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ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

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    ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

    Good morning all, and happy Turkey Day! I had to go ahead and start this because I forgot to post yesterday and wanted to do it now before I got busy. Day 22 here. Yesterday was hard. Boy, did I want a drink. Why, you ask??? Well, I was stuck in the kitchen COOKING of course. Have I ever mentioned that cooking isn't my favorite thing??? What finally stopped it was stuffing my face with a couple of butter biscuits with honey! I'm telling you guys, sugar metabolism is tied into this, at least for me. I've never craved sweets the way I do lately; we snacked on pre-fixin' stuff all night, and I ate a quarter of a pecan pie:egad:. I have vowed that after T-day I am going to address that problem too, maybe up my L-glute to crazy levels or something.

    Also - I had another drinking dream last night. I was at a holiday party, and there was some sort of ritual drinking thing going on where everyone took one sip of a liquer out of the same glass. I took my sip, thinking "It's only a sip
    , does that count?" When I had the last drinking dream, someone (Gelgit, I think) asked me if I tasted the wine. I didn't remember then, but this time I DID taste it. I'm normally not much into dream interpretation, but I sure would like to know what these are telling me! I've never had drinking dreams before!

    Anywhoo - I'm guessing the board will be pretty slow today. I hope everyone has a great day, stuffs their faces (BTW - does this holiday strike anyone else as a bit bizarre? It's turned into pretty much just a day to stuff yourself silly) , and meets their goals!!

    ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!


    Harvest Song - animated Flash ecard by Jacquie Lawson

    Wellll, Ding, dreaming about it is better than DOING it! I'm sure when something's such a big part of your life (like drinking is for all of us), the memory doesn't just go away. I think it's quite normal to dream about it.

    I'm pretty sure I won't be AF today, but... I'll do my best not to OVERDO.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

      Dinngy day 22!!!!!!! your the best what a inspiration!!!!!Happy Turkey day to you !!!!!Guys please explain for us downunder!!!! Im not trying to be a smart arse !!!! excuse my ignorance is that the first meal the pilgrims ate turkey? and that strange rituall of the president letting one off the hook .. relates to something !!!!! Love cap
      PS Savvy if you wont be AF.... you will over do it!!!!!! Grass Hopper you know that you will feel sick and horrible dont do it!!!!!!! do it sober as an experiment and take notes on how you felt....... it is wonderful to read youre thoughts after all the rabble has departed . If not...... just dont drink you wont regret that choice I can assure you!!!!!!
      Love cap dealing with the same crap as you and no saint but determined not to drink this festive season


        ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

        Actually, Capt, I don't think they even had turkey... one account I heard. And that "forgiving" thing just makes the Rest of us feel guilty for eating one...!!

        (PS - I Like my nickname, "Savvy"!! I may have to change my username... which I use on other sites, too.)

        I love your Resolve. I just don't have it right now. I'll do the best I can do...
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

          OK !!!!! Love ya savvy do ya best thats all we can do but personally I have realised my best aint enough I really have to get serious about not drinking... Im an alcoholic I cant play games with that thought and I dont want to die a drunk thats my take on my situation !!!! take care
          Love cap


            ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

            Capt. ya big Thanksgiving Day in the US is a day when people give thanks for the Harvest and express Gratitude in General.
            My daughter's friend brought a 30 pack of beer over last night, and I was a bit disturbed, but I can't ask her not to drink, just because I have a problem. Day 24 today, and I Will Not Cave. Two of my three kids may be drinking today, but the rest of us will not.
            I am very Grateful for:
            My MWO family
            My biological family
            My Home
            Food and most of All another day away from the Evil Beast.
            I love you all and hope you have a great day!!!
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

              Day 24 Yipeeeeeee Sea!!!!!! 6 more and the magical 30 and beyond!!!! your the best sea so much courage and resolve I love ya to bits yea Im a big turkey but you bloody yanks
              Love cap


                ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

                Happy Thanksgiving to all.For those who ain't eating Turkey today ..... I Checked on U Tube but there is no TURKEY SMELLAVISION. Wish I could send the wonderful Smell and Warm Fuzzy feeling to you all.
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

                  Seacailin;478947 wrote: Thanksgiving Day in the US is a day when people give thanks for the Harvest and express Gratitude in General.
                  Don't believe it cap't. It's just a day to make gluttons of ourselves, then lay around like sated ticks wathing TV:H. I tried the "lets all say what we're thankful for" thing at T-day at my in-laws once and everyone just looked at me like I'd lost my mind! Hmmm, I was pretty drunk at the time, maybe I didn't say what I thought I did??????


                    ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

                    You are right dingbat. It is a day when we eat and drink waaaay too much and lay around and watch football. 'Cept for the booze, I'm
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

                      Dingbat I quit smoking July 4 2007 after 34 years and I had smoking dreams for about a year. In my dreams I would smoke and think "Dang, now I have to start over." Or I'd think "Oh, one cig won't hurt." But I was always really relieved when I woke up and realized I hadn't smoked. So far I haven't had any drinking dreams but I'm only 12 days sober.
                      vegan zombies want your grains


                        ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

                        Morning, evening, afternoon, ODAT'ers

                        Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating!

                        dingbat...WOW, congratulations on day 22. That is fantastic! I am sorry you had a bad day battling old AL yesterday. And those drinking dreams...I don't know the meaning but they would freak me out. I know yesterday morning, I woke up feeling hungover, and felt like shit all day, emotionally and physically, and I HADN'T DRANK. I am on day 11 AF, and not sure why I am not feeling happy, elated, proud...I am not

                        savon...I love Jacquie Lawson , and good luck today, if not AF, keep a handle on it! Have a great day!

                        Sea...SUPER job on 24 days! Stay strong today.

                        Capt, Evie, and all else to come I hope you have a wonderful day and meet your goals.

                        I am in Canada, so working today.

                        Day 11 for me today, and I WILL NOT DRINK!
                        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                          ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

                          we were posting at the same time, cyclefan, congratulations on day 12...GOOD JOB!!!
                          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                            ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

                            Happy Thanksgiving ODATers! I'm so happy to see some AF days under some belts along with turkey. :H I'm happy with my tea! Hummm.... well I did have a moment yesterday. I was REALLY upset about something and felt that AL desire. My sister said let's have a cup of tea and go in the woods down by the creek and get some stuff for a centerpiece. (she knows me well) It did the trick. Have a wonderful afternoon (or whatever it is where you are) and take a little quiet time for yourself.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday - Turkey Day!

                              Back from my Thanksgiving thing. I had a couple drinks - just enough to feel... "light"??

                              Then left after I ATE too much. Thought about buying some AL on way home... but Didn't.

                              Sooo. I will consider that a Good day. Looking forward to now vegging out. That tryptophan thing is kicking in...

                              A Good day... even if not totally AF. Tomorrow... will be??

                              Sleep well, friends.
                              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

