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i was drunk yesterday

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    i was drunk yesterday

    i WAS drunk yesterday and cried to the end
    i was drunk yesterday as drink was my friend
    I took to the bottle to make me feel fine
    but I was never fine and thoughts are sublime.

    I take a bottle and make it my friend
    seems at times - it is my only friend, to the end
    I take a curse and make it my own
    I have many enemies via the telephone

    I want to be sober - I want to be free
    Set aside for my own sobriety
    We may walk tall but we stumble in the roadside
    For the drunk that exists we can never hide

    Forgive me dear lord, for i see, hear and think
    Forgive me dear lord for I stumble as I drink
    forgive me dear lord as I am meak at your feet
    Forgive me dear lord a greater drunk I have to meet.

    Let us recover and get better now
    For what is gone, it is gone and how
    the roses are fresh and the grasses are in bloom
    Be sober my friend for life is wonderful...........

    with love from the very mad maddiva at the bottom of everest:l

    i was drunk yesterday

    Keep writing, keep climbing! It's great to have a clear mind, unfogged by alcohol and shame...


      i was drunk yesterday



        i was drunk yesterday

        Cannot offer a sober thought.. so sorry

        SO ashamed, and SO filled with despair,
        SO not wanting to to know who I am and what brought me here..
        SO full of denial and false confidence.

        SO full of NOTHING.
        SO full of SOMETHING.
        SO full of what I really don't want to acknowledge.

        I HATE myself like this. I HATE my life like this.
        I KNOW it can be different. It can be all I ever wanted.
        For the first time in my life. It could be everything.

        But, by the looks of it, I'm about to screw it up.

        So sorry, no... this is NOT written while sober. I wish I could WRITE while sober... hasn't been that way in years. I used to write a lot.

        I need to get up the friggin courage to let me partner know that YES! IT's a problem to have a wine cellar. OR whatever. I know he will support me. I just lack the guts to let him know that I need all the help I can get.

        GOD help me, please. I don't want to lose this relationship... it's all I've ever asked for.
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          i was drunk yesterday

          Hang on, Sunshine. One thing at a time... one day at a time.... Tomorrow, don't drink. Think about what you want to say to your partner. Do some writing about it. Remember that intimacy demands that we talk about the things we are afraid to talk about...



            i was drunk yesterday

            Oh boy does all this sound way too familiar but I am on Day 3 and doing pretty darn good. Hang in there Sunshine and Maddiva......

            Clear the house of booze - it helps!
            :new: Jas56

