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I just joined - don't want another nite like last nite...

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    I just joined - don't want another nite like last nite...

    Heu pic - have NO idea about the topa - my Naltrex was prescirbed by hospital board psychiatrist and I am something of a guinea pig - was quite a rigmarole. Bloody customs...they'd let you in with a case of Jack Daniels.....Hey I shall do a bit of homework and get back to you via this site, hopefully. Stay positive, Bless
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      I just joined - don't want another nite like last nite...

      Thanks to both of you. I've tried Naltrex.... whatever it's called and yes it is a rigmarole and it didn't work. Made me feel really sick for a few days and then I was back to normal. Which is a bad thing in itself -that normal is copious quantities of wine every night.

      Hope it works for you Kaponium. Seems NZ is still way behind the times still - despite the world getting larger.

      I have to find a doc to make the prescription within 30 days or I loose the lot.

      So much for my idea of a dry Xmas.

      But where there is a will there is a way!!!


        I just joined - don't want another nite like last nite...

        Hi P
        You just might have to go Doctor shopping maybe armed with the literature from this site and just try to appeal to the Dr to prescibe it for you or seeing as time is of the essence maybe just ring around every doctor in your locality and see if you get any positive reaction. Either that or pretend you have migraines or epilepsy and see if they will prescribe it that way.


          I just joined - don't want another nite like last nite...

          hi all ,canadian here were not all a sleep like you folks think hahaha,im over it ,not yet my dear,it takes time,but you have found a great site,as som one said there is no guilt here,tht is why yur here,most people dont understand,it will be a long journey,after the storm settles,you mind set will change for the best,but never feel guilty,tiss life,gycol


            I just joined - don't want another nite like last nite...

            hahaha hows the weather there frikkin cold here and its gonna get COLDER hahahha im a northener but not an eskimo hahah


              I just joined - don't want another nite like last nite...

              im curious whats the medical like down under


                I just joined - don't want another nite like last nite...

                Hi Gyco
                It depends where you are from. If you are from somewhere else e.g. Ireland/UK then it is friggin brilliant compared with National Health in UK and Ireland's excuse for a medical/hospital system. On the whole its pretty good really certainly nothing like the weird and expensive system in US - whats it like in Canada?

