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ODAT - Thursday!

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    ODAT - Thursday!

    Hi guys & gals!

    How YOU doin'? I'm AF since last Sat. How'd that happen?? NOT bragging. I know I "walk the line".

    Thing is, I'm not sure what my goal is. I don't think it's to be AF forever (??) or even a long time. It's more that I want to have AF days strung together and then when I drink, be more in control. I don't know if that's realistic, but...

    I'll admit that I had Great night's sleep last night. Didn't even move & only woke up once very briefly... looked at clock... went back to sleep. OH, and no nightmares or even strange dreams! Yay!!

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Thursday!

    Good morning!!

    Savon - when I first came here I was just like you and I did very well for a long time. Then I started sliding right back into my old habits and came back determined to do the 30 days at the very least. I needed to change, and I needed to get the idea that drinking was just something I did, a hobby, a habit, out of my head. Funny thing is, the longer I go without drinking, the less I want to. I mean, WTH did I think the big deal was for all of those years??

    I don't have a lifetime plan, and I entered "moderation" as a goal for X-mas eve, X-mas day and New Year's eve. Will I drink? Right now I'm thinking probably not. It's losing it's appeal. But I wanted to leave an opening so that I didn't feel like a complete failure if I have a couple of drinks. Thing is, I don't want to make the "fight with AL" my whole life; there are other things that I need to change as well. I want a change in the way I am living, and this involves more than just dealing with the drinking.

    Hope that all made sense!

    Anywhoo, day 29 here. I will definately make the 30; I'm not concerned at all. My mindset is changing, I feel good and am more content than I've been in years!


      ODAT - Thursday!

      When I stopped drinking for a while I began to have weird dreams. Glad you are sleeping good. Well done to you:goodjob:


        ODAT - Thursday!

        Excellent, Dingy. I know that it's VERY easy to slip-slide back into the "habit" of drinking... which I've done before even after weeks AF.

        I am learning that the more days you go AF, the less important it becomes. There were many days that I'd already be drinking by now!! :egad:

        I'm going to visit friends on the other coast for a few days next week (Wed-Sun), and I know I will drink with them. The guy portion of the couple is very proud of his Margueritas, and I will probably be met at door with one...! My goal there is to have fun, drink "some" - just NOT go overboard & be a jerk. That will probably be harder than not drinking at all...

        But I'm Really going to try. And if I blow it, I will have to really reassess my situation. I will then know that I Can't control "it".

        I'm going to pace myself, sip instead of GLUG, eat!!, drink water... and mainly just be Aware of what I'm doing.

        Again, I'm Appreciating being sober! I don't want to get back into the habit. It's not worth it.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - Thursday!

          I have tried moderating also, but always end back up where I started. So even though the beast tells me I can do it this time, I am going to do everything possible not to. Day 12 today! Loving my new life, even though I sometimes have to go through the horrible urges to give in, like yesterday.



            ODAT - Thursday!

            Hi guys,

            Well, I'm not going to lie to you - yesterday was hell -white knuckled it all the way BUT I DID IT!!!

            Day 10 today. Feel good - tired though, I didn't sleep well last night and had an early meeting this morning - I actually almost feel hungover which really effin sucks........

            Anyway, back to work - tonight shouldn't be hard for me to get through, I don't have any desire at all to drink today so hopefully that feeling stays all day!

            Have a great one guys,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Thursday!

              Top of the morning to all!

              I so envy all your double digits - you guys are an inspiration! I'm on day 3 - which is nothing, but it's something for me. Hoping to get through today; am in a lot of pain from the (sober) fall yesterday. My left hand is literally unusable

              Anywhoo - It'll be a good day - we'll make it one, right?
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                ODAT - Thursday!

                Me too sunshine, double digits will be awesome! Day 4 here. And feeling fine.

                Wondering about an upcoming party and what to tell the BF. He doesn't know I have stopped comlpetly, and I can't mod. The holidays will certainly be different this year. In a damn good way.

                All my ODAT buddies hope you have a wonderful day
                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                  ODAT - Thursday!

                  Good Day ODATers
                  Actually, as you know, it will soon be "Good Night" for me.
                  I have the night off Thank God, and plan to go to an AA meeting
                  Something has definitely changed with me. I had a night at work last night that would send me right for a drink when I got out, and I thought about that on the way home from work, but had absolutely NO desire. Very Strange, but I am grateful.
                  Thanks for the Congrats!! You guys Truly Rock. There is so much strength here.
                  I wish you well with the mod Savvy. I am just not one who can.
                  Look at you Go Dingy. Your big day tomorrow!!!
                  Way to Go Uni.:goodjob:
                  Great to have you here Maddie
                  Had not idea you had a fall Sunny. I am so sorry. I wish you a speedy recovery.
                  Wish You ALL a wonderful day. I am only taking a night since I am off tonight and will try to sleep like the "normal" people on I will check in with you all in a few hours.:l
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ODAT - Thursday!

                    Sorry AK
                    Missed ya luv. Day 4 is Great. Everyday sober is Awesome.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT - Thursday!

                      Hi all,

                      Sounds like good news all around! Sunshine, don't be so hard on youself...I can remember when I thought I couldn't go one day without a drink. Being on day 3 is great.

                      We got our tree yesterday, my kids had a minor meltdown but everyone's alive and intact. I didn't
                      sleep well and I'm not sure why. I've been having some dreams about my childhood and I don't like
                      that but I guess it has to come out some way. A bit tired but nothing big.

                      Work's going well. I seem to be inspired to be more proactive with my businesses. Gee, I wonder if
                      there's a link. Sober = ambition.

                      Take care,
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        ODAT - Thursday!

                        OK - sort of blew it.

                        I found my boyfriend's obituary today - sooo weird. Lots of things were just Weird. Found out his "companion's" name... that was before me... for the first time. Bought some wine. Haven't gotten drunk -won't.

                        I now have her phone number & email address. We have HIM in common. I've held off, despite some glasses of wine.

                        Trying to determine if I'm "over it". I never will be - but I'm not sure if I need to talk to any of "his" people. It's been a Difficult day!

                        I've been sort of hiding from my grief. Or maybe just doing what most people do... sad, then angry, etc. I was trying not to Think about him these past few weeks, and I sort of felt better.

                        THEN I felt guilty Because I wasn't thinking about him.

                        Ah hell.
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          ODAT - Thursday!

                          Savon - I can almost guarantee that if you drink that wine and email that woman you will regret it! Don't do it. Don't compound your pain by adding on some more crap to have to deal with - and you know you will feel like crap.

                          That being said, I am so sorry for your pain. Life can really give it to us sometimes, can't it?

                          Here's a hug, because you need one right now:l.


                            ODAT - Thursday!

                            Savon - am agreeing with dingbat on this one (Hello all, by the way)

                            I am not going to say "tip it down the sink" as I know for myself that is empossible once o have had the first drink. Start again when you wake up next - you can do it.

                            One day at a time I have now reached my 19th morning waking up sober and hearty, I have many many recoveries under my belt, but COMPLACENCY always has slipped in.

                            NO MORE, I say! I am vigilant today and go to any lengths to remain so.

                            Glad to be here, blessing to all
                            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                              ODAT - Thursday!

                              Sending you :l and support Savon, this must be so difficult. My thoughts are with you, please take care.

                              Probably not the right time, but your avatar is adorable.

                              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

