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    ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

    Good God! Might I suggest that everyone STOP WATCHING THE NEWS??? I just watched stories on people giving up their pets because they can't afford to keep them, dying soldiers in Iraq and an 11 year old boy who set up a food drive for the homeless before he died. AAARRRRGGHHHHHH!!!! Is it any wonder that we drink??????? That's it for me - I'm back to sticking my head in the sand!

    Anywhoo - day 17 here. The sun is out, and it's supposed to start warming up a little (to 40 degrees:H)!! Guess I'll get my lazy butt outside and clean the pond filter.

    Hope everyone is well and meets their goals for the day!

    ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

    All of a sudden everything is enormous. I have family coming in on Tuesday, and I STILL have not taken in all the lawn furniture and the back yard is a mess of leaves. We have to do an uber trip to the grocery store. Because of our diets we don't stock sugar and rarely use flour. My MIL is diabetic, my mother is wheat free, and my SIL says the kids need all-natural foods. So everything from scratch. Ack.


      ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

      Unfortunately I am starting back at day 1, after going 12 days AF (the longest I've gone since joining this site) want to cry but I won't and I am not going to give up and I'm not going to not count the past absolutely awesome 12 days AF. I will kick this thing in the butt, I won't let it win. So here is to a great AF day.



        ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

        dingy, you're getting up to 40 out? It's sunny but not getting much above 30 here. I agree with the news, I can't take it anymore.

        boss, I'm getting overwhelmed, too. Still haven't finished yardwork and it's so late in the season for this. I can't seem to get caught up, I know how you feel. I have to go food shopping today and I think it's going to be two carts. You have my sympathy with the everything from scratch. That is a huge amount of work!

        twosox, it's ok. I've been there. 12 days is fantastic and no one or nothing can take that away from you. I love your spirit! You're awesome.

        Just signed on here a few minutes ago and my emotions have already run from crying to overwhelmingly warm. Whew.

        Take care,
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

          Well, gee. Don't we all just love holiday stress. Am I the only one with the good fortune to be on vacation safely tucked under the wings of those who care deeply about me? I am truly feeling so fortunate. Really, really grateful. And sober. And not tempted. Whew!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

            Day 7 AF...feel good emotionally, like crap physically.

            I hope you all have a great day

            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

              Hi all ODATers
              I am still feeling like a disgusting, infected, mucous factory and I have to work tonight. Ugh. Oh well. I am 20 days AF. My longest stretch since July/August, so am feeling good about that. I would probably be much sicker if I had been using AL. This thing has been hanging on for 5 days now, so think I need an antibiotic. I so hate taking those. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. Housework, football, nap and work for me. No AL involved.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

                hi ding and the rest when i stopped i had to stop reading the news,too,it was driving me nuts,the more i read the more depressed i got which led to i no how rid my self of the pain,self medicate,not a good idea you folks are doin great congrats on your sobriety gyco


                  ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

                  Hi seacaillin, I'm getting some relief with oil of oregano. at least I can breath better. tomorrow, I'm going away for a week as my daughter-in-law is coming back for 5 days. We , grandson and me, had another "sleepover" which means he sleeps and I don't but I love it anyhow. He's now on children's tylenol because I didn't know want else to do for him. His dad's been passed out most of the day. Finally, he roused himself telling ME what a bad cold he has and I tried to talk to him a little about what other problems he has going on. Big mistake. He became really angry even swearing at me in front of the kid. I just shut my mouth and backed off. I guess he knew that I opened the door to the back room, looking for an air filter that I had lent him and saw a pile of hundreds of beer cans. So, now I do know what's going on besides the cold. DH is in freeze mode in front of his TV. I am feeling really lonely and sad. He wouldn't allow the child to stay with me tonight: not even for dinner. There's nothing that I can do. I'm thankful that I can come here. Again, bless you guys, xxx g.


                    ONE DAT AT A TIME Sunday

                    Aw man Gelgit, that sounds just awful! I wish I had some words of wisdom, or just something vaguely helpful to say, but I'm at a loss. Just know that we're here and willing to listen!

