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Tables have turned a bit

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    Tables have turned a bit

    I am divorcing my husband. One of our many problems was supposedly my drinking problem. He has no idea I have found "my way out"
    We have remained friends for the sake of our son. On Saturday we took him to Disneyland. I was having a great time alcohol free. HE was the one, going crazy in the long lines dying for a drink, for which we had to exit the park, go to Downtown Disney (and for those of you in So. California know on a Saturday night is a BAD idea) We waited an hour for a seat at a restaurant where we could be served alcohol. Not for me, but for him. Hahahaha.
    I couldn't have cared less. I am loving the new me.
    Something new to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day!

    Tables have turned a bit


    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Tables have turned a bit

      sounds so familiar ... welcome to MWO. :H


        Tables have turned a bit

        Congrats on the new you!

        Sounds like your hubby could benefit fro MWO. Even on a bad day I wouldn't wait that long for a drink.
        I hope you have a great thanksgiving, enjoy it AF
        Welcome to the site. I'm on day 5 and have appreciated the encouragement from many folks who are also dealing with the beast.

        The 10 most important 2 letter words in the Englisk language.....if it is to be, it is up to me.

        I wish you continued success and remember, if you need help, your MWO buddies are here for you.

        If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me


          Tables have turned a bit

          How GREAT!!!!AF life is worth fighting for.We live in FL. so understand Downtown Disney.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Tables have turned a bit

            I'm SOOO proud of you. WAY TO GO!

