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For those who do not post

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    For those who do not post

    Okay, you know who you are. I have noticed how many "view" but do not post. I'm not sure why, and I'm sure there are many reasons. But I would like to invite all that do not post to speak up. We would like to hear from you. ALL of our stories and voices are important. What you have to tell might not only help you...but maybe someone else.

    To all you "lurkers" out there, speak up...we want to hear from you, you matter to us :h

    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

    For those who do not post

    i certainly am more a 'LURKER' than a poster... and for what its worth here are my thoughts

    (the word lurking implies i am doing something negative, am I ?)

    often by the time i read a post, its pretty well done and dusted and then if you do possibly add something, then look back is almost wasted because no one has responded - which may imply no one has even read it (not looking for acknowledgement - but have i typed something to cyberspace)
    i find a lot of times your idea gets diluted in amidst a group of people who know each other well and then chit chat between themselves.

    so much is repeated in responses - are a lot of repetative responses better than one good quality answer. if i see someone has responded well to a post i figure its been said ?
    are you judged by the number of post you have sent or the quality of ones that you do??

    i am curious now?
    love pixie
    I found myself on the roof of the world just waiting for to get my wings - The Waterboys


      For those who do not post

      Well, heres my take.
      If I read something that moves me or I can add something to anything thats already been said I will.
      I am not expecting acknowledgement but I hope that something I say will resonate with that person even if only a bit.
      I have been here for quite a long time and I do enjoy chatting on threads with people I know.
      And yes, reading stories and responses has helped me so very much to keep me sober and move forward in my recovery.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        For those who do not post


        I have found that you have to post a lot to get known. The people who post a lot all seem to know each other and "talk" back and forth and say things to each other, jokes, etc. It you just post once in a while, you can feel kind of left out of the loop and like you're not "part of the group". I know the answer to that is to post more, but I don't always have time, or something to say, and I'm just not one who "talks" all the time. So I just read a lot and only post if something really strikes me.


          For those who do not post

          NID (and SP), you are right. Posting more is a way to get to know people, and get known by them. And that is a HUGE part of recovery, because until you are in a relationship (even an electronic one!) with people, they cannot really support you in your recovery. The "accountability" and support factors... having people who really care about whether YOU meet your goals, and how you are feeling, and helping you to find ways to deal with problems.... are among the most important parts of this MWO program, I believe, for most of us who are here.



            For those who do not post

            I mainly read what other people say here and do get a lot out of that. I post relatively infrequently, and then usually if I think I might have something to add to what's already been said. I try to answer when general questions (like this one) are posted as well. In general, I'm somewhat of an introvert and probably a cyber-introvert too :-)

            I often wonder what happens to people who post and then you don't hear from them again. I wonder if they're here 'lurking' or what?


              For those who do not post

              Don't worry about failing to put forth your thoughts ! Do we can review it. Hay you might have a problem that someone else can help you with. IAD.
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                For those who do not post

                Although I certainly hope not, it might have to do w/ people continually relapsing. For me, that seems to be the case on occasion. I.e., only post when things get too bad to bear alone/after a particularly bad 'episode,' etc. Maybe there's some guilt associated with posting while still actively drinking? I think there was a thread about that a while back...

                In any case, like someone said earlier, just visiting the site and reading what others have to say oftentimes helps enough to make it through the day/hour, whatever the case might be. When I make it to an AA meeting, it seems that 'lurking' there has the same effect. Sometimes just going to hear how others are struggling too (and coping & overcoming), are in the same situation and have felt the same things provides enough support to redouble your efforts.
                Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


                  For those who do not post

                  Same here. My tone tends to come across much differently in print than how I entend the meaning to be so I keep quiet. I lurk a lot but I am always reading and learning I've just learned to keep my opinions to myself as it's not condusive to my or anyone else's recovery to get involved in drama.


                    For those who do not post

                    Great thread, akgirl! I've often wondered this myself. I've been posting quite a bit lately but I can understand why others hesitate, for the reasons described above. I haven't quite established myself with a group of friends yet, I've tried, but can't seem to "click" with a group. I try not to take it personally but sometimes it makes me sad. I just keep posting, I try to encourage and help others and share. That's about it for me.
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      For those who do not post


                      "(the word lurking implies i am doing something negative, am I ?)"

                      I certainly don't think so. Lurking is just the word I've seen used alot by people that don't post for awhile or much. I think this thread was an open invitation to anyone that might feel intimidated to post.

                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        For those who do not post

                        I post on days that I have less on my plate, or on days that I need a boost. It's my way of clarifying to myself that I am ok. That I am not an embarrassment or a burden on anyone.

                        I love the people here, they only wonder when you are gone because they care, and welcome you back with open arms when you return, hell, I don't get that from my dog!
                        "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

                        AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


                          For those who do not post

                          To all ....poster or not...
                          :welcome: to MWO.

                          We are here to help and be helped.

                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            For those who do not post

                            LVT25;475043 wrote: Spiritpixie--

                            "(the word lurking implies i am doing something negative, am I ?)"

                            I certainly don't think so. Lurking is just the word I've seen used alot by people that don't post for awhile or much. I think this thread was an open invitation to anyone that might feel intimidated to post.

                            Thank you LVT, thats exactly what this was, an invitation.

                            I always picture MWO as something like an AA meeting or a gathering, so I felt if there were some to shy to speak I would invite them. Just like I would do in person. Try to make them feel welcome.

                            I don't condem anyone for "lurking" or not posting, there are plenty of days I don't as well. Whatever makes you comfortable, hopefully either way MWO is helping you.

                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                              For those who do not post

                              I just started the forum(community) and trying to see where and if I fit in. Haven't figured out yet if I have a drinking problem or just a weakness in disipline. At this point I enjoy reading others thoughts and issues.
                              I am comforted in the thought that I don't have to go to my family to ask for support;they all have their own lives.
                              My daughter was incouraging when I told her I was only going to drinks mixed beer(nonalclholic-real beer.) Her reply mom-" you know what your problem is :you drink on an emply stomach(just before dinner) and you don't sip.(you drink to fast.) change those two traits and you'll be fine."
                              Good advise for all who drink.always nibble on something while you drink and if you find it hard to sip always have a glass of water handy.
                              Because I don't want to burden the kids or husband with my downfalls it will maybe be nice to tell someone who shares the same type of drinking weaknesses. I will probably start writing more.
                              I guess this is not a quick reply is it. Should I go to a new thread for such chit chat.

