I've tried this before, but convinced myself that I'm OK and here I am back again. Fortunately, for me, nothing awful has occurred to bring me here yet (besides not being the best mom or person I can be, and a 75 lb weight gain of course) but I'm so sick of the struggle. Yesterday I didn't drink- probably the first day in months- and I haven't gone more than a week not drinking since my daughter was born (7 years ago). Anyway, I got through it, and here I am sober and well rested, on a Monday morning, the first day of December. I am lucky in that all it takes is a day for me and I start feeling like my old self. I sleep well, start losing weight, lots of energy. I mean, the cravings are there BAD, but I don't physically feel bad. But by day 4 or so, I decide I want to drink and in a split second, I 'm drinking. I don't want this to happen this time. I'm not at the point where I can say I'll NEVER drink again. But I want to take it one day at a time and really give it a great shot. I've read so many books about AL for women, been to AA meetings, I write my journal, I found this great board, I have the tools, now it's up TO ME> I want to do it for me and for my girls, they deserve a better me, a better role model. I'm afraid that as my daughter hits her teens she start drinking herself after seeing me do it so much.
Anyway, I feel GREAT this morning. I miss feeling sober and free in the morning like this. I'm going to go on the treadmill, go to work, and do all I can to stay busy tonight so I'm not faced with the cravings as bad. I want to wake up tomorrow feeling like this again, and the next day and the next day...It's amazing when we're drinking that we don't really face how awful we feel. I wouldn't necessarily be hungover everyday (my tolerance in combination w/my weight helps I'm sure) but I would not feel great, slugglish, guilty, not a clear mind at all, and of course, wanting to drink again in some strange way.
I know I can do this---it's great knowing there are other people out there going through it, or have been successful and being able to connect and get inspiration. I can't share this with anyone in my everyday world.