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Do I have a problem?

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    Do I have a problem?

    I just wanted some input as I find myself asking if I have a drinking problem or just like to get screwed up on my weekends.

    I go all week drink free but the weekend hits and I will drink about a half bottle of Vodka each night. I may do it 3 times at times. I don't feel a great pull to drink on my work days but find myself asking if this is a problem.

    I have been doing this for years and I am in the mid 40 area of life. The amount has increased the last few years and I must admit at times I feel like shit the next day from it. I have a CDL so I never drink and drive as I it would cost me a good job, but I seem to drink at home more and alone if the wife is out. I also find I hide it from my wife if I go over a bit.

    I just wounder what it would be like to give it up and if it holds me back on other things in life. And what it would be like without it in my life? Would love some input.

    Do I have a problem?

    Sounds to me like you should go AF (alcohol free) for 30 days and see. :welcome:
    I have drinking days every week also, I think it is a problem. Drinking alone and "in the closet" is a problem.
    Lucky for you you found us!:goodjob:
    Keep reading and posting. We are all in the same boat! Ha ha, get it!
    Good luck and welcome!:l

    "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

    "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


      Do I have a problem?

      hi BB, are you new here? i joined in october so am no expert but would want to ask you if you have read the MWO book, you can download from here, the programme is worth following just to help you understand your relationship with alchohol???? I am sure you will get better advice on here than this as there are some reaaly wise folk! welcome BB, you wouldnt have logged in if you didnt know deep down that the vodka is becoming a problem!
      Keeps x:happyheart:


        Do I have a problem?

        A question of many answers. Of course that also depends on the size of a "half bottle". I'm assuming you are in the UK and the size of a vodka bottle is a pint. Here in the US, a bottle can be a pint or 1.6 Liter. If I ever drank a half-bottle of my vodka that would be 25 drinks, not good for one session.

        Liquor is usually counted as 1.25 oz of 80 proof booze per drink. So a half pint of vodka equates to six drinks. If you say you drink 12-18 drinks per week; that is considered higher than normal, but not any sort of emergency. You recall that some medical people recommend 7 drinks a week, one per day.

        Another judge of whether you need help is whether you "Need" the drinks, or whether it is casual. If you can freely forgo or forget your drinks on a weekend, because maybe you have an activity, then that shows no need for change. Alternatively if you start craving your Friday drink on Wednesday, and comment on others about how good it will taste, that's probably a sign that your body has become dependent and you should be wary.

        What I would personally most recommend is to engage in more outside activities, and so when the wife is out, so are you. That way, you aren't as tempted and if you are not dependent then your drinking will naturally decrease. I.e. if you are drinking out of boredom, eliminate the boredom. If you find yourself still coming home and sucking down the booze, then it's a real sign you need to engage in supps and some effort to change how your body is reacting to it.

        I'm sure others will chime in.


          Do I have a problem?

          If you feel like 'shit' the next day ... there is a problem. :welcome:


            Do I have a problem?

            I am in the US and it is a the full bottle, I call it a 5th.

            I gess I just wounder if I would be a better me without it? I know in time it could hurt my health and I need to loose about 30 pound and it holds me back I think. So I ask myself at times, why don't I just let it go?

            I think some of it is bordum and this may sound stupid but it is almost like a buddy. Dose this make sense to anyone out there? Most the people I hang with are drinkers.

            I know this may look confusing and it is I gess.


              Do I have a problem?

              BB, to me a good gauge would be to ask yourself - after you have a drink or two, can you walk away and leave it alone? Or, do you almost always want more?

              That was my problem. I too was a weekend vodka drinker, and before I journeyed into sobriety I was constantly telling myself I am only going to have a couple and then I'll stop. But it almost never happened.... Once I got the alcohol into my body I craved more and it would be all that I could think about. I would then awake the next day remorseful, vowing to never do that again (of course I did).

              Not the way that normal people go about their drinking, is it? Only you can decide if you truly have a problem but if you look deep inside I think you will find the answer.

              Edit: Nope - not confusing at all as we are all in the same boat. I've felt in the past that it is my buddy too. It helped me forget about all the stuff going on in my life. I always knew what to expect and could control the situation. I was a 1-2 pint Gordon's Vodka drinker; always drank the same brand, in the same size bottle, the same way. Believe me, I know what you mean!
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                Do I have a problem?

                Hiya BB and welcome!
                The fact you are drinking more and beginning to hide it rings alarm bells to me. Plus drinking half a bottle of vodka a night is a lot really. Even though its not every night, it does seem like you have some dependence on it.
                You can bet your bottom dollar that its holding you back in your life, it will have a cumalative effect on your body and your mind, thats what addiction does, and it progresses.
                For me, giving up drinking has been a lifesaver. It isnt easy, but I have my life back and its a good one, better than ever. It takes work and it takes planning but it sounds like you are ready?
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Do I have a problem?

                  Oh yes, I can totally relate to the boredom factor. Drinking was an easy escape from trying to think of something productive to do. I thought alcohol was my friend and helped me out of difficult situations and emotions. But it didnt, it made things worse and robbed me of my emotions.
                  The reason you dont let go is because its not so easy with an addiction. You know its not helping but you dont know how to stop.
                  I think it would be good for you to make a plan and start with 30 days alcohol free. Then take it from there. There is lots of help here and you wont be alone
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Do I have a problem?

                    Hi Big Boat,

                    I think if you're posting here, you feel there is a problem. You probably know within you what the true answer is. I'm 47 and this stuff catches up with us. We're not in our 20's anymore. Our bodies can only take so much. I'll never forget what a friend told me years ago. One drink of alcohol, a regular sized drink, is like taking a pill which causes depression. One drink, one pill.

                    Read some of the posts, get to know the site. I'm glad you're here! Your posts are fine, not confusing at all. We've all been in the same, or similar "boats"!

                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      Do I have a problem?

                      Do I just not understand what it feels like to have these symptoms of needing a drink to wanting a drink? I think this is why I am confused on this part. I do like to get screwed up on the weekend 2 times. So do I need to get messed up or want to.


                        Do I have a problem?

                        Can you go a weekend without doing it? If so, what would you do? Are you missing out on other things? Do you put things off to drink? I'm just playing devil's advocate here.
                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          Do I have a problem?

                          i have a problem

                          hi i am new to this site, but really feel i need some help and guidance, i am a thirty year old mother to two wonderful children and have a good husband, all that anyone could want for, however my life has been sprinkled with episodes of where drink has made me feel awful and act in an embarassing way. reflecting over my relationship with drink i now see that i am a true binge drinker and for me a nite out involves getting wasted rather than a few sociable drinks. i notice that alot of my friends have outgrown this getting loaded stage, yet each nite out for me is alot of alcohol followed by memory loss and a whole series of guilt and shame the next day?? on a few ocassions (especially when accompanied by my husband) i have managed to go out and come home in not too bad a state? really would like to be able to go out for a few drinks have a laugh. not sure how to do this, almost every nite before i go out i tell myself to take it easy tonite, however that never happens? really getting me down, i also have low self esteem and often get nervous and a little anxious in social settings, would love any advice or help you can offer?


                            Do I have a problem?

                            Hi Spacey!

                            Welcome to the site. I think it would be best for you to "introduce" yourself to everyone by starting a new thread on this Starting Out section. You'll get more input and have more visibility that way.

                            Yes, it sounds like you need to take some control of your drinking. I strongly recommend reading the My Way Out Book. It's downloadable from this site. Keep reading, keep posting. We're here for you.

                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              Do I have a problem?

                              Welcome Spacey,
                              I agree with becomingmeatlast. You should create your own post and introduce yourself to everyone. Everyone here is very supportive and knows what you are going through. Although not everyone's story is the same, you'll find an awful lot of parallels. It really helps to know you aren't alone. It could help with your self esteem too. Not only do you have three wonderful kids and a husband who loves you to do this for, but you've got yourself and you need you and much as they need you. So, make a new post, ok?
                              It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.

