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    ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

    UH OH!!! Had a bit of a panic. Went to the drinktracker to fill in my 0 and it was empty:upset:!!!! Man, I don't think I realized how much I depended on that thing; I'd go in every morning and I could see my progress. Now I don't even know what day I'm ooonnnnn:upset:!!! And instead of a long line of zeros there's NOTHING!!!!! Dammitall!

    ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

    OK - I went and set it up AF for the remining 5 days; but I still didn't get to enter my "0"!!

    So, here it is:

    11/30/08, Sunday, goal:abstain, number:0

    Aaaaahhhhhhhh, better now

    PS - Day 26 today!


      ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

      Dinggy 4 more days roll up roll up See the amazing Dinngy reach the golden thirty along with her amazing sister SEA the best of the best beats the booze and makes the ODAT thread the best!!!!!


        ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

        HI ODAT'ers...

        I'm not sure if this is Day 2 or 3... OH welllll.

        Came down w/wee cold yesterday, alternating between shivers and sweats most of day. Slept a Lot. Think that really helped; feeling better today!

        Yes - Dingy & SEA are the bomb! Wooo hoo!!! You two need to buy yourself a Nice present for 30 days - you deserve it.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

          Good morning, day 9 for me, would have been 22, oh well, still doing better than I have since joining this site, thanks to all of you!

          Love ya all,



            ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

            Two and savvy you guys are doing the thang!!!!!! dont EVER apologise!!!!!! you will end up listening to WIP Lol just maintain sober thoughts youre ok you dont need to be lectured I am uncomfortable with university lecturers that project their lacking lives on to us they want us to be them and get fustrated when every one doesnt come on board they will pretend to be sages and level minded but they are just projecting their own salvation on to the rest of us
            Stick to your guns and resist the Zealots
            we are ok you know your mind dont let others think they Know it better


              ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

              Savvy please grass hopper no more lacking in spirit you want to stop drinking JUST STOP !!!! SAVVVS I will be here every dayIts the first Day of December start counting yoursober days ya loon
              Love cap


                ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                Its still 22 soxxs keep saying you are ok and i can do this YOU WILL
                Love cap


                  ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                  Jackrabbit!!! (who remembers?) It is the first utterance of the first day of the month for good luck.

                  Sun is shining outside (after yesterday's dank, dreary rainy day) and I have tons to do before I get my massage this evening. So I'm making a pot of vanilla chi tea and a bubble bath to start. I thought of someone who has a truck and lives near me so my Christmas tree quandry may be solved! The only way to get a tree home with a sports car is to drag it. I guess that would be the side that faces the wall :H

                  I wanted a drink yesterday but instead of feeling enticed, I felt annoyed. Annoyed that AL wanted to steal my time and energy and my AF run. Arsehole! Tha feckin' gobshite!

                  Be good today!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                    LOL, you crack me up Greenie!

                    It's rainy out now. Better than the freezing rain we had earlier. The kids were SO hoping for a school day today!

                    The calendar looks so fresh and new with the new month. I wonder how long it'll take before the scribbles are in.

                    I guess I'm day 3. I don't usually count, I just feel great. I've upped my topa and it helps a lot. This is the highest dosage I've been on. 100 mg.

                    I'm starting year-end bookkeeping and feel good getting an early start to it.

                    Congrats to dingy, sea, and, yes, you too twosox and savvy. :l

                    Here's to a good day, ODATers, take care,
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                      Jack rabbit , Jack rabbit HAAAAA I remember Greenie!!! RA RA Jeevs " I have tons to do before I get my massage this evening" so svenn the hugley muscely Swedish massure is making you a pot of vanilla tea!!!! . I just picture it !!!! Sven qoute "pot of vanilla chi tea and a bubble bath to start my dear" !!!! Oh yes then we have to get that tree!!!! OHHH sven is that your sports car lets drag it!!! Ahhhh


                        ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                        Morning ODAT'ers,

                        I had a great AF weekend, first one in a while. Today is Day 7 so once today is through I have reached my first goal - one week. I think my next goal is to hit double digits - aka 10 days - baby steps for me here - I don't intend to be totally AF forever but do need to get some control so racking up these Af days sure does help.

                        I agree that it was nice to see the nice clean slate this morning - nothing like a fresh start.

                        Hope everyone has a wonderful first day of December!

                        Love and hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                          Watch the 100 megs Be its a powerful drug but it works take care if you feel in anyway headachy or weird triate down to 50 mgs i personally found that ok but every ones different
                          Love cap


                            ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                            Way to go Uni 7 days is great and not easy!!!!!! You will rack up those days and be AL free forever thats my goal to !!!! forever free
                            Love cap


                              ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                              Thanks for the tip, capt. I've been uping very slowly, according to the book. I'm on 100mg for a week now.

                              Yeah, Uni, congratulations! :happy:
                              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

