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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Strength and peace to you all. I'm struggling. Px
    Short term goal 7 days AF

    ODAT - Saturday

    Hi Patricia whats up can I help..... cant stay but Im sure someone will be along soon take care you are not alone with the struggling thing!!!


      ODAT - Saturday

      Hi Patricia and all to come . Whats up P??? I cant stay but am sure some one will be along soon. you are not alone!!
      Love cap


        ODAT - Saturday

        Hi, Suspect you've gone by now - nothing much is up compared to what a lot of people on this site are going through - just disappointed in myself for creeping back up - so back to ODAT - thanks for asking Px
        Short term goal 7 days AF


          ODAT - Saturday

          Good morning! Day 24 here. Less than a week and I'll hit 30!! Wow; I really am going to do it.

          patricia - it happens. I was doing great for a while moderating, then BAM started the get smashed one day, AF next to recover, get smashed, recover, get smashed, recover . . . . . I finally had had ENOUGH! I then decided to do at least the 30 days to clear my head and really confront my life. If you think 30 might be too daunting, try 7 - if that's too much try 1 - the thread is "ODAT" after all! Figure out what you can face and then DO IT!! It's not always easy, but everday that I wake up with no hangover and a clear memory of the night before gives me the motivation to do it again!

          I hope that doesn't sound pompous, I mean I haven't even gone a full 30 days, but it's what made, and is making, a difference for me!


            ODAT - Saturday

            Drank yesterday. Had nice phone conversation w/gf - can't remember a Thing!

            Patricia - I Feel your Pain!! I feel like I was doing well, stringing 4-5 days together AF - now I'm back to Buying the stuff... which, for me, means I'm drinking it.

            And what's worse is that I partially don't give a rat's ass. I do.. but.. I don't. Go figure.

            Anyway, hope ALL are doing better than I am!
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ODAT - Saturday

              Good morning my ODAT friends!

              Got your plan in place for Saturday? Post holiday, football, Christmas onslaught has begun..... Ahhhh..... let the stress begin! I can't remember what I did last Christmas. Honestly. This year I shall.

              Patricia, good for you for going back to ODAT. Get some AF days behind you and your disappointment will be eased.

              Savon, DO you need me to send you my big girl pants? :H How about if you think of something you want and promise it to yourself upon completion of 7 consecutive AF days? Is it the time span or does the day of the week (like weekends) factor in? We have to get you over this 4-5 day thing.

              Dingy, I can't wait for you to hit 30!

              Hi capt'n!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Saturday

                Hey, Greenie - if putting your Big Girl Pants on my Arse would make a difference... yeh - send 'em to me!

                Just blew off going to gym. YES, I've already had a drink! Like I said, if "IT's" here, I Will drink it.

                OK, so we now know what Not to do: DON'T BUY IT. I'm not sure How I justified buying it yesterday... (when I don't have job, little money)... I think it was a sort of "Why am I not allowed to have Fun?" or something.

                Which also is Stupid. Like... drinking is the only type of fun I can come up with? And here I thought I was rather intelligent and imaginative. HUH?

                I don't take flu shots, but, MAN, if they only had "Anti-Stupid" shots, I'd be standing in line!!!

                Peace, love, etc.

                PS - Dingy... 30 is AWESOME. And I use that word Rarely. I almost made it... once... I'll be happy right now for Seven.
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Good Day All ODATers
                  So sorry that you are struggling Patricia. Let us know how we can help.
                  Awww, Savvy, What are we gonna do with you? I did that same thing for quite awhile 4-5 days, then BAM, bender. I took a serious look at my plan, my triggers, etc...Added some tools to my toolbox and am doing much better. Hopefully will be celebrating with Dingy soon. Day 26 today. Bottom line is you have to want to stay sober more than you want to drink. I am here for you in anyway that I can help. My worst day sober is better than my best day drunk. Keep it in the day, the hour, the minute if necessay. It can be done.
                  For me, it is very important not to isolate and to keep company with sober people. I went to a Comedy show last night called "Laughs without Liquor". It was great. I am fortunate in that there are many sober events in my area. Sending strength to all of you.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    7 days is do able Savvy give it a shot! first few days as you know are crap!!!!!!! you can abuse me!!! kick my arse!!!!! yell at me and use me as a punching bag provided you give youreself seven days af I promise to be with you every day !!!!!!! AHH sea wise words you are such a wonderful soul and HI Greenie xxoo
                    Love cap


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Hi Capt
                      Went to the Comedy show last night. It was Great!! I wished you were there.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Seacailin;480436 wrote: Bottom line is you have to want to stay sober more than you want to drink.

                        Yes, no doubt about that. When I hit a really bad spot I just hear my six year old saying "Mommy don't drink wine" and that'll do it. I will
                        be the mother that child deserves, and if I have to go through some uncomfortable times to do so, then so be it, and too damn bad for me!


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          Hi Dingy
                          My daughter, who is 20, will absolutely "Flip out" on me if she sees me drinking, and that does help. Staying strong with you woman.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            ODAT - Saturday

                            Wish i was at the comedy show too Sea I love stand up stuff!!!!! should be asleep cant sleep need a gas attack from the dog that will knock me out however feeding her dry food at the mo doesnt seem to generate that major survial knock out gas smell anymore Ill put the rolling wave CD on and hope for the best


                              ODAT - Saturday

                              Yep, Capt.
                              I would definitely go with the CD. Sending Sweet Dreams vibes your way. I love you sweet Capt. You are a pillar of strength.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

