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    ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

    Thanks capt! Sea is a couple of days ahead of me, so she'll be at 30 Wed. We have to remember to start a congrats thread.

    Looks like everyone is doing AOK on their goals. I haven't decided where I'll go after the thirty - probably keep on the AF track for a bit at least. It really feels so good, and my anxiety issues are pretty much gone now. That's why I like the ODAT thread and the drinktracker - it gives me an objective measure of how I'm actually doing!


      ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

      Ding your the best and so cool and goal focused and just so smooth about your sobreity no dramma just getting on with the hard work of being drink free for life !!!!!! you are all so wonderful !!! others not mentioned are just as cool ODAT is a good thread unlike some AF zealouts who think otherwise
      Love cap


        ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

        After frustrating morning... and not feeling well... I found myself w/shoes on ready to go to store for wine! About half way to car, I stopped myself. Not sure how!!

        I'm seeing that I have very little tolerance for ANY anxiety.

        How is it that I have so few coping skills??

        Pretty sad.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

          Savvy - good job!!!! I understand anxiety issues - when I came back here I was having anxiety attacks, couldn't swallow and felt like I was being choked all of the time! That has all just about completely disappeared. Have you ever tried taking Valerian?? I swear by the stuff. Also, try getting some of the True Calm. I take a lot of supps to try to increase GABA, and it works for me!

          Stay strong - go one hour at a time if you must. If you really want it, you can do it!!! If I have bad moments, I just think of my son and then I can get through it. Is there something you can think of at those times that would work?


            ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

            Not sad savvy!!!! whats making you anxious what is it you need !!!!I hate the word triggers doesn't quite describe it!!!!. Anyway Savvy I'M like you little tolerance for anything latley!!!! 17 days sober and I feel like chewing on my dogs arse well from the arse up it gets better
            Love cap


              ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

              Oh, capt - I didn't know you were on 17! Way to go!! You don't toot your own horn enough!

              PS - I think I agree on "triggers" Capt! Because, if I think of mine the list can get pretty long: happy, sad, angry, bored, tired, anxious, guilty, depressed . . . . . .


                ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                TOOTY TOOT!!!
                Love cap


                  ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                  Good Morning all ODATer's ----- and congratulations to all for your achievements.. be they 17 days AF (Capt'n), 9 days (TwoSox), a whole week (Uni -- way to go) or stopping yourself in mid-tracks on your way to buy wine (Savon)! Everyone seems to have achieved to great deal. I'm hoping to join you after too many stumbles.
                  It's the beginning of a new month and I'm going to try for 7 days to begin with (day 4 seems to be difficult for me to get past).
                  Have a good Monday everyone!


                    ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                    Good Day My Dear Friends
                    Just a quick check in, as I have to go to my doctor and see if I can be cleared to go back to work tonight. Way to Go all, on your AF days. Good Job! Savvy. I have little tolerance for anxiety too. It is often what gets me back to drinking. When I stay away from AL, I have less anxiety for sure. I use True Calm. It is Great. Capt. do u use any supps for your insomnia? I have had many years of horrible insomnia. Doctors put me on every non-addictive drug known to mankind to no avail. Strange, it seems I sleep better in the day time. That is one of the reasons that I work nights. My daughter woke me up at 5:15 am to tell me that her friend is in a coma from a cocaine overdose, and has just begun to have a little bit of brain activity. She was very upset and couldn't sleep. Very scary stuff. My poor Princess. I know exactly what she is going through. I lost my best friend at the age of 25 to a Heroin overdose. Drugs Suck!!
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                      That's GREAT, Capt. Heard that tooty-toot all the way here!

                      Trying to divert myself. I'm going to see if I feel up to going to gym... not that excited to go, but!

                      Then splurge on a Five Guys burger - haven't had one in at least 6 mos.

                      Forgot to say - I do have Valerian. Also xanax - which really does the trick, but I try to keep those for real Emergency situations!!
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                        Sea - that's awful - I'm sorry that your daughter is going through that.........sending love and hugs from canada your way.
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                          Thanks guys I use the melatonin it sorta works if you know what i mean.. Sweet Sea drugs do suck how do we stop kids taking them????


                            ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                            Thanks Uni and Capt.
                            I don't believe that we can stop this kids from taking drugs. My daughter and her friends are in their early 20's and some of them are in real trouble. They are at that dangerous age, where they know it all and are immortal. I can only pray, keep the lines of communication open, and live by example.
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                              Ohh, Sea - that's very sad. Hope your daughter's friend makes it through ok.

                              I thank God I never got into any heavy drugs!! Just seeing how hard it is for me to give up alcohol (never mind cigs!!)... I'm pretty sure I never would have been able to kick heroin or whatever.

                              Anyway, I made it through the day AF. Most of you "normal" people have to deal w/your witching hour in the evening... Not so for me. Embarrassing to say that it's the Morning that is difficult! (This is only since I've been unemployed.) If I can make it to noon w/out buying any, I'm pretty much home free...

                              Went to gym, but have taken a couple naps due to this cold. Hoping I can sleep tonight!
                              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                                ONE DAY AT A TIME Monday

                                Hi ODATers!!

                                Greetings from the frozen north. Just checking in to say hello and congrats no matter what day you are on. As long as were trying right?

                                Well, I hate to say I haven't been trying the last few days, I wanted to, but I just gave up, on a number of things, my sobriety, my teen, my living situation....I was just in a total funk. Ever have a day where you wish you could just craw in a hole?

                                But I am more dermined now than ever. I want to find a life I like, cause I sure don't like this one. I have got to make some other changes and I know staying AF will be easier.

                                savon19;482256 wrote: I'm seeing that I have very little tolerance for ANY anxiety.

                                How is it that I have so few coping skills??
                                I can so relate!!! That is exactly how I feel.

                                But I am looking at the fresh calender....and thinking this should be Day 1. I'm crawling out of my hole and going to try my hardest.

                                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

