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ODAT - Friday!

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    ODAT - Friday!

    Hope all had a great Thanksgiving!

    (And for those of you who do not celebrate the custom of seeing how much you can eat at one sitting...! well, I hope you enjoyed your day nonetheless!!)

    I had a good time at friend's house. She had a Lot of people over - 20? I didn't go AF, but didn't make a fool of myself, either...

    I go to SPCA today from 11-2. So I'll play with my furry friends and make it a Good day.

    You all do the same!!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Friday!

    Hi all and savvy whats SPCA?
    best to every one
    Love cap


      ODAT - Friday!

      Good Day Savvy and Capt and all to Follow
      Well we ate ourselves silly and all were in bed by 8pm. We had a great day. No AL whatsoever!! There is so much food left over, I have no idea what to do with it all. Any MWO's want to come over and eat. We have Turkey, stuffing, whipped potatoes, squash, steamed broccoli, corn, apple pie, pumpkin pie, ice cream and whipped cream. Oh yeah, I forgot about the Ridiculous amount of food. My poor Christopher had to go to work at 3:30am because it is "black friday" here. Crazy Christmas shopping day and he works in retail. Patrick and Emylee are still asleep. Trying to come up with an idea to entertain Patrick today. I certainly don't want to drag him through the Mad holiday rush.
      I am trying to get tickets for a comedy show here in town tonight called "Laughs without Liquor" I went before and it was great. Sober comedians, no alcohol. Was a Hoot and Patrick is interested in going with me. He is such a sweet young man. Hope all are well. God Bless you savvy for helping our little furry friends. I would love to do something like that. My heart breaks for them. All my love to you Capt.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        ODAT - Friday!

        All my love to you sweet sea Id love to go to that comedy show I LOVE COMEDY shows
        Love ya to bits sea
        Love to all cap


          ODAT - Friday!

          Good morning! I'm sitting here watching the news about the campers outside of stores. Sorry, but I'll pay the xtra moolah to avoid THAT mess! Insanity!

          cap't - SPCA is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. That's where we always go to get our little guys, unless they find US first! We've got a new little kitty who just turned up in our dining room a couple of months ago - he got in through the basement because our doggy is always leaving that door open! Sooo irresponsible of him, but whatta ya going to do??? Good for you Savvy, for helping out those guys. My heart couldn't take it! I told my husband that the next time we go, I'm going to give them a few parameters, then have them just bring the doggy out 'cause I can't bear taking that walk through the kennel:upset:.

          I'm pooped today and feel like I'm coming down with something - blech! But, on day 23 and still going. My husband told me I'm nicer these days????? I sure don't feel
          any nicer; actually I'm pretty much a royal beeyotch. Kinda makes me wonder how godawful I really was when I got blotto!

          Hope everyone has a great day and meets their goals!!! My advice would be to stay away from the malls, because that experience could surely drive anyone to drink!!!


            ODAT - Friday!

            Thanks Dingers for the explanation you are NICER in my view tell hubby to think of a more romantic word!!!!!! 23 days your the best I admire you so much and youre nicerHAAAAA
            Love cap


              ODAT - Friday!

              LOL Dingers
              My kids tell me I am a much nicer person when I am not drinking. We are running neck in neck Woman. Day 25 for me. I will always be here to support you. No Mad Black Friday shopping for me. I can't take it. I do most of my shopping online.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                ODAT - Friday!

                Yeah, he said I was nicer since I "quit drinking". Somehow I thought he wouldn't notice that I wasn't drinking?? What an idiot I am, kinda hard not to see that the beer/scotch/wine supply doesn't need to be replenished nearly as often:H!! One thing it is doing is making it clear to him how much he drinks! Can't claim I'm the one who guzzled it down anymore!

                BTW - wish me luck on that romance thing! The most romantic approach I get is, "Hey, I've got an hour free for lunch, let's get naked".


                  ODAT - Friday!

                  Yep, sea, we'll be celebrating our thirty days a couple of days apart! It's very strange to see all of those "0"s in the drinktracker! I remember how it felt looking at all those empy yellow boxes!


                    ODAT - Friday!

                    My Ex did not have a romantic bone in his body, so good luck with that. Funny thing; My Ex did not have a problem with the drink and put it down 3 years before I did, when our son was born. My problem was quite obvious to all.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT - Friday!

                      I totally forgot about the Drink tracker since my last "slip" Maybe I should start up with it again.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ODAT - Friday!

                        I've been volunteering at SPCA for the past few months, and I Love it. I've taken both the Dog and Cat classes, so can help out w/both.

                        Many say the same thing: Like - it must be so Sad.. or I'd want to adopt them ALL. But when I make a "sale" (what I call it when I've adopted an animal out!! ), and to a good family, it's such a HIGH!!

                        Yesss, there have been a few animals (both dogs & cats) that I've fallen in LOVE with... I came Very close last weekend when these two white toy poodles came in (brothers)! I had to call a couple friends when I got home to talk me out of it! (When they started talking about Huge vet bills, I decided it's probably not a good idea for me right now. Not to mention my little kitty would Not like any "room-mates"!)

                        Even though the adoption office is where they "qualify" people who want to adopt, I do a lot of "qualifying" myself. If I don't like the people for some reason (you know, you get that Gut feeling!), I'll start pointing out the negatives about the animal. On the other hand, if I Like them... I extoll their wonders!! :H

                        The dogs (many are pit bull mixes) can be a Challenge. The goal is to get them out of kennel Before they poop in there...! And just to get them OUT. This place is one of the Nicest such places I've seen. HUGE meadow with horse, donkey, cow, many goats, etc. etc. I live in what I call "cement city", so it's nice for me to get out to what feels like the country for a few hours...

                        Sorry for going on & on. But! If any of you have one near you, I Highly recommend volunteering --- and you Won't feel sad!
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          ODAT - Friday!

                          Dinggers and Sea did you ever feel at any stage "I think im in love" feeling just interested


                            ODAT - Friday!

                            Yeah, Capt
                            Thought I was "in love" but was drunk, stoned, and/or high in some form most of the time and was very young. I really don't think that I know what it is to be in love. I am working on loving myself right now and that is the most difficult, I think. Get your butt over here and eat some of this
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              ODAT - Friday!

                              Hi there All, Sea your avatar looks almost like Cy's???/Plastic surgery could help you both.
                              Savon, how wonderful that you are working with Pets.I spent 25 yrs. as a Dog show groomer and trainer and I miss the unconditional love that they give.
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

