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    I was sober for 5 years. Then about 4 months ago I relapsed. I just can't get through the cravings. I never want to be where I was 5 years ago. I am not drinking everyday yet. But if I don't get on track I will be. In these short 4 months I have already missed work several times. I have severe anxiety and panic the next after drinking. That is what kept me going 5 yeas ago, so I wouldn't have to feel the panic. So I would just drinkmore. I went to the DR last month and she but me on campral and increased my dosage of klonapin. But O am scared of the klonapin because it is addictive also. I am suppose to be on 4mg a day. But right now I am taking 2mg. Yesterday, I had such a bad craving I just couldn't get through it. I hadn't drank for about 5 days at that time. I really don't even like how alcohol makes me feel. But when I have a craving that is all that matters. I hate it. I am just so mad at myself for picking up in the first place. Also everytime I do drink I am so depressed the next day. The days after I don't feel depressed, just when I drink. I wish I never picked back up in the first place!!!!

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    Hello Peacetiff.and welcome. You will find plenty of support here. I just wanted to extend an invitation to you to come visit the 'Newbies Nest' thread....a wonderful group of people offering their support as they start out here. All the best.


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      Welcome Peace
      I can so relate to all that you have said. I picked up a drink after 10 years without one. It has been a struggle to maintain any long term sobriety since. The longest stretch that I have had since then is a year and a half. I also have problems with anxiety/panic attacks and was on klonopin for years. You are right to be concerned. It was horrible to get off of them, but I was told in rehab that I must, so I did. Are you using the MWO program. May I suggest that you start by reading the book, and then filling your toolbox. There is a toolbox thread here that you may find helpful. Also, please, do join us in the Newbies Nest. You will find that you are not alone. I look forward to getting to know you. The first step is up to you, as I'm sure you realize.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

