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had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

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    had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

    O dear i was doing so well, got through the working week, then friday and saturday night yippee!!! then last night my neighbour popped in with a bottle of wine to tell me all about her cousins wedding!. I didnt like saying 'no' as we often share wine together but i have never told her i think i drink too much!! anyway i had one glass then two and left her to drink the rest of the bottle, in normal times i would have opened another but i told her i had a busy day today and would have to call it night, she was ok about it. After she had gone i wasnt even tempted to drink more, i made a cup of hot choc and took it to bed. I dont feel like ive failed as i am doing this programme to moderate but did want to do 30 days AF first! I am beating myself up to-day but also proud that i could stop at two, i wont have any more now til friday as i am trying to just enjoy wine at weekend. I have upped my kudzu this morning so am hoping will get through the week, what do you all think, am i doing ok?????????

    Keeps x:happyheart:

    had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

    Hiya KW. Are you doing ok. well only you can answer that really...if you want to do 30 days and then dont make it....
    I am not being harsh but you know how much of a hold alcohol has on you and sometimes doing that 30 days shows up that fact. For me I have tried moderating for years and it doesnt work. But thats just me and it does work for others. The fact that you say you are HOPING to get through suggests that maybe you are struggling more than you let on?
    Have you read the book? that talks about moderating in the sense that you dont really think about alcohol any more, that you can take it or leave it. Is that you?
    Just something to think about.
    Keep posting, I find that really helps.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

      Good response from Starting. It's good that you didn't drink more than you did. And it's also true that you caved on your commitment to be AF. Not a disaster, but something to give some serious attention to! It's always important to look at the thinking that goes into a decision to drink.

      I think that if you start out on a commitment to do 30 days AF with the idea in the back of your mind that drinking again will be a good thing, sort of a reward at the end (and I think that most of those whose initial goal is moderation have that sort of idea), then you will have a harder time being serious about your AF commitment, and being serious about the alcohol problem that brought you here in the first place. So, you might want to think about your relationship with alcohol and your feelings about its role in your life.

      Another thought is this: If you are ultimately going to be successful at moderate drinking, you will have to have establish ways to deal with unexpected friends with bottles of wine, and ways to tell people, sometimes, that you are not drinking.

      Keep posting! Keep working on your plan, and let us know how you are doing!



        had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

        I think the best thing I learned from this board is jus t use the excuse that your stomach isn't feeling well and you havn't eaten all day. Then the friend would understand. I have tuesday through Sunday off, normally I would drink every night. I am the excuse of I have the stomach flu all this week except for thanksgiving-- my excuse then is I want to save my calories for the yummy food. Don't beat yourself up-- start over. Learn from the experience. Happy T Day



          had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

          thanks for all the great advice, i am so pleased i am not even thinking about a drink tonight especially after having a glass last night. i have upped the kudzu so that may be helping? am still on track but a long way from not even thinking about A, i think it must occupy lots of peoples thinking even absatiners???? or am i just naieve! will keep posting couldnt wait to login, KW
          Keeps x:happyheart:


            had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

            KW, I think it's fair to say that, over time, people who stick with an AF program think about alcohol a LOT less. Successful "mods" people probably do, too. It's those who are more in-between, or "struggling," who really seem to continue to think about it a lot, I would say.

            Anyhow, glad you are here and working hard on this! It's worth it!



              had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

              Hiya KW, keep that positve attitude going and it will help you loads. I used to think of al almost every minute of every day or so it seemed. That is definitely not the case now, in fact I rarely think of it in terms of actually having a drink. Sometimes when times are hard in other areas of my life, but I know that its just a thought. It passes.
              It gets better and confidence will increase.
              Wip is right, its SO worth it.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

                Hi Kw, I wasn't even aware thath you could up the Kudzu. I have been taking it for a week but didn't feel a reduction in my cravings. So KW and everyone else, how much Kudzu can I take daily, as I am beginning to give-up on this drug, since I have continued to have masive cravings. I'm starting to drink really heavily again.


                  had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

                  sorry everyone for spelling mistakes re massive and that- alcohol starting to kick- in


                    had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

                    Hi H1D, according to the sheet you can take 300mg 3 times a day o(minimum) i.e. 900mg and up to 3000mg (maximum) I am no expert but i have gone up to 1200mg a day and so far no cravings! how much are you taking at the moment - KW
                    Keeps x:happyheart:


                      had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

                      Hi hopefully, I take 600mg of good quality kudzu twice a day. I get my kudzu from this site as I have heard that a lot of it is not such good quality. It really does help me. I also take lglutamine 2000mg twice a day.
                      It is not a magic solution, but it certainly does keep my cravings at bay.
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

                        Looks like we are on the same dose KW. Do you get yours from here?
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

                          Hi Keepwalking, I'm taking Kudzu 500mg twice a day and milk thistle 175 mg twice a day, but do not feel any different, so when I finished a particularly stressful day at work, have "hit the bottle"
                          But maybe it did work cause the cravings are increased today, either because of streaaful day or because I didn't take Kudzu today.


                            had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

                            Thanks SO, i ordered mine from this site as part of the starter pack, somethings definately making a difference? i almost feel high on the fact that i feel strong! be behind me satan! KW
                            Keeps x:happyheart:


                              had wine on day 7!!!!!!!!!

                              I think its great. But Hopefully you gotta remember to take it!!! Every day buddy!
                              For your stress, try to find another outlet. Do you exercise at all?
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

