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Newbie in Canada

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    Newbie in Canada

    I don't know how I got to be here but I'm glad this site exists. I came to the realization yesterday morning that the problem I've don't have is in fact a big problem.
    I've been a drinker for most of my adult life and for the past several months my consumption has been increasing, I've been hiding my drinking from my wife - she knew anyway and has mentioned her concern on more than a few occasions - and I seem to be getting increasingly depressed. My Dad (a heavy drinker at various stages during his life)died just before Xmas last year and that seems to be when my drinking increased.
    I find myself looking forward to having a drink or three or five right after supper every night. Saturday night I don't know exactly how much wine I had but I was near the falling down drunk stage. It didn't seem like a big deal to me but my wife was not impressed! Yesterday morning when I got up I knew I had to do something.
    I didn't have a drink yesterday and don't intend to have one today. Or tomorrow. Or ever again but I know how tough this is going to be.
    I see from reading several other posts that the beast - and I agree, it is a beast - can be tempting and often people suffer a relapse. I'm already watching out for day 4. Its great to see the support and encouragement folks offer, I know I'm going to need it.
    I'm fortunate in that I have a supportive wife. I hope that I'd be as supportive were the roles reversed. I haven't yet told her about this site but I know she'd be pleased I'm doing something.
    I know this is American Thanksgiving this week and I'm wondering how members are planning to handle the increased temptation. I'll be dealing with lots of temptation at Xmas as I'll be together with family plus have the anniversary of my Dad's passing. Any suggestions would be welcome!

    The Ten Most Important Two letter Words in the English Language.....If it is to be, it is up to me.

    If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me

    Newbie in Canada

    Hey Habs, I am new too!

    I just read your post and I wanted to let you know that I share your woes re. grief really setting things off. Also, my partner's concern has been similar to those of your wife's as of late.

    Best wishes!


      Newbie in Canada

      Hello Habs - I am also Canadian and v. new to this site. I totally understand the grief process as well as the increased temptation around Holidays. Both DH and I have a problem and lately it has increased......mine is worse I fear. No advice but I just wanted you to know that I understand and today is Day 2 for me - hope to go at least a week or more.......
      :new: Jas56


        Newbie in Canada

        :welcome: Habsfan- Yes, you are very forunate to have a spouse that is supportive. I understand (as many here do) how hard it is to deal with a passsing. My condolensces to you. My dad died on July 4th 3 years ago. It sucks.

        Have you thought about seeing someone to address your depression?

        Congratulations on seeking help and realizing you have a problem!

        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


          Newbie in Canada

          Welcome Habsfan!
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            Newbie in Canada

            Welcome Habsfan! I'm pretty new here too! This alcohol obsession we have is horrible! But I intend to start doing something about it. This is a fantastic site and I feel blessed to have found it. There are some really great people on here and I look forward to getting to know you better.


              Newbie in Canada

              Welcome ~ so glad you're here! This place is awesome, and best of all, IT WORKS!!!
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                Newbie in Canada

                welcome habs and gypsyT, stay close to this site, it helps! i really wish we could all get an answer to why some of us have a beast within and some dont. why is it so hard to give it up when you really want to do it and you know you feel so bad when you go over the top! im learning so lets all compare notes, it really helps, stay strong all, KW
                Keeps x:happyheart:


                  Newbie in Canada

                  one2many;476799 wrote: Hi Habsfan,

                  I am going to bump up the toolbox thread for you, some helpful stuff in there about getting thru the holidays etc....

                  And Welcome!
                  Where IS that toolbox thread? I keep looking for it every time someone says they will bump it up. :thanks:
                  vegan zombies want your grains


                    Newbie in Canada

                    Welcome Habsfan!

                    I'm glad you're here, too. I'm a wine drinker and I understand the grip it has. I read the My Way Out book and have been following the program. The supplements help me tremendously, we have created a body and brain chemical imbalance due to our excessive drinking.

                    Yes, the holidays are hard. I've decided to not drink on Thanksgiving. No need to add to the drama.

                    Take care,
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      Newbie in Canada

                      Habsfan;476677 wrote: I don't know how I got to be here but I'm glad this site exists. '
                      The Ten Most Important Two letter Words in the English Language.....If it is to be, it is up to me.
                      You have already abswered most of your questions!

                      I wish i could quote those 10 important words and live by them.
                      this site is great - we are not alone.

