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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Love you too sweet Sea youre the strong one not me..... nighty night.... I can hear the waves and seagulls chirping I hate sea gulls they shit on my boat the buggers HAAAAAAAAAAA
    Have a great AF day every one!!!


      ODAT - Saturday

      Good morning ODATers,

      Well, I drank on Thanksgiving and yesterday. My goal was to NOT drink on Thanksgiving but I did. I only bought the wine for guests, who didn't show after all! I realize if it weren't here I wouldn't have had anything. Aaarrrghhh! I didn't even have an excuse or reason, really. Last night was a surprise b'day party for a close friend and a glass of wine was in my hand when I walked in the door. At least I didn't get drunk. Left early, came home, drank water and went to bed. I feel great this morning.

      I hope you got to sleep Capt.

      Savvy, I know what you're going through. If it's here, it's too tempting!

      HB has gone hunting for the weekend again. I'll use this as some "me" time and get some things I've wanted to do but haven't done them for one reason or another. I have a few piles of papers on my desk to take care of, some outdoor work to do since it's above 30 today (heat wave) and I think I'm going to make some bread in the machine for that wonderful smell!

      Take care,
      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        ODAT - Saturday

        I didnt get to sleep Beebers ahh bread I bake "damper" its so yummy ... ALRIGHT im going to bed to strangle my pillow I hate insomia


          ODAT - Saturday

          Nighters, Capt!
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            ODAT - Saturday

            Good morning all ODAT'ers

            I hope everyone is doing ok today.

            Savon, I am sorry you are struggling with the beast, you as well Becoming. :l
            Hi to Captn', Sea, dingy, and greenie, and anyone I may have missed, and anyone to come.
            I have to work 8-4 today, so I am just getting ready to head out the door.

            Day 13 for me today.
            I hope this time I get it right.
            I think I flopped this time last time I was able to string some AF days toether (in the summer) It will be the longest in a decade. I am afraid of failing. :upset:
            Even so,
            I am determined to have a sober Christmas this year. I shudder to count the numerous Holidays and special days in my life the last few years that I have ruined, for me, for my husband, and my family, by being drunk.

            Thank you all for being here, this place is my haven...even when I don't post, out of shame, because I am not AF, or just too damn emotionally "not there", I am here religiously reading, and hoping, praying, wishing...some day it will be me that can say..."I made it 30 days"...maybe this time.

            I hope you all have a terrific day, and can meet your goals without too much struggle, pain, etc.

            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              ODAT - Saturday

              Hi everyone,

              Capt - I feel for you. My doctor actually just prescribed me some sleeping pills as I have suffered from insomnia for years....Best part is I can't drink on them sooooooo Day 5 for me AND I've had 3 of the best nights of sleep in I can't remember how long......BAM! I feel freickin fantastic! Have gotten so much done today - it's amazing when you are sober and have had sleep how much damn energy you have! LOL

              To those struggling - keep on keeping can do it. My goal right now is to make it 7 days (I know I've done more in the past but I think I'm going to set little ones here and see how I do). I am at day 5 and I can guarantee I won't drink tonight. The cravings are starting now (it's almost 4pm here) but I'm going to take some L-Glut, make a pot of decaf and not give in.

              Hope everyone has a great day - what ever your goals are.

              Love and Hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

