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    I started researching the issue of drinking because I'm thinking about getting pregnant. Can you take Kudzo while you're pregnant?

    I'm happy to have found this site.

    There is nothing to fear but fear itself


    Thanks for the welcome One!!
    There is nothing to fear but fear itself



      Hi again...

      I just found this site today. I haven't stopped drinking wine yet, but I know I need to cut waaayyyyy back.

      BTW, how do you get notified when someone has responded to your post?
      There is nothing to fear but fear itself



        Hi and welcome wisland, I just hit my refresh button - not sure about others??? Good on you for checking in! I found that when I was pregnant I COUNLDN'T stand the idea of a drink.... or coffee/cigarettes, NO WAY!! Anyway, a big hug of welcome and nice to have you on board. I am relatively new, and have found this site inspirational and soooo friendly and funny! Bless
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*



          Thanks for the hug! Did you drink regularly before you were pregnant?
          There is nothing to fear but fear itself



            Around the clock sometimes - I call myself an alcoholic, but I successfully got through three pregnancies happy and sober, and have 3 gorgeous children today...I found I "rewarded" myself (what a joke) after stopping b/feeding by returning to alcohol. I believe it is a pregressive illness and by the time I was in my early 30s (6-7 yearrs ago) I had a MAJOR problem and drink was coming before EVERYTHING. Bloody awful shit happened....please feel free to tell me more about yourself!
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*



              WELLLLL, I am 39 and became a full time student last year. I have worked all of my life, so NOT working was hard. I have found that I drink more and more than I used to and have gained a ton of weight. I would like to be a social drinker or be one of those people that can have a glass or two every now and again. BUT I'm NOT one of those people. Did you try the Kudzo? Have you tried the plan that this site offers? How did you find this site?

              Thanks for telling me about you!
              There is nothing to fear but fear itself



                No probs - there is a "my story" section you can post on and read bout others if you're interested. I found this site after googling "Naltrexone" which is an anti-craving med, it blocks the receptors of the brain that transmit alcohol - quite a breakthrough and bloody hard to get on in my part of the world. After 6 years of wanting it and 2 and a half months of waiting recently I started today. I am an active member of AA as well - am same age as you. It was not that long ago that I couldn't have imagined my life without alcohol, everything just seemed so boring and "colourless".... however, much. much pain as my drinking progressed led my to be in a situation where alcohol is just NOT an option any more. I blackout, wander off and spend time with people I don't even LIKE. Anyway, I LOVE being sober is grand and that is a miracle, and HONESTLY for a woman who drank like I did - a blooooody MIRACLE!
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*



                  The problem with supplements in pregnancy is that they are not properly studied in pregnancy (unlike pharmaceutical drugs which usually have safety rating for pregnancy) so it would be unknown if kudzu is safe in pregnancy. Please check with a doctor before you become pregnant.

                  I am a wino too. I have been taking the kudzu & Glutamine (plus the other supplements) and have gotten 7 days under my belt AF which I have never been able to do in 5 years. So I bet you can do it, too.

                  This is a great place to come for real & honest, non-judgemental support. So, welcome!!
                  "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler



                    Thanks soooooooooo much!! Congrats on your 7 days. Did you buy a package? How did you stop during your pregnancy? If I may, how much did you drink before your 7 days? Oh, what is AF?
                    There is nothing to fear but fear itself



                      Is Kudzo the same as Kudzu?



                        Sorry meant Kudzu....
                        There is nothing to fear but fear itself




                          I drank before both of my pregnancies but nothing like after my 2nd (last) child. I had terrrible morning sickness with both so alcohol wasn't even on the radar screen. I could hardly drink water.

                          I do think once you know you are pregnant it is a real motivator not to put anything in your body that will harm the little one. You are almost obssessed to maintain perfect health - or I was.

                          I bought the package from MWO with the supplements - can't take the protein shake though - just can't take the taste and texture. I do think the general supplements plus the kudzu & glutamine help the cravings.

                          I drank between 1-2+ bottles of wine a day before I stopped now 8 days ago.
                          "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler



                            wislandgirl;481143 wrote: Thanks soooooooooo much!! Congrats on your 7 days. Did you buy a package? How did you stop during your pregnancy? If I may, how much did you drink before your 7 days? Oh, what is AF?
                            AF is alcohol free :lilangel:
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011




                              Thanks so much and congratulations on your eight days!! I'll be ordering myself some K and G later today!

                              BTW, do you just NOT have the desire to drink?
                              There is nothing to fear but fear itself

