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Just found out

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    Just found out

    Hi, I just got off the phone with my sister in LA and found something out. For Christmas this year my other sister and her fiance (they're in Vegas) are going to visit them in La for Christmas. I asked if they invited anyone else, and was told yes, that my parents are going as well. So my entire immediate family is going. I am not. Here come the tears.
    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.

    Just found out

    Ouch, that hurts! I would feel pretty bad, too. Are you sure that you're really NOT INVITED, though? Maybe they think it would be too far for you to come. I hope that is the case. Otherwise, it's pretty awful not to include you.
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Just found out

      That was below the belt ! But you can over come this.......prove to them that you can change ! You know you can.......stick with us, we can help ! IAD.
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Just found out

        So were you invited and just cannot afford to go? Or were you just not invited? Either way, to leave you on your own at Christmas sounds pretty heartless, and I am very sorry to hear that. There is not much to say that is going to make you feel much better, except that we are all here for you whenever you need to talk. Thinking of you.


          Just found out

          The family is not always right. Believe in yourself, You can di it.


            Just found out

            I am very sorry....I think you are in your 20's living alone, correct? I have lived on my own since I was 16...honey this is going to sound harsh and I am NOT at all trying to hurt you but it is time to take a good long look within. How many holidays do you think your family have worried about you? They too deserve happy holidays. They are trying their best to help you, but they also deserve happiness. So, you have 2 options this can go to the liquor store and stay drunk the whole damn day and hug the toilet the entire next day OR you can buddy up with a couple of friends and cook something together and make the most of it. I have done both and trust me...cook a damn turkey....may not be a Norman Rockwell holiday, but it sure beats having the shakes and shits the next day. I know you feel a bit beaten by family and I KNOW that feeling, but only you can change the imagine they all have of you now over sober time....which takes time. Congrats on the new job. Great fresh start for you....the more AF days you have the less depressed thoughts you will have. The more positive feelings you will have to fight this beast. I am not preaching at you only offering what I know from experience. Have I mastered it...HELL NO , but I am sure trying. You make a plan for Christmas Rach...if you lived near'd be more than welcome here...
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              Just found out

              Vegas is a $50 flight and alternatively 5 hour drive from LA. Please consider this may just be cost and convenience issue.

              My gosh, how did you end up in the Midwest with family in LA? My "Greater Family" is in LA. My Great Grandmother settled in Pasadena back in the days when people had tons of kids. I'm very happy to be from the branch of the family that left the city. My Spouse's family is based in Billings and LA as Mormons both in the Church and outside it. So it's odd within our own marriage that our families are moving both away and toward a city I know from nearly 50 years of family visits. From here on the west coast it's easy and cheap to get down there, but that's not the case with east-west flights.


                Just found out

                I would just come right out with it and ask why you haven't been invited...maybe there is confusion on either side....perhaps they think you wouldn't want to travel, can't afford it etc.
                Ask, then you will have more of an idea of how to respond.
                Wishing you well.

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  Just found out

                  You could approach this two ways. Maybe you want to find out why you weren't invited. If they don't want you around because of your drinking then so be it. We all make our beds...

                  I agree with Brittzak. You can either get loaded or take the high road and invite some friends over that also may be alone and have a wonderful time. Then call your family (sober, of course) and wish them a Merry Christmas and let THEM know what a great time you are having!

                  If this is tough love, it's pretty tough.

                  Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                    Just found out

                    Oh hun, i'm soo sorry. I really do hope there has been a mistake somewhere, or crossed lines.
                    I hope you're doing well with your drinking. Keep moving on hun, keep sober and prove to yourself and EVERYONE that you can kick this and change.


                      Just found out

                      Rachael like I said on my last email, a lot can happen. We would love to buy you a ticket and have you fly out, but we also want a AF Rachael.


                        Just found out

                        angeleyes;475538 wrote: So were you invited and just cannot afford to go? Or were you just not invited? Either way, to leave you on your own at Christmas sounds pretty heartless, and I am very sorry to hear that. There is not much to say that is going to make you feel much better, except that we are all here for you whenever you need to talk. Thinking of you.
                        I wasn't invited. I can't afford to, but I wasn't invited.
                        It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                          Just found out

                ;475655 wrote: Vegas is a $50 flight and alternatively 5 hour drive from LA. Please consider this may just be cost and convenience issue.

                          My gosh, how did you end up in the Midwest with family in LA? My "Greater Family" is in LA. My Great Grandmother settled in Pasadena back in the days when people had tons of kids. I'm very happy to be from the branch of the family that left the city. My Spouse's family is based in Billings and LA as Mormons both in the Church and outside it. So it's odd within our own marriage that our families are moving both away and toward a city I know from nearly 50 years of family visits. From here on the west coast it's easy and cheap to get down there, but that's not the case with east-west flights.
                          We began in the midwest. My sisters moved out West.
                          It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                            Just found out

                            AMELIA;475660 wrote: I would just come right out with it and ask why you haven't been invited...maybe there is confusion on either side....perhaps they think you wouldn't want to travel, can't afford it etc.
                            Ask, then you will have more of an idea of how to respond.
                            Wishing you well.
                            I love to travel and they know this. There's no confusion, they just don't want a drunk.
                            It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                              Just found out

                              copper;476750 wrote: Rachael like I said on my last email, a lot can happen. We would love to buy you a ticket and have you fly out, but we also want a AF Rachael.
                              So instead of letting me know this I find out from my sister and only becasue I happened to ask what she and V were doing for Christmas... I don't want to go where I am not wanted anyway.
                              It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.

