      Love and Hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT Thursday

        Hi all

        Yes Gelgit, I keep chickens. Had a big old table bird for dinner last night and put another of our spare cockerels in a curry. They're not laying too many eggs at the moment but when they do they are gorgeous!

        Hunting used to be hares on horseback but since the ban in the UK we only follow a pre-laid trail(s) that mimics a hare's path. It keeps the hounds alive and in work and the horses don't know any different. The riders do but I do it for the time on the horse and to ride across all sorts of country and to see the hounds work so I still enjoy it.

        Had another mod night last night. Aiming for AF tonight as it will be an early morning tomorrow (bearing in mind I am posting on the Thursday thread but it is actually Friday!)

        Love to all

        Bessie x

