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ODAT - Monday...

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    ODAT - Monday...

    Didn't really think I should be posting (esp. the First!), since the last two days have been Drinking! After 4+ days AF. I guess I'm still figuring out what I want to do... Not clear yet.

    I AM seeing a sort of pattern: Go 4-5 days AF, then binge.

    Guess it's better than drinking every day??

    I NEED A JOB!! That would help things in a Lot of ways... Doesn't look good.

    "Slept in" until 6:30!! That's the Only good thing about drinking: At least I don't wake up at 4:30 AM!

    OK, guys... Take it awwwwaaaaaayyyyyyy!

    And Have a Good Day!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Monday...

    Hi Savon and all to come

    Many people have had the same experience as you Savon. My sticking point is around 13/14 days. Another member went through the 5 day thing and after many, many attemps finally got over it and went on to do 60+ days so hang in there. All any of us can do is keep trying. The alternative is to drink every day and thats not something I want to go back to!!

    Horrible, horrible day here, wet with thunder and lightning. Had a walk so delighted with that. Going to be AF today and for the rest of the week.

    Have a great week everyone.



      ODAT - Monday...

      Hi ODATers

      Savon - as so many have said to me on here - be proud of what you have achieved!! As you say anything has to be better than drinking every day, baby steps are what it is all about. Give yourself a break and stick at it. Best of luck on the job front as well, it's tough at the moment. I have the opposite problem to your sleeping issues if I drink I wake up about 3am and then can't get back to sleep and just worry and fret about really silly things.

      Hope all you ODATs have a good Monday and keep chasing those goals!



        ODAT - Monday...

        YEa thta 4/5 day thing was brutal. I'm only on day 9 so not an expert but keep working on the plan. Maybe a change for day 4-6 will help you.


          ODAT - Monday...

          I seem to do the 4-5 day thing too. Yesterday was Grey Cup here (Canadian Football League) so it's generally quite the party. My BF and I were the host (as per usual) so I drank my fair share of beer. I didn't get slottered like I would have in the past - I was busy getting food organized and tidying up etc.......but I think I'm ready for some AF time now. So I'm with Rustop - today and this week is for sure AF (should be really easy actually, I have nothing going on this week at all for once which is soooooooooo nice)......My doctor gave me something to help me sleep as well so I'm hoping to have a very restful, AF evening.

          I'll check in tomorrow - hope everyone has a great day!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Monday...

            I went 12 days the longest I have gone so far and slipped on Saturday, but I'm starting day 2 AF and I plan to stay that way this week to. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, can't wait for some turkey!!

            Twosox :l


              ODAT - Monday...

              Good morning. Day 18 here. It's funny, I can actually go days or weeks without drinking and I really don't get cravings all that much. My problem has always been going through periods where I can't stop once I get started. And I mean, I will guzzle anything to the point of blackout and pure craziness. Thing is, I can also moderate for a good long amount of time. I don't know, I really don't understand it.

              Anywhoo, I am determined to make the 30 days; after that, who knows?? I think I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


                ODAT - Monday...

                Hi ODATers!

                I'm with you, AF today. I have a lot of work to do and we're having Thanksgiving here so I have to get ready for that. I've decided not to drink on Thanksgiving. Others will but I have a relative who overdoes it and it gets uncomfortable. Normally I would drink wine to ignore it but this year I'm going to focus on my older relatives and my kids and ignore him sober. Besides, I feel better when I'm AF, simple as that!

                Good luck with your goals and your Monday!
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  ODAT - Monday...

                  Hello All ODATers
                  Hang in there Savvy. I did a few stints of making it 5 days and then falling back. I am finally doing better. Day 21; the longest I have gone since last August. I am still sick as a dog, so no desire to drink at all. Heading to see my doc; been sick for 6 days, missed 2 nights at work so far. What really sux is being sick and also having to worry about your damn job.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ODAT - Monday...

                    Day #2

                    Okay, I'm back to day 2, had 3 beers Sat. but am fine! Nothing drastic. Should be easy to stay on the wagon till Thursday since I have a lot of cooking to do. Mostly sides....sausage stuffing from scratch, candied sweet potatoes, stuffed artichokes and mushrooms etc....Us Italians tend to go overboard with food!

                    I gotta be honest, every year my Aunt buys me a bottle of Santa Margarita Pino Grigio so I know I will drink wine on Thursday, but I also know that I will not over do it! (meaning I won't start downing the vodka after the wine is gone) I want to remember this year! I don't want to be the "close talker" babblling about who knows what. I bought some Thanksgiving crafts to do with all the kids, there gonna love them.

                    I am just proud of myself for staying away from the booze this weekend....I plan to never drink vodka again. It's the devil!!!!!

                    "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                    "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                      ODAT - Monday...

                      Happy Monday all! Just a quick one before I run out the door. Holidays can be tough; just try not to be the turkey.

                      Savon...... That's great your recognise your pattern! Progress! Now that you have, what can you do to change it so that you don't fall into the same trap? Anything you can do differently? Can you pinpoint things that happen in that time frame that get you off track?

                      Have a good one ODATers!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Monday...

                        Day 2 for me after a v. drunk night on Saturday. I too seem to have a problem after about 3-4-5 days......Today I feel disgusted and sad that I did not quit when I should have but glad that I did not make a total A$$ of myself.
                        :new: Jas56


                          ODAT - Monday...

                          I agree with greene, to be able to recognize the pattern is progress. This weekend, when I was having cravings I just took kudzu and asked myself why do I really want to drink since there's no reason to drink. The only reason I could come with was boredom so I practiced yoga and went on to do my chores and before I could thinking about drinking again, it was Sunday night; time to get ready for my favorite show and go to bed after that. Nothing to drink, thank God. Hang in there everyone and be present.

                          This is part of a course I'm taking online called "Achieving your goals" by Peggy McColl

                          "Lesson #1 - Awareness is Key: The Starting Point To All Creation

                          Be aware of your creative power, as you are a creative being.

                          Be aware of your choices, because they do affect your results.

                          Be aware of your conscious thoughts, as they are just like seeds that you plant in the ground. They are the starting point to all things.

                          Be aware of opportunities, because they are everywhere.

                          Be aware of your beliefs, because they will determine what you are willing to look at and what you will refuse to look at"
                          :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                          ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                            ODAT - Monday...

                            I agree Jamms, vodka is the devil in a bottle. No more vodka for me either
                            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                              ODAT - Monday...

                              Hi ODATers, i got to day 7 then had two glaases of wine but didnt hve anymore after that and will not want or need to drink gain til friday! i do look forward o it though so perhaps thats bad!!! I am listening to a cd called ' the drinkless mind, by georgina foster, its very good and as well as my supps and the mwo cd,s something is working as i usually want and need wine every night> feels so good to be in control. we will get to where we want to be with the help of each other. Sav you must get a job soooon, anything wil do dont worry about it being beneath your skill level at the moment, get some structure back, control the demon and then you can further your career with confidence> sleep well everyone KW, just keep telling youself i am such a deep sleeper and your sub conscience mind will start to believe it and hey ho you will need an alarm clock! KW
                              Keeps x:happyheart:

