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Well - I finally did it...

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    Well - I finally did it...

    hi, I'm new to the community..., but today i finally did the one thing i didnt think i had the strength to do, i went to my doctor & confessed to a serious problem with AL, i want so desperatly to be completley AF, at the moment i am still having a glass of wine when i get home, to wean my body off it, but that is a lot better than the 1-2 bottles of wine a night i was drinking. I have been lurking around the site for a few days & reading peoples struggles & successes helped me find the courage to go to my doc. so THANK YOU!!!
    so many of the stories could have been mine, I dont feel so alone now as most of my friends/family are heavy drinkers, which is funny cause I dont have a problem with other people drinking just my drinking,
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!

    Well - I finally did it...

    Welcome, witchy and good for you for being honest with the doc. Being honest with ourselves is crucial if we are to become and remain sober.

    Your drinking pattern was much the same as mine, but it`s hard to believe that I ever lived like that now. MWO is a lifesaver.........saved mine.......can save yours too. Attitude is everything.

    I wish you love and strength.

    Star x
    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


      Well - I finally did it...

      Well done witchy woman for getting to the doctors. I hope she/he will help you in your endeavour to be free. No you are not alone. ALL MY FRIENDS GET DRUNK AS DO MY FAMILY AND I FIND IT HARD BASED ON THAT. Coming here has helped me so much. I hope you get the same and stick with it. Cos being drunk is an affliction when it becomes a daily activity. :goodjob:


        Well - I finally did it...

        Well done witchy woman,

        Great that you went to the doc, what courage. I have done that yet, too scared, cold turkey for me. Going home for Xmas will be tough though, all my firends and family like to drink and Im always the good time girl, the one you can count on next to a bottle. Thanfully we are close, so I should be able to tell them the truth. I dont want to lose my friends, so I have to suck it up and hope that eventually I can be with them at ease, and sober. A lot to ask for I know.

        Keep coming, Neuro
        Live your life in such a way that
        when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
        Satan shudders & says...

        'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


          Well - I finally did it...

          hi witch congrats for talkin to the doctor,i hope he or she were a young doctor,cause i no in canada very few no much of alchoholism, b4 1988,very little studies spent on it,thts why they send you to a shrink when they cant help no more,actually you started yur own plan,ween yur self down,from my xperience when you get really sick from AL,they also ween you down with meds,your on the rt track ,im very impressed with your willpower and philosify gyco


            Well - I finally did it...


            Kudos on taking such a big first step. It took me MONTHs to talk to my doctor about my drinking.

            I finally had no choice, though, and am grateful she is in my court.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Well - I finally did it...

              I am so glad that you reached out for HELP....It will get better and better, now that you're not fighting this alone
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Well - I finally did it...

                That takes a lot of courage, great job!!



                  Well - I finally did it...

                  Hi Witchy and welcome to MWO. Seems as if you are on the right road, the first step is admitting to yourself that you have a problem with alcohol, the second step is to do something about it, and the next step is to carry on, each day with one more step. The further you go on this journey then the more reluctant you will be to go back to the beginning. I wish you luck.
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    Well - I finally did it...

                    Hi witchy, a warm welcome to you. Glad to have you on board.:l
                    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                      Well - I finally did it...

                      That took some guts and shows your level of commitment - good on ya, Witchy!
                      All the best to you!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Well - I finally did it...

                        day 2

                        thank you so much everyone, the support in this community is unbeleivable, no one juges every knows how it feels. I am going out for tea tonight (said I would be designated driver so no grief about not drinking) i am still debating weather to tell my two closest freinds, dont know if I want to put that kind of pressure on myself yet. My doctor is really good 7 supportive, i'm lucky. hope every has had a sucessfull day.
                        Progress, not perfection!!!
                        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                          Well - I finally did it...

                          Welcome WW
                          It is so important to have your doc on board. Mine is totally supportive, and open to MWO. Do join us in the Newbies Nest. It is a very supportive place.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Well - I finally did it...

                            Welcome, witchy! It's awesome you have such a supportive doctor!

                            It's nice to mee you, I was up to two bottles of wine a night, too. With nightly blackouts. I understand completely!

                            Take care,
                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

