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good day to all and I hope your keeping well

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    good day to all and I hope your keeping well

    hope you can possibly give me your thoughts, I really enjoy having a drink at the weekend as I am doing just now, problem is I go out and buy drink with the knowledge of wanting to get very drunk, this has now interfered with my work life as I work from home and once a week I will find myself buying drink in the morning or afternoon when I have hit my set targets... . I realise that I`m damn lazy, just wondering if anyone can advise me what to do, as mentioned the main problem is I do enjoy having a drink, but it must go to the stage I get very drunk, I still enjoy this though realise it`s doing me no good at all for health, social, mental and business matters.

    for instance today I was not going to think about having a drink, by 9pm it was Friday night, I was bored and a book or a film just did not interest me.

    if there are any recommendations from anyone I would greatly appreciate it,
    many thanks in advance,

    good day to all and I hope your keeping well

    Welcome FLux -- love your avatar!
    The book is a great place to start, it will help you get a plan together. Hang around the boards reading and asking advice. There are some great daily threads that you can join and will be sure to meet others that are at a similar stage of thier journey to you.
    This place has been a wonderful haven for me.
    Looking forward to getting to know you better!
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      good day to all and I hope your keeping well

      Just the same feeling


      I have been out for the day, No Al, came back lasted all night till now, waiting for my ex to e-mail, opened a bottle and oh dear here we go again, binge binge againa and again- wekkdays nice polite quiet woman come the weekend the monster arrives hence the ex- oh I need some good advice please..........

      fluxpattern;474627 wrote: hope you can possibly give me your thoughts, I really enjoy having a drink at the weekend as I am doing just now, problem is I go out and buy drink with the knowledge of wanting to get very drunk, this has now interfered with my work life as I work from home and once a week I will find myself buying drink in the morning or afternoon when I have hit my set targets... . I realise that I`m damn lazy, just wondering if anyone can advise me what to do, as mentioned the main problem is I do enjoy having a drink, but it must go to the stage I get very drunk, I still enjoy this though realise it`s doing me no good at all for health, social, mental and business matters.

      for instance today I was not going to think about having a drink, by 9pm it was Friday night, I was bored and a book or a film just did not interest me.

      if there are any recommendations from anyone I would greatly appreciate it,
      many thanks in advance,


        good day to all and I hope your keeping well

        Need your help guys

        Posted a message to say have started to binge , this is the first night I have been on this or any other forum. I have been out all day and had no Al but now at home alone waiting for an e-mail from y ex. The ex is the ex because of my bing weekends,destructive abusive self. Started on a bottle of wine almost finished it in 30 minutes. Need some good advice now plea:new:se...


          good day to all and I hope your keeping well

          Flux and November, this is a great place to develop and work a plan for recovering from alcohol abuse. There's a great thread called "tool box" which has a lot of helpful advice, including one post about how to work out your own plan, using the methods recommended by MWO. I'll bump it up for you so it is easy to find when you look at the list of sections in the "My Way Out Forum" directory.

          best wishes,



            good day to all and I hope your keeping well

            many thanks guys, I`ll do some thorough checking through the site... .

