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Need Help

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    Need Help

    I don't know what to think of my drinking problem. In college it was acceptable to drink 10+ drinks and act like an idiot. Now I'm out of college and in the real world, and 100% of the problems in my life stem from alcohol. I don't wake up in the morning and crave beer or liqour, but I have trouble controlling the amount I put into my body. Alcohol has strained my relationship with my family and girlfriend, and my job.

    I've gotten two public urination charges, second one I received last night, I urinated right in the middle of the street, I don't even remember doing it.

    I feel like my life is out of control, and has been this way for almost 2-3 years. I can't remember the last time I was happy. I don't feel like doing anything anymore, and nothing interests me.

    It's weird realizing I have a problem for the first time in my life.

    Need Help

    Hi MB
    Sounds like a wake up call to me and isnt it great that you have realised you have a problem at an such early age! The fact that you dont crave AL means that you have a great chance to get rid of it out of your life or take steps to control it. Either way the thing is to assess the overall situation you are in right now and then get a plan together to get control back in your life. This is a great program and you can explore it a bit more by searching the site. You will get lots of support here to help you with your journey.


      Need Help

      Hey MB

      Glad that you realize you've got to make changes because you're alienating your family & girlfriend and putting your job at risk. Coming to MWO is a great step, you'll find lots of people here who know exactly where you are and folks that are willing to help you.
      As someone who suffered from depression some years ago, I suggest you seek medical assistance to determine what is causing the lack of happiness in your life. If you can't remember the last time you were happy, it was too long ago!
      All the best MB26, don't hesitate to ask your MWO freinds for help.

      If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me


        Need Help

        Hi and welcome MB26 - just hang in there - these words sound pretty hollow, but depression is SO real. Also remember that alcohol is a major depressant, and when we abuse it AND do the things we do when drinking, well there'd be something wrong if we weren't bloody depressed! I think we would be called sociopaths!LOL! Getting time away from the last drnk is the simplest but hardest method - if you get my drift...but time IS the healer. Keep posting, get positive - FORGIVE YOURSELF! I have been where you are, and NOT THAT LONG AGO - but "tick tick tick" went the clock and TODAY I am a sober and happy miracle. Bless
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Need Help

          I'm sorry, MB, but I had to giggle a bit at your takin a leak in middle of road!! Then thought that we women don't really have that option... (Just pee in our pants if we sneeze or laugh too hard!!)

          "Realizing you have a problem" is the first step - and it's kind of freeing. It's like now you know what you need to do - you have an Enemy you can define...

          BTW - I'm Great at Giving advice... Now if I could just learn to Take advice!!

          But one thing I've noticed is that when I've made it a few days (even Weeks a couple months ago!), you really begin to feel better about yourself. I think that's THE best thing about going AF. It may not happen the first day (although it can...), but you will at some point think, wow, I can do this!

          And you start getting more things done... Sometimes I've amazed myself in that regard. I'll wake up the next morning after being AF, look around, and go - GEE, it's kinda clean in here (who DID that?? lol).

          And you'll remember phone conversations!!

          And when you start feeling better about yourself, start having some self-respect... you'll start to be Happy!

          (I think I'm writing this as much for myself as for you!!)

          Hang in there... Join the ODAT thread (one day at a time). I don't think about it like I'll never drink again, but I want to have Control and NOT drink more than I DO.
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            Need Help

            Welcome MB!
            Good on you for recognising NOW that alcohol is the problem.
            Stick around, there is great advice, friendship and support to be had.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Need Help

              Welcome MB, this site can help you introduce yourself to YOU.I believe that you will find that there is a precious soul living inside your body that has been there ALL THE TIME.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Need Help

                Welcome MB
                I have been one who has been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder since my mid-twenties, but you know what I really am? A chronic alcoholic. I finally had one therapist who recognized this. Of Course, I am always depressed when I do nothing but pour a depressant into my system. You will be amazed at the difference that you feel with just 30 days AF. Stick around. We can help.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  Need Help

                  It's a good thing you have realised that you have a problem and coming here is a great start.
                  Drink is a HUGE depressant, it really is. You get a nice buzz for about 1 hour max, need to drink more to keep it and then as soon as you stop you go on the biggest downer so i would lay pounds on it that drink IS the reason you are depressed.
                  When you stop drinking, you'll find yourself happy and proud and you'll want to start doing things again. Drink is a VERY hard beast to battle, for most a life long one BUT it can be won.
                  If you're craving, get the supplements into you, they help a bit but to be completely honest, it is just a whole lot of pulling your hair out and teeth gritting to get over the cravings. Once you do, you'll feel like a new person.
                  Do you want to mod or stop for good?
                  Keep posting and welcome *BIG HUG*

