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ODAT - Saturday!

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    ODAT - Saturday!

    Good Morning ODATers!!

    I seem to be getting up earlier and Earlier - today it was 4:00 AM. Ugh. I think my time zone is shifting to someplace out in middle of Atlantic...

    Day 5. NOT bragging - it kind of snuck up on me! And not feeling that strong, either.

    Altho I didn't feel strong on Days 1, 2, 3 or 4 either, soooo.... who knows?!

    Have a great Sat. & don't forget to have some Fun.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Saturday!

    Well done

    Wish I could manage 5 minutes, you must be a shining star, enjoy that day you have, and look to the horizon, it's always changing

    I wish you love and luck............:new::h


      ODAT - Saturday!

      :welcome: November Star!!

      I Kind of jokingly suggested we should have a thread "OMAT" - One MINUTE at a Time!!

      I have several things keeping me from drinking This minute:

      1/ Don't have any AL!
      2/ Liquor stores aren't open... yet.
      3/ MUST go to my volunteer gig at local SPCA from 11-2... (Probably not a good idea to be walking the dogs while sloshed!! :H)
      4/ $$$ is always an issue - but that one I can Often justify... Esp. after a few days AF - "Well, I already Saved enuff money by Not drinking to be able to afford a bottle & still be ahead!" Arrrrrgggghhhh. OH yeah - I've used that one several times.

      In the meantime, I'm smoking my brains out - somehow justifying that... even tho I don't even get a Buzz from it!!!!

      Good grief.

      You have a Wonderful day. Take comfort knowing there are people Much crazier than you out there!! LOL.

      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT - Saturday!

        Good morning!!! Day 16 here. I'm with you savon, I got up at 4:30 this morning! Yuck!

        On a brighter note - my WORMS came yesterday!!! Goody goody! They're to feed my fish - in case you're wondering. My husband took one look at the gloppy oatmeal mixture and said "This hobby of yours has gotten out of hand". Oh well, at least I have a hobby beyond drinking beer and watching TV, pfffttt.

        Hope everyone has a great day and meets their goals!


          ODAT - Saturday!

          November, I just read your posts (yep, I'm nosy). Are you still drinking right now???? If so, do this one thing: POUR IT OUT, NOW! I'm a binge drinker too, so I know what you're doing. Take the first step. Get something else to drink; water, soda, juice anything. Put it on ice in a wine glass.


            ODAT - Saturday!

            Thank you Dingbat

            I am sorry but your words do not inspire me to pur the d.. stuff out I am sorry if it was that easy iwould have tried taht a very long time ago. I think there must be something more tah just" Pour It away":new:


              ODAT - Saturday!

              Well, thought I'd give it a shot anyway. Believe me, I understand. I've said it to myself as I poured it down my throat. So maybe try this. When you wake up later today or tomorrow, or whenever, come back here. You know you want to stop and you are reaching out. That's a start.

              I finally just had to say "enough" to make it this far. And I had to be hungover and ashamed and fed up to do it. I was sick of the life I was living and decided to change.

              Good luck, and we are here whenever you're ready.


                ODAT - Saturday!

                day #6 for me...Last night was tough. Didn't sleep very good, not because of AL/AF, waited for my 17 year old to come home from a party......once he came home I couldn't stop watching tv, then got woken up by baby at 4 a.m. I think she's getting a cold, stuffy nose. Nothing I haven't seen a million times before.

                Anyway, I have a busy day today! good luck ODATers!!

                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                  ODAT - Saturday!

                  Morning Odat'ers!

                  Savon, congratulations on reaching day 5. That is great! I am on day six, and unfortunately smoking my brains out right along side you!

                  November Star...I am sorry to hear you are struggling right now. Stay close, this is a great place with tons of support and wisdom, humour and tears. Please keep coming back and never give up.

         16....WOW...that is fantastic! Hobbies are a good thing, ESPECIALLY those that don't involve AL! :goodjob:

                  JAMMS..I am right there with you today...let's pull off day 6 toghether! Sorry baby has a cold, I think the parents suffer more than the child when they are sick! :l

                  Everyone to come, have a great day.

                  I work 8-4 today, and at 7 tonight I am volunteering at a local Casino night.

                  I WILL NOT DRINK!
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    ODAT - Saturday!

                    ok, the last post left my post count at 666, so here is one more, just because that creeped me out! :H
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      ODAT - Saturday!

                      Hey ODATers!

                      Jamms, glad to hear from ya! keeta, your post made me laugh, that's funny! Hey dingy, what the heck kind of fish do you have, anyway?! Congrats, savon, and I totally agree with one minute at a time.

                      Hi November. I'm can read the anguish in your post. I'm glad you're here. We're all here for you no matter what. Have you read the My Way Out book? It's a good start and is downloadable from this site.

                      I might be traveling a bit today. My son is in an all-state concert and I've decided I have to go watch him. My daughter's going to be furious with me but what's new? I won't get this opportunity again and I'm so proud of him.

                      Have a great day, take care,
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        ODAT - Saturday!

                        I like my chickens so much that I go int the garden and dig up worms for them!! I have a rotten head cold too and feel worse than hangerover pains. I am tempted, Grandson has an even worse cold: head and chest. He slept over last night and needed repeated doses of PediaCare (as seen on TV). Now, I'll rant a bit about DH. He's a sports nut, even makes a weekly schedule of which games he wants to watch. This AM ...oh hell, I don't even have the energy to go on about the a888. Speaking about the magic of numbers! You all have a good weekend and I'll concentrate on vitamin C. xxg


                          ODAT - Saturday!

                          Becoming - I've got goldfish in the pond, and set up a tank to save some of the babies before they got eaten by the Goldies, Koi and garter snakes. But they were looking a little lonely in that 55 gallon tank, so now I have cories, g-fish, bumblebee gobies, snails and a siamese algae eater in the one tank. Of course, I had an xtra tank (long story), so that one now has cherry shimp, 2 chinese algae eaters (sole to me as ottos, but NOT) and snails. The little worms are for the bumblebee gobies.

                          Oh, and I'm smoking like a chimney too!!! Do ya think maybe we all have a bit of a problem with moderation:H???

