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My husband never says anything...until now

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    My husband never says anything...until now

    My husband asked if I had read the email he sent. Thought I would share. All along I thought he hadn't noticed how much I was drinking or did and didn't say anything. He obviously noticed. Thought I would share....

    Do you have feelings of inadequacy, suffer from shyness, do you wish you were more assertive?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Chardonnay.
    Chardonnay is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Chardonnay can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Chardonnay almost immediately and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live.

    Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will discover many talents you never knew you had.Stop hiding and start living, with Chardonnay.

    Chardonnay may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Chardonnay. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

    Side effects may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, erotic lustfulness, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, loss of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night rounds of Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and Naked Twister.

    * The consumption of Chardonnay may make you think you are
    whispering when you are not.
    * The consumption of Chardonnay may cause you to
    tell your friends over and over again that you love them.
    * The consumption= of Chardonnay may cause you to think you can sing.
    * The consumption of Chardonnay may lead you to believe that ex-lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at four in the morning.
    * The consumption of Chardonnay maymake you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sexwithout spitting.
    * The consumption of Chardonnay may create the illusion
    that you are tougher, smarter, faster and better looking than most

    Isn't it time you asked YOUR doctor about Chardonnay?=

    Traveling over the river or through the woods this holiday season? Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More! tices. i will share the email with you.

    My husband never says anything...until now

    omg... that is hysterical! gave me the first sincere belly laugh i've had a long while!


      My husband never says anything...until now


      Time to have a heart to heart talk?

      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        My husband never says anything...until now


        Whoa, he sent that to you?? Yikes, if it weren't meant to send a serious message it would be funny! Did he make that up himself? What did you say to him after you read it? I would die of humiliation.
        It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


          My husband never says anything...until now

          OMG. I agree with both the prior posts. It's hysterical AND I would be mortified.

          Now I need to go ask my doctor about chardonnay...


            My husband never says anything...until now

            This e-mail has been circulating for a couple of years now. I hope you do not think he wrote that to you? I think it is funny.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              My husband never says anything...until now

              It was sent to him by his brother whose wife is the one I talk about my "problem" she has the same trouble. My husband ,knowing him, had a double meaning in sending it to me. Thought it was funny but also thought it "applied"
              I think he knows I have been on this site but I think he doesn't want me to stop drinking because we have fun together when we do drink.(he does not have a problem)


                My husband never says anything...until now

                publish!publish! publish!!!!


                  My husband never says anything...until now

                  Formenow - If it's not you then I am the poster girl for that ad.....I do sing better, dance better, play strip twister, swear old flames are waiting to scoop me up, and have many other talents on Chardonnay.

                  Someone told me I am a cat whose 9 lives are just about up....I actually got hit by a car at a bachelorette party last year crossing the street (and I am almost 40) flew onto windshield & rolled onto pavement. Got up and walked to paramedics. Paramedics said the pickling from the wine kept me limber and also alive or I would be dead or in a wheel chair. Had a swollen knee for 1-1/2 weeks and now good as new. Did it make stop drinking - sadly no.

                  I have chosen to hang up my Chardonnay slippers - but those stories those slippers can tell....many comical....many pathetic.....many just blurry....

                  that is a classic letter
                  "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


                    My husband never says anything...until now

                    I like your husband's approach, keeping it lighthearted. If you lose your sense of humor then things just get dreadful. I too have received this email, many times, but it was always sent to a group of friends and I was one of many in the group.
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson


                      My husband never says anything...until now

                      WOW! That is really funny. I would be mortified, just like the others. My husband isn't so 'politically correct' - he just comes out and says "YOU NEED TO STOP DRINKING!!!" There is a lot of thought and feeling put into that message. WOW was my first several minute reaction..... WOW.


                        My husband never says anything...until now

                        Those SLIPPERS are sooo last year.I sent mine to Goodwill.
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          My husband never says anything...until now

                          I agree - those slippers don't fit my feet or go with my new lifestyle anymore. I feel confident I won't be buying a new pair....
                          "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


                            My husband never says anything...until now


                            Just so you know I can confirm ALL of the side effects of Chardonnay--except the naked twister. I am sure there is some other equally embarrassing thing I did in its place. Just can't remember!


                              My husband never says anything...until now

                              Yeah, Chardonnay. Used to be my best friend. Now I just think she's a bitch.
                              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

