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More questions about Kudzu

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    More questions about Kudzu

    OKay, so I haven't stopped drinking yet, but I have ordered the Kudzu and a few other things. HOW DOES Kudzu work? How often do you take it? Does anyone have a personal experience they can share with me about the fellings/effects of it?

    There is nothing to fear but fear itself

    More questions about Kudzu

    wislandgirl;486427 wrote: OKay, so I haven't stopped drinking yet, but I have ordered the Kudzu and a few other things. HOW DOES Kudzu work? How often do you take it? Does anyone have a personal experience they can share with me about the fellings/effects of it?


    BTW, did anyone lose weight after they stopped drinking? I've gained 40 pounds!!
    There is nothing to fear but fear itself


      More questions about Kudzu

      Hi Wisland --:welcome: I'm still struggling, so I'm not the best one to answer you. The Kudzu is supposed to help with the physical cravings as I understand it, but you still have to fight the "mental" cravings. Those are the ones I'm having trouble with, and as a result I'm on another Day 1 AF.
      I've also got a whole lot of weight to lose .... hoping for 25 lbs off .... all wine weight! In fact that's one of my reasons for wanting to stop drinking ... that and my health!

      Others here will be able to tell you more about Kudzu.


        More questions about Kudzu

        New Day;486442 wrote: Hi Wisland --:welcome: I'm still struggling, so I'm not the best one to answer you. The Kudzu is supposed to help with the physical cravings as I understand it, but you still have to fight the "mental" cravings. Those are the ones I'm having trouble with, and as a result I'm on another Day 1 AF.
        I've also got a whole lot of weight to lose .... hoping for 25 lbs off .... all wine weight! In fact that's one of my reasons for wanting to stop drinking ... that and my health!

        Others here will be able to tell you more about Kudzu.
        Actually, you probably are a really GREAT one to respond to me...that helps because most of my cravings are mental. How many times have you been on day one? I have about 35lbs to lose!!! (All wine weight too!) I used to be to trim and I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. The wine made me feel happy when I wasn't sooooooooooooooooooo..

        How often do you take the Kudzu? What do you feel when you take it? How does it help the physical craving?

        Can you tell me more about your strugggles?? I want to know what I can expect or look forward to...

        Thanks so very much!
        There is nothing to fear but fear itself


          More questions about Kudzu

          Hi Wiseland -- I'm on countless day 1's, sorry to say. I have had trouble getting past day 4 ---I could do Monday to Thursday AF, and then the weekends would arrive and I'd think, well, maybe I'll just moderate. But after having a couple of drinks, I'd continue most times.
          I've been an almost daily wine drinker (and one bottle is just not enough anymore ... always into a 2nd one)... no wonder the pounds have packed on. I too used to be very trim and fit, all clothes used to look great on me.... and now I hate the way I look, let alone how I feel. To make matters worse, my husband has lost about 30 lbs in the last 6 months .... he doesn't drink much, but now doesn't eat much either! I can't do that... my blood sugar crashes every 4 hours and I need to have something.
          I can't really say how the Kudzu works..... it doesn't make me feel any different really. However, I was only taking 1 capsule 3X per day ... and a lot of times I'd forget, or was away from home and didn't have any with me.
          Everyone has their own triggers. Mine was the start of dinner preparation. Having a glass of wine while I prepared dinner made the chore not so much of a chore. When I first starting MWO, I'd prepare a substiute drink ... diet tonic, ice and fresh lime was a favourite (as it was summer when I started).
          Another trigger was sitting watching T.V. ... either favourite show or the hockey game.
          Identify what your triggers are and prepare a substitute, or plan to do something else if you can. Once the trigger time is over, the mental craving seems to lessen... and you feel good to have fought it off.
          Good Luck and will look forward to see you experience success. It does feel awesome to wake up refreshed and clear headed.


            More questions about Kudzu

            Welcome wisland, I can identify with your posts so much, I started the supplements and the kudzu a little over a week ago, I have found that if I take 150 mg in the evening, thats 4 pills, my cravings are gone, I keep busy by going to the gym since I gained about 35 pounds of wine weight as well, I had a perfect athletic body until I let alcohol take over my life.
            The MWO book suggests 150 mg 3X a day, I take 300mg am, 300 mg afternoon and 150mg in the evening since that is my trigger time. I have no side effects whatsoever from the supplements and I am following what is suggested on page 118. Kudzu is very safe from what I have read and it works.
            Lets support each other to get our figures back and beat A.:l
            "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


              More questions about Kudzu

              swans;486544 wrote: Welcome wisland, I can identify with your posts so much, I started the supplements and the kudzu a little over a week ago, I have found that if I take 150 mg in the evening, thats 4 pills, my cravings are gone, I keep busy by going to the gym since I gained about 35 pounds of wine weight as well, I had a perfect athletic body until I let alcohol take over my life.
              The MWO book suggests 150 mg 3X a day, I take 300mg am, 300 mg afternoon and 150mg in the evening since that is my trigger time. I have no side effects whatsoever from the supplements and I am following what is suggested on page 118. Kudzu is very safe from what I have read and it works.
              Lets support each other to get our figures back and beat A.:l
              I don't have the book! I got the supplements today. If your trigger time is in the evening, why do you only take 150mg? How many pills do you take throughout the day? Have you lost any weight yet?
              There is nothing to fear but fear itself


                More questions about Kudzu


                Hi. You may find these links helpful:

                McLean Hospital | News &amp Information : Press Releases
                Harvard Gazette: Kudzu cuts alcohol consumption

                Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                  More questions about Kudzu

                  Thank you R.J.

                  "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                  "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                    More questions about Kudzu


                    I didn't see anything about possible dosage...did I miss it?

                    There is nothing to fear but fear itself


                      More questions about Kudzu

                      OOps I meant 1500 mg, thats 5 pills in the evening and two during the day for a total of 7 per day. I am only doing this for the first week since those seem to be the strongest cravings, then for this coming week I plan to take 150mg 3X a day, I have lost tons of water weight, I was retaining water from drinking, its too soon to say if I have lost real weight yet.
                      wislandgirl;487415 wrote:
                      I don't have the book! I got the supplements today. If your trigger time is in the evening, why do you only take 150mg? How many pills do you take throughout the day? Have you lost any weight yet?
                      "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


                        More questions about Kudzu

                        OK, I have the bottle here, its confusing because the book suggests 150 mg 3X/day, but the capsules are 300mg each, I dont think they want us to split them?, anyway I am taking 7 a day and its working, coming week I am planning on taking 3 pills a day, we will see if they are as effective.
                        "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


                          More questions about Kudzu

                 I supposed to hear bells and whistles? I'm on day two of Kudzu and am not feeling any different at all. Any suggestions?
                          There is nothing to fear but fear itself


                            More questions about Kudzu

                            Hi island girl
                            Have you read the book? The kudzu is just one small part of the complete program. It helps fight cravings usually talken along with L-glut. It is just one of the many tools you can use to help in our fight against AL. Its not a miracle pill though by any means so definitely dont expect bells and whistles! Its a tough fight and we need all the help we can get so make sure you arm yourself with as many of the tools as you can get your hands on.

