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So sad and alone!

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    So sad and alone!

    Hello community!

    I am new to this today and am very sad today! I am not in denial, I am not exactly a 100% alcoholic, I do not drink during day and never at home or in front of my kids. I am a single parent with no help physically or financially. I am struggling against the odds of life. I recently lost my job for a reason that was not fair but i do not not know where to go to get help, been applying and no response yet! meanwhile i am sinking and no one to help me. I do have something going for me meaning the fact that I have positive goals and am currently enrolled in college am successfully pursueing my degree and career in criminal justice with a 4.0 cumulative average and perfect attendance. I go out to the bars at nite when my kids are sleeping (they are old enough to stay home with out me!) because I am lonely and a nite owl! then I drink for the social aspect and to get attention and can not only afford it but should not be doing this because if i got pulled over i would lose my entire education and future career as a law enforcement agent. I just recently got kicked to the curb by a guy that pursued me and led me to believe he really cared and just shut me out, story of my life. I really need support and people that understand what I am going through! I have that want to give up feeling and have let everything build up and cried all day in bed! Where do i go and what do i do now?

    So sad and alone!

    Oh, Kristine, you have so much going for you. All is not lost! school, children and a career in your future. You are struggling against the odds of life, but you are winning, look at what you are doing, going to college as a single mom. How many people can do that? very few, you are a rare good example for your childre, so far.
    Many wonderful people here will help you get through this time in your life. Sometimes, we all want to stay in bed and cry all day... you are not alone


      So sad and alone!


      Welcome to MWO. :welcome: It sure sound like you have a lot on your plate, raising two kids on your own, attending school with a 4.0 average and recently losing your job. I commend you for coming here to seek help.

      Have you thought about talking with your doc about some meds to help. I was prescribed campral and my hubby and I (he's an alcoholic too) were able to go 34 days AF. It really did help.

      It sounds like you are lonely too, after your break up. Can you socialize with other students instead of going out to bars? Maybe have a study session, or maybe with your good grades, helping someone else?

      There are also natural supplements if you don't want to talk to a doc that you can buy here and at health food stores.

      Stick around, read all about us and our experiences. I'm glad you found us. :l


        So sad and alone!

        Kristine, we are glad you are here and seeking help with your issues.

        I was a person who usually only drank on the weekends, but the issue that I had was that once I got started, it was extremely difficult for me to stop. I drank for a lot of reasons, but the primary reason was because I didn't like me. I was a huge introvert. meaning I was shy and didn't mingle with people very easily. Alcohol allowed me to be the person that I wanted to be. I could be outgoing, I could talk to people (even girls!), and I didn't feel so bad about myself -- until the next day. Then I was the same old person.... So what did I do, I gutted it out until the next weekend (and believe me - I was counting the days) when I could do it all over again.

        I guess my point is that in order to stop drinking and feel good about it, I had to feel good about me. It was so easy to focus on the negative (all I do is drink, nobody understands me) instead of the good (my kids are awesome, I have a 4.0 GPA) - see what I mean? Spend some time here reading and I bet you can relate to a lot of the stories. What you'll find is that those who have been successful have put a plan together and the worked it hard. Crossing your fingers won't cut it - you need to be willing to work. If your willing to do that, then you too can succeed.

        Wishing you the best of luck.
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          So sad and alone!

          HI waitng, you heard from gold recently?
          Keeps x:happyheart:


            So sad and alone!

            Thank you Hart! I appreciate your advise. I do not have insurance to go to doctor for one. Story of my life. And as for school, I am the oldest student in a predomently african american and hispanic college and they basically look up to me as a mom and i give them advise but we do not have anything in common besides classes. They are young and do not have the clock ticking and have to be serious with schooling and do not want to make the effort to study sessions. I have tried.


              So sad and alone!

              Kistine i am new here about a week and i am amazed at the wisdom, help and support available. Keep reading you will gather strength and learn to follow atheletes and others wonderful advice. I work in a special school with severly disabled and sick children, give yours a big hug tonight and count your blessings, write down 10 things that make you smile, count this web site as one. and reimnd yourself of it every day, i know it must be so hard for you but you are much stronger then you believe, miss perfect attender! well done and keep going xxxx
              Keeps x:happyheart:


                So sad and alone!

                Thank you so much for the support! I do belittle my self as well and can be that person when i drink. Lonliness is my main problem, I have a problem with that extremely, and seem to never meet mr. right. just dont understand life any more, and why me?


                  So sad and alone!

                  Lol! You actually made me smile and laugh today! thank you so much for the cheer up! this perfect attender is not a quitter! just overloaded and confused extremely! you keep your chin up to and keep in touch!


                    So sad and alone!

                    No i am in the united states.


                      So sad and alone!

                      Thank you so much! I appreciate your advice and support and will continue to stick with this group and get through this. You keep ur chin up to!


                        So sad and alone!

                        everyone has something, some a lot lot worse than you and some a lot lot better. try and talk kindly and positive to yourself tonight, get stuck into a good chic flic, lonliness is a state of mind, there are a lot of people sitting with their partners right now feeling very lonely indeed! take care xx
                        Keeps x:happyheart:


                          So sad and alone!

                          Hi Kris-I'm pretty new here also... You will never feel lonely here, although sometimes in the afternoon the boards are slow. It sounds to like your drinking isn't to out of control....yet! sneeks up on you!
                          I am in the US too. New York to be exact. I live in a house with my husband our 3 kids and my husbands cousin, and I still feel alone sometimes.
                          Keep reading andpost whatever is on your'll be surprised how many friends you are gonna make here.

                          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                            So sad and alone!

                            Thank you very much! I will stick with this group, just joined today and very pleased with it already and feel a little better already. You stick with it to!


                              So sad and alone!

                              i beleive there are a lot of ladies here,are there no men,or are they in a the bar,pub whtever,you seem to hav a bit of a grip,as all the people said stik around here,dang lots of know how,as far as drinking around the kids they no,its called female mood swing,and all you females no wht i meen hahha,not tonit dear thing, or i got to take a hot bath without you dear hahha,there also is comical here to,som who have found other ways of coping, sober or modding,but all in all were a great group who put up with each other in a way youll lern,notice they still let me chat, hahaha,get off me starting, one to many limers gees leave me alone hahahah gyco

