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Benefit of AF days- More money

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    Benefit of AF days- More money

    I made it through day four. I realize that it is thursday and I have not spent any of my 75$ allowance this week yet. Usually it is gone by now -- on what-- alcohol, chewing tabacco and mcdonalds the day after. Does anyone have a price tag on what you would spend a week on alcohol related things. Mine must be at least 100$. ( I take money I need from saving sometimes-- I know another thing I won't do):wow:

    Benefit of AF days- More money

    I was spending around 70 a week. Now I go clothes shopping every 2 weeks for the kids and me and hubby. Crazy how stopping one habit improves life so much. Next habit, cigs..Yikes!!!

    PS: Congrat's on day 4.


      Benefit of AF days- More money


      Well between vodka, my own ice tea mix (peach, that's what I drank, mostly), and a 12 pack of coors lite, and a pac of cigs....that's around $40 3x aweek! $120 a week.

      "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

      "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


        Benefit of AF days- More money

        My HB and I figured this out a while ago. Between the two of us, with drinks paid at restaurants, etc. we would save, at a minimum, $13235.

        And right now we're strapped for cash. How sad is that? :lame:
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          Benefit of AF days- More money

          Maybe the economy is in a recesssion because we are all on AF days LOL


            Benefit of AF days- More money

            We are all in deep sh-- with money.. from what I hear. But, when my hubby stopped drinking for a long period of time, he found out how much business he had missed. lots of billable hours not going out etc.. His business has greatly improved and he understands how it can be different and better. Let's just hope it continues this way.


              Benefit of AF days- More money

              Wow Becoming that is one big number. ENough to take one hell of a vacation


                Benefit of AF days- More money

                Has anyone realized any other benefits of being AF besides the financial one? If so, please share :h
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  Benefit of AF days- More money

                  We were real honest about it. First we added up what we spend at home drinking, he's a bigger drinker than I am. Then we guessed at what we spent at restaurants. Then we added in if we go out and buy "one or two" for friends. It's over $13k. Or was over that. Since we did that we've slowed way down. Me more than him but I've noticed since I've been putting in more AF days he is too. I did a thread on this a while back, ression and mwo or something like that.

                  Wanna hear something even more depressing? Our son's going to college next year. It's just over $15k/yr for him to attend and we lost 2 yrs of savings with the stock mkt. We had 3 yrs saved and now have just one. We haven't told him, we can't, we're just doing what we can to make up for it. No vacations for us, we have college looming on our shoulders!
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                    Benefit of AF days- More money

                    Oops, LTG, I forgot. Yes, a few huge ones.

                    1. I operate two businesses out of my office in my home. They're both doing MUCH better when I'm AF. There's a direct correlation. I'm more focused, awake, inspired, ambitious, determined, and on and on.
                    2. I'm healthier. I just plain 'ol feel better. The more AF days I put in, the better I feel.
                    3. My household runs smoother. The kids fight less. My HB and I fight less. Things just seem to "flow" smoother.
                    4. I don't stress over "little" things as much. If the dishes aren't done when they should be, it's not the end of the world. I get over it. I still make sure they get done, but I don't stress as much.
                    5. I listen to others more. It's not so much about me. I get it that I'm not the only one in the world.

                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      Benefit of AF days- More money

                      Good morning,
                      Weel, looks like our expenses (and losses) are the same in this part of the world.
                      I would spend between $135 - $170 a week on alcohol. If I had takeaway instead of cooking a meal, add another $60. So, that's a whopping $210 a week, or $10,500 or more over a year. Drinks bought at restaurants, for friends etc. would add at probably another $2,000 a year. TOTAL: $12,500
                      That's a lot of money in anyone's language!
                      The recession: It is really starting to bite. We've lost a lot of our retirement funds. My husband was going to retire next year. Now it looks like he'll be working at least another 6 years or more to try to recoup some money so we can have something to live on in our dotage!

                      Looking to Grow: Just read the threads and posts to find out the other benefits............far too many to mention here, but include many physical, psychological and neuroligical benefits. Bottom line... you feel good mentally and physically because you are no longer pouring poison down your body.


                        Benefit of AF days- More money

                        I realize all of the other benefits besides the money, just never realized the cash involved. Just a nice bonus along with the other wonderful benefits


                          Benefit of AF days- More money

                          Hi everybody, This thread makes so much sense. I haven't visited the site for a couple of weeks but it is so nice to be back. I reckon that I can spend between ?20 and ?30 a week - which at the moment we could well do with. I keep thinking I can moderate but then it creeps up again and I don't feel happy, so here goes (again). But what do you do if you don't keep trying?? Give-up trying - that's not an option. Of course, other advantages are you immediately feel a sense of well being, especially in your head. I usually lose weight and don't feel bloated - but at the moment I'm feeling very guilty when I actually type in the amount of money that I spend! We just can't afford it.
                          Short term goal 7 days AF


                            Benefit of AF days- More money

                            I bet on a normal week I am somewhere between 150-200. If its a festivale week 300. Thats some crazy money to spend.


                              Benefit of AF days- More money

                              WOW:flush: Talk about wasting money. We all will be rich

