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Is it just me?

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    Is it just me?

    Man, I used to love this site, and it's people.

    I have been feeling some serious discontent with C--t posts, and the spiteful posts, and the people who pretend to "connect" with you, and then put you on IGNORE. What's up with that??

    Sometimes I feel like I am in high school, and just can't be good enough to get into "the cool group".

    Actually, in real life, people like me just fine. On here, I say I am sick of all the You Tube videos, and I am crucified.

    Maddiva spews the worst kind of garbage, and EVERYONE loves and supports that crap!! WTF???

    Is it just me?

    Unfortunately, Angel Eyes, when you join an open forum such as this, with professed alcohol abusers, anything goes. I have seen it all in the last year and a half. I leave and come back, only to find it continuing. And believe me, with the holidays here, it will get worse.

    And when people continually reach out to others who post nasty threads while under the influence, well in my opinion are helping no one. So I suggest that you only read what you think might help you.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


      Is it just me?

      We have to tolerate everthing Angel !!!!I agree this place is a public internet forum for recovering alcoholics and drunks seeking guidance the usuall dynamics "do not" apply....... there are those who think they own this place!!! and the rest of us who dont !!!!!! I agree there were some..... too eager to run to Maddy after those posts mentioning the c word which i find offensive too !!!!! I thought she would be banned but "they" bought the good maddy out she is a good person and they new it !!!! I find some here VERY annoying!!!!!! constantly carping about how this site doesnt meet their expectations !!!! because people may or may not be drinking and they are the only ones taking this seriously!!!!! put them on ignore and continue on conversing with those you can relate too!! Overall the 99 percent are good and some you will fall in love with and be freinds with for life!!!!! that cant be bad its a wonderful place its all about becomming AL free and following and supporting the RJ plan not others plan !!!! to stop drinking and get ya bloody life works !!!! read the book and follow the programme !!! put the wingers on ignore
      Love cap


        Is it just me?

        I guess I'm not reading the threads that you are .... where are you seeing this? ... or is it in "chat"? I've found most people to be very helpful and supportive and I'm so glad I've found MWO ... I think it's the only hope for me.


          Is it just me?

          I think it is just like anyplace. There will always be some who don't get along and might say mean things. Especially if AL is involved, thats life. But I have to agree that sometimes it seems very, very unjust. All I know is if when this happens, anyone not involved should not post. The thread would die so much faster.

          Just my 2 cents
          :l to you Angel
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            Is it just me?


            It's not just you hon. There has been a lot of unpleasantness lately. RJ is doing the best she can to nip it in the bud. I don't care for the YOUTUBE stuff myself and it does tax the MWO system. But nobody should be attacked for having an opinion. There are gobs of very caring, thoughtful people here. Concentrate on them and not the few that are disruptive.:l


              Is it just me?

              i like you have felt put down and attacked for simply giving my view/opinion, i have been called a freak in the chat room simply because i asked all those who knew each other to let someone who wanted to chat speak!! i will take the good advice here and just read what gives me strength and not what makes me want to reach for the bottle. well said angel x
              Keeps x:happyheart:


                Is it just me?

                I must be very sheltered in my little ODAT thread:H !! I did see the c-word and wankers posts. I just realized what was going on, because I, myself, am not the most attractive drunk. Thing is, it was posted on a site for, well, people who have drinking problems; so I figured that in a perverse way she was reaching out for help. Other than that, I haven't really seen much nastiness here?? I can't go to chat because I'm not a subscriber, so have no idea what goes on in there.

                I'd just let it roll off. Some people are nasty drunks, and some people are just not nice with or without added lubrication. But, hey, I'm pretty thick skinned! Not much is going to bother me.


                  Is it just me?

                  dingbat;488310 wrote: I can't go to chat because I'm not a subscriber, so have no idea what goes on in there.
                  Yes you can. They have subs chat and regular. Just have to have good timing or post and ask. The main forum at the bottom will show you who is in chat.

                  :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                    Is it just me?

                    ak - yes, caysea PM'd me to let me know. Boy do I feel like a doofus.


                      Is it just me?

                      your `cruel` avatar made me LMAO :H

                      Star x
                      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                        Is it just me?

                        dingbats avatar is hysterical.. !!! where is all this nasty stuff everyone is talking about? i rarely read general as i love subs i am most likely one of the nastys down there on one of my bad nites.. i can admit i have a problem. :H after lubrication.


                          Is it just me?

                          Ripple , your not a nasty....your a funny!


                            Is it just me?

                            limers;488894 wrote: Ripple , your not a nasty....your a funny!
                            ya think?? i like to laugh and have a good time. my internal knobs get turned up too high. .. So glad you understand limers.. thats because you have little ones!!!! i'm a big kid trying to be an adult.. which is rare. :H

