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    The thread I read earlier about it being Friday night has motivated me to write rather then just read others thoughts.
    As my name may indicate, there are many things in my life that I -want to be(wannabe)but for the present the one most compelying for me is:

    I wannabe able to have a beer and be able to leave it at that. My huband, Don and I generally only start our drinking at the end of the day. It is a dowm time for us and a time we spend together sharing the days coming and goings.
    If I am having a day of self disicpline, I mix my beer half and half with a nonalcoholic beer. If I am having a weak day which happens more often then not I convince my self that I want that uptopia feeling that I get from a real beer. I can have one real beer... I will rationalise, however once the alcohol is in my blood I never can leave it at that. I want more sometimes I will even "sneak" in a extra beer or two in the laundry room while other's in our home are doing their things. And I keep up with my husbands beers as well. Bad thing for me to do.
    I am a very functional drinker,able to carry on all the activities that are that are going on. Can make a dinner for 9 or more and no one notices much of a difference in Mom (mother of five now grown kids). I get a bit more talkative and freer in what i say but I never get sad or ugly like some people. I am talking maybe 5 or 6 beer at this point(sometime wine with supper if it is a special occassion) and then its time to go to bed anyways,
    The dissappointing thing for me however is I remember little of the happening after the fourth or fifth beer. I misss out of so many happy family times because I just can't remember things the next day.I must black out if that is what you call it.(not pass out.)
    I wonder if you are destroying brain cells when this happens.
    It is embarrassing for me when the I kids will say the next day -remember Mom we talked about that last night or I have to ask Don-" what did someone said on the phone when they phoned the night before."
    Anyways I will become a Gramma for the first time in four weeks. I remember hating my own Mom for getting enebreated while she took care of my children(which was not very often as we lived in different towns.) How could she do this?????Well now I know, in a way it was not her, it was the alcohol that had taken over her reason.
    So in short, although I like the feeling I get from drinking I hate it because the controls are not always there. I hate the quilt and self disappointment it brings me.
    I am feeling adimate that I will not even take a drink if I am the one resonsible for my new grandchild.
    I suppose I am at the crossroads of making the decision to be AF free completly.
    Wondering if maybe with some support ,I could learn the control for drinking in moderation if I do take a drink.
    Having beers with my beloved husband is so much a part of our routine and part of our time together time that it would be so different not to have it in our lives if I decided to
    go AF complelely.
    Don is always out of town for a month at this time of year. I am going to practice both ways of dealing with my delemma while he is away. AF and/or mix the beer and leave it at that.(1/2 can of beer 1/2 can non alcoholic beer x2=2 glasses )
    When the kids were young and Don went away I never drank alone but in the past couple of years I have had drinks on the weekend - all by myself.
    Don's been away 4 days and although I have felt like having a beer everyday---no drinks. But it's Friday night - I would really like a beer. I am writing this story instead. At this point the night is young.
    That's about it for tonight folr tonight. I must go make dinner for my Dad who is visiting.
    Thanks for taking time to read my predicament.


    wannabe, welcome. Most people who first come here believe (or fear) that life without alcohol would be a loss, a negative thing. But most of those people who do stop drinking for a significant period of time find that getting the alcohol out of their lives results in huge positives, little or no negatives. Give it a try. If you decide to, get yourself a good plan. Read more about the MWO program, and go for it.

    best wishes,




      Welcome Wannabe!
      I have a couple of personal rules for moderate drinking and yes, one of the most important is NOT to drink alone.
      I have always felt that beer drinkers have the luck in that AF beer is readily available and it really does taste like beer whereas there really isin't a substitute for wine.
      Have you read the book MWO? It's a great place to start and of course hang around here reading and posting and you'll soon have a plan together.
      Warm wishes
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



        Thanks for your supportive words. I ended up having a mixed beer tonight but it worked out that I was able to leave it at that. I agree the non alcoholic beer does make it easier as I can still have the special time with Don,but miss the buz.



          Welcome wanabee,

          Its a tough battle, we all have to learn to miss AL and be okay with that. I wish you luck :l
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



            wannabe, Thank you so much for sharing your story. I could relate so much. I am still learning about myself as I have only been here about 1 1/2 months. I could not imagine life without a couple drinks in the evening with hubby. Or without that "wonderful buzz". Problem was that so-called "wonderfulness" only lasted a short while. I kept trying to make it last. That's when the trouble began. I couldn't keep that little buzz going, it would become a too big buzz. But I haven't had it in over a month and life has somehow gone on. And I feel great. I remember my greatest fear in the beginning was having that conversation with my husband. I just couldn't wrap my head around how I would aproach it and how it would go. But once I faced my fear, he was wonderfully supportive. I knew he would be, it was no secret to him that I drank too much.

            Like others have said, I encourage you to read the MWO book. Read a lot of the posts here, ask a lot of questions. I believe you are on the right track.

            Good luck to you! You have tons of support here!

            periwinkle :l (a hug for you)
            Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic



              Day by day

              Happy Thanks giving to any of the Americans out there.I enjoy coming to this web page and just reading about all the others who are sharing the same issues,so I will share my week with you.
              I am hoping others have had as disciplined a week as I have been able to pull off.

              I haven't bought the MYO book yet(I am a bit to frugal for that)but some things I have done to motivate me are you might be interested in trying some of them out)

              I have put a can of beer in fridge and each day that I go with out a beer I write another number on the can with a felt pen. I am up to the number 10.
              On a couple of days that I have felt I might weaken I open my AF beer but in a slice of lime and enjoy. Some of the AF beer are really bad but I have found Molson Excel(a Canadian beer). to be pretty good. It doesn't have that funny after taste. Very much like a light beer.Works if you are a beer drinker.
              I start every day with great big stretches and a glass of water.(even before my coffee)
              I'm walking at least an hour a day ( not always in one shot- last night I walked around the hockey rink - while waiting for my son to change after hockey) I am sure this bringing up the endorphins.
              Everyday I make sure I get a dose of sunshine or at least day light.(which can sometimes be hard to find in Vancouver British Columbia )
              Everyday I find something in nature around me to marvel at.
              I am along time advocate of the general health benefits of apple cider vinegar. One tablespoon in a glass of water two times a day. Had gone off it for about a year but am back on to it. I sip it with my meals, tastes like a really,really bad glass of wine.
              Anybody else out there into apple cider vinegar. If not check it out on the web.
              Well I think this is a big enough read for today. Hope I didn't bore you.



                Hey Fellow Canuck!

                No sunshine in the Lower Rainland? Only kidding, there's no place more beautiful than Vancouver on a nice day. I'm about 1 hour north of Edmonton.
                Haven't tried the apple cider vinegar yet but will check it out. I'll also check out Molson Excel but only if I feel I have no other choice. I'm trying to quit altogether as I know from my smoking days of 25 years ago that my will power is pretty strong. I still consider myself a smoker BTW because I feel if I had one now, I'd be right back into a pack a day. I think the same would apply to AL.
                And no, you didn't bore me. I find posting here is very theraputic.
                Keep strong wannabe, you'll do fine. Russ :welcome: :new:

                If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me



                  Not quite sure how these replies work. Hey Habstan was nice to here from someone close to home.Hard to find sun today for sure! Sent a private message yesterday to Periwinkle but not sure what happens with that (or how I did it for that matter) What the difference between a quick reply,a post, and a blog. Can any one help me out with an explanation. Went to MY STORY yesterday also was kind of neat reading about other people. With my husband Don out of time, I am happily fritting my time away at the computer.



                    hi wannabe,

                    I just sent you a lengthy reply to your PM, I must have been typing as you were posting this, how funny. I was busy with family all day yesterday (Thanksgiving) and today has been still cleaning up, sorting the kids toys from the dogs toys, you know that kind of stuff. Also it is my hubby's birthday today, so we're taking it easy as we can.

                    I'm glad to see you back on the forum. Hope everything is going well for you. It must be hard to have your husband gone for that long at a stretch.

                    Stay in touch,
                    Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic

