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I feel like I can't post

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    I feel like I can't post

    bc i'm still drinking....I want to stop and can't....if i compare last year to this year yes this year i am doing great moderating more but I really think I need to stop

    I feel like I can't post

    Hi Mya

    Of course you can post.

    Sounds like you are on this merry go-round of improving but sliding back. Maybe what you should do is give us some more details about what you are going through, what worked for you and what hasn't, what your current alcohol volume is.

    I bet someone out there will relate and maybe offer you some more personal advice that could help.

    It's great that you have already made positive changes.



      I feel like I can't post

      I feel the same way somtimes. I don't want to post if I'm drinking, but that's when you/I need help the most. Stick with us :l
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        I feel like I can't post

        Hi hun,
        I ALSO feel the same way. I reply to people and give them words of strength and even advice yet i slip up A LOT, like last night, i drank a bottle of wine =(
        Anyway, i'm starting today again... Day 1. Want to join me?
        Please post, we all need each other, no matter what!


          I feel like I can't post

          Hey Mya,
          akgirl is right, its when we're drinking that we need help the most, so definitely keep posting.
          Im forever slipping up, but like lil.michelle said - today is Day 1 for me too, so lets all try for it, ok?
          Take Care
          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


            I feel like I can't post

            Hey there mya - God! If anyone knows the rollercoaster of drinking/recovering it is moi! I get 6 months up, then whammo! Drunk! 28 days, whammo! Again DRUNK...most recently, 7 weeks...then wooohooo! Drunk again. Well I have 10 days clean and sober today, and on reflection I find that nearly always I have stuffed up my sobriety after experiencing emotional upset. Today I STOP! or pause when I feel agitated or hurt, talk to someone else who is lilke me, or hop online, and try and ride it out. Breaking down the moments of anxiety and turmoil, breathing slowly and deeply. Basically I need to do WHATEVER it takes to not start drinking again, because there is soooo much damage to repair - just like cleaning up after a storm....but I reckon you should never stop posting on this site, drunk or sober.
            ***Don't give in before the miracle happens*** Bless
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              I feel like I can't post

              Hi Mya, don't ever stop posting, that is what I used to do, then I would go right back to my old ways. I slipped after going 12 days this past Saturday, but I go on here Sunday and got the support I needed to get back up and start again, on day 3 today. You can do it, just don't give up!



                I feel like I can't post

                This is when you need us the MOST and when we truly need you.I know that I am only one drink from a DRUNK.I am grateful that others are near to remind us all of how venerable we all are.If I can stop, I KNOW YOU CAN AND WILL..
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  I feel like I can't post

                  I feel your pain. I could not stop drinking without going to the hospital. My detox was terrible and I had to have meds to get through it safely. It is up to you to take that first step and get whatever help you need. I take in all the help that I can get: MWO program, AA, Spirituality, sober friends, whatever it takes. Like is good AF. We are here for you. Stick around.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    I feel like I can't post

                    Mya, in my opinion this is the time to post and ask for help. There are a lot of great people here who have been through what we are going through and can help. Just never give up.

