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    Morning ODATers!

    Cold and pouring rain. I'm so glad I got those gas logs even though the bill came while I was gone. Ugh! I have to unpack, do laundry, grocery shop and catch up on the mail which is, unfortunately, mostly bills. Then damage control at the hole (office). I left it in perfect shape, so it shouldn't be too bad.

    Have a great day! I have a pot of tea I must retrieve and get started.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


    OHhhh shoot - our posts were seconds apart... I'll copy what I wrote here. (You Did post a Bit before me!! )

    Am I the only one up?? And it's almost 8...? Get up, ya lazy bums ya!!

    Well, you couldn't be as lazy as I was yesterday. Me cooking a hamburger was the most energetic thing I did. You can probably figure out I was NOT AF!

    Drunk dialing is the WORST!! Apparently I had a conversation with a gf, since she left me message saying we had gotten cut off --- which I don't remember, of course.

    This isn't Good. To say the least...

    I have GOT to get my act together. What happens is that if you drink, you feel disgusted at yourself, leading to low self-esteem which in turn sets you up to Drink to distract yourself from feeling disgusted with low self-esteem... Vicious circle!!

    Then if you do stop for a while, you (ME) start to feel better about yourself, thinking that you can handle a few drinks and you Deserve it after all for going X days AF...

    And that I'm not working means I can schedule drinking pretty much anytime I get the hankering!!


    Back to the drawing board... again!

    You all have a super Sunday - hope you're doing well.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



      Oops!! I was up Savon!! Typing an ODAT thread as a matter of fact! So everybody move over here.

      I let little doggie sleep on the bed last night and there was an interesting interchange with the cat. Cat rubbing head on little doggie - I though OK this is working out well, but when little doggie began working out on the cat's butthole, much to the cat's delight (hey, you know cats - why do it yourself when someone else will do it for you ) I had second thoughts. And thirds.

      OK, Everybody flip a coin or double post :H:H
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - SUNDAY

        Hey Greenie - I just went to my post to delete... but don't see how to do it????

        Went to "edit" mode, but didn't see a way to do it... HELP!
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - SUNDAY

          Good Day all ODATers
          I hope that I posted on the right Very cold morning here in NH. It is going to rain later. Perfect day for me to make a turkey noodle soup. I may run one quick errand, then it's all about Football. Have a great day all.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            ODAT - SUNDAY

            Savon, only subscribers are given that power. I'm glad this stays - it is hilarious!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - SUNDAY

              Wellll, that's just not RIGHT! We should All be able to delete our own posts... What if we were PUI? (Posting Under Influence!!)...

              OH DEar. OK, well, I figure if I post here, people will leave the other thread alone, seeing mores posts here??

              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                ODAT - SUNDAY

                I am sooooo torn:H!!!

                Well, I'm sick! Blech, can't breathe, head aches, and it feels like someone crammed my ears full of cotton! Oooohhhh, and I have to stay close to the "facilities" if ya know what I mean!

                Day 25, though, so things aren't all bad! Sea and I are gonna do it!


                  ODAT - SUNDAY

                  Ding & Sea - you guys are AWESOME!! So glad to see there are people out there actually Beating the Beast! You give us all Hope...
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    ODAT - SUNDAY

                    Savon, if you aren't a subscriber and you PUI, you are SOL! :H:H:H
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      ODAT - SUNDAY

                      What a wacky ODAT thread, I love it!

                      Beautiful sunny day out. I FINALLY got my gardening finished yesterday! There's still some I could do and I'll putter with it today as it's supposed to stay sunny out all day.

                      Went to see Bolt with my daughter last night, girls night out. A cute movie, not quite as good as we hoped but very cute. It was nice spending time with her. My son had a sleepover, they're still out on the couch. 17-year-olds can sleep forever, I think.

                      Congrats to dingy and sea! Savvy, come on now. Let's get to it! No more excuses, you hear?

                      I'm football, too. 1 p.m. and I'm all eyes. I'll be clipping coupons at the same time, though. :H

                      Take care,
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        ODAT - SUNDAY

                        My husband just got up and he feels like crap. I said, "join the club", then he said "I did it to myself" (drinking, of course). Maaaaannnnn do I feel superior!

                        OK - back to wallowing in my misery.

                        PS - clipping coupons while watching football would be my own personal version of hell :H!!


                          ODAT - SUNDAY

                          Cold and rain out here. Hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving. i moderated but blew it yesterday. gotta work on that plan. it never fails, if i don't have a plan even if it's mod, AL just takes over. Today is a new day!
                          :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                          ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                            ODAT - SUNDAY

                            Hi guys!

                            another day Af for me day 6 now. Didn't take my sleeping pill last night so didnt' sleep as well as I did Friday night but still better than I normally would.

                            Put up the rest of my outside X'mas decorations today - going to do the tree and maybe some wrapping this afternoon - pretty lazy day today. Have a lamb roast to put in the oven for dinner and I got my AF wine ready just in case I have the craving to have wine with my nice meal.

                            My goal was 7 days and I'm almost way in HELL am I about to cave now.........

                            have a great one everyone - love you all - you guys are my salvation!

                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              ODAT - SUNDAY


                              You sound like you're doing great, congratulations! :goodjob:

                              Don't give up, 1morechance :l

                              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

