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AF December - Tuesday, December 2

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    AF December - Tuesday, December 2

    More to come in the AM. Day 2 of December to remember.
    LTG AF January 13, 2011

    AF December - Tuesday, December 2

    Morning everyone, how was day one for you all???? Hope you like my dress for day 2? Off to work now but back later for more support

    KW x
    Keeps x:happyheart:


      AF December - Tuesday, December 2

      Aloha all - just heading into Tuesday night. Hope everyone has a grrat day. My ex-boyfriend was at 12-step meeting tonight, bit of a blast from the past....he is doing really well, was good to see, never thought I'd see the day! Oh well, been a rainy old day here, time for a cuppa tea and a choccy bikkie...
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        AF December - Tuesday, December 2

        I'm blumming well still in. I always like the second day in. I'm not bloated in the morning and hungry enough to have breakfast which is healthy I suppose, though I usually see it as a chore.

        Its snowing and cold here in Brussels. I didn't sleep well last night and consequently my concentration is fair to middling. I have swanky new strides on and I'm just off for my first coffee-break and gossip of the day. Ooh something shiny just went passed. My concentration is middling to poor.


          AF December - Tuesday, December 2

          Hang in there Van....fair to middlling, to middling to can only get better!
          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            AF December - Tuesday, December 2

            On day two too, can totally identify with the non bloatedness, but my attention span has been totally zero. Oh well, tomorrow Im sure there will be something new,

            this is very new for me
            Live your life in such a way that
            when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
            Satan shudders & says...

            'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


              AF December - Tuesday, December 2

              Goodmoring, looking forward to another AF day, have a good one!



                AF December - Tuesday, December 2

                Good going, everyone! Stick around, keep posting, tell us what is working for you (that will help others, as well)! And tell us if you are having a hard time, too... it helps tremendously.



                  AF December - Tuesday, December 2


                  Looks as if there are several threads for an AF December. I'm hoping I can make this month, and further AF.



                    AF December - Tuesday, December 2

                    Hi joining you for AF December end of Day 3 - very anxious and stressed - not able to sleep and feel isolated having just moved from London coupled with a relationship break up - it does get better?


                      AF December - Tuesday, December 2

                      Hi Fjones!
                      Yes, it gets better. Are you taking an supps? I take 3 mg of Melatonin if I have trouble sleeping. Hope that helps you!
                      Great job on day 3 :lilangel:
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        AF December - Tuesday, December 2

                        Still with you all and going strong. Very strange; have had no real cravings over the past month. Very happy about that. I have been on Lexapro for about a month; not sure if that is why, but, whatever, I'll take it. My toolbox is full, except for the meds, like Topa and Campral. I can't take any of the meds for various reasons, but I seem to be doing ok without them. I do have to bump up my AA meetings, and stop being so reclusive. Hang tough my sober little
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          AF December - Tuesday, December 2

                          Hi everyone - hope all good and AF wherever you are. Pissing down here -but warm Bless
                          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

