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    ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

    Good morning everyone! Yikes, it's coooolllldddd here today. It's going to be 33 degrees for a high - wheeeeeee!!

    I can't seem to shake this cold I have. I don't feel bad, but my head's still full of snot and I have a nagging cough. Blech!

    Well, day 30 - so tomorrow I can officially say I have 30 days AF. Now that I've done that, I think it's time to start working on some other things. EXERCISE will be my first priority, I want to lose 20 lbs.

    I'm feeling a little blah this morning! So I'll let everyone else go to it. I sure hope Savvy didn't get sloshed and email that woman. BTDT and it's one of those "Oh Gawd, whyyyyy" things!!

    ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

    Good Day Dingbat and All to follow.
    I only slept three hours, so will be taking a nap soon. I am working second shift today, so I get to come home tonight and go to be Whoo Hoo. Dingy, you are doing Great!! I will be here for your celebration tomorrow. I will check back in after a nap.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

      Hey Dinngy and my beautiful Sea been experiencing logon probs but just wanted to say you both are wonderful 30 days is fantastic love Cap


        ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

        Hi guys,

        Day 11 here so I made my goal which was to get to double digits......had to make it through last night -another naitl biter. We had a nice steak and shrimp dinner and about 5 times I wanted to reach for the bottle of wine......but BF never once asked for a glass and I just gave him a beer instead and nothing was even said. Once dinner was over I put on a pot of decaf and then the craving had subsided. I know at this point it's not physial, just mental and I managed to knuckle my way through the mental point last night.

        I'm not sure what my next goal is. should be to get to day 14. I have a wedding this weekend and would really like to go AF through it just because I am really starting to remember how crappy I feel when I'm drinking and how good I feel now. I'm afraid to take that first drink at this wedding - it is a huge Italian affair with an antipasto bar, champagne flowing freely.........yikes! Not sure how to handle that one. My plan is to have the baileys chocolate as you walk in the door (seen as rude not to) and then order soda with lemon. Have the champagne at the table for toasts and just have a small sip when they do the toasts and that's it............does that count as cheating?

        aaauuuggg.....Saturday will be a tough one.........if I can get through that one then I can make it to day 14 I'm sure.

        Right now just gonna focus on getting through today - Day11.

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

          Way to go UNI double diggis just proves you can do it !!!!! what guts and determination you have what a fantastic inspiration!!!! thoughts of your past experiences are being put into perspective "I am really starting to remember how crappy I feel when I'm drinking and how good I feel now" says it all Thanks!!!!! day 14 and beyond you are going to do it Uni I feel it go girl!!!!! Ps I got a wedding tommorrow too!!!!.... a cocktail event I shall be the only one turning up with a surgeons mask over my mouth and hopefully they call security and I get tossed out!!!!
          love cap


            ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

            Goodmorning all, day 12 for me, hoping to get past 13, which will be the longest I've gone since joining this site, last time I gave in on day 13. So if the beast shows up, you can bet I will be on here looking for someone to chat with. Pretty cold here too, have to get on the treadmil here in a few and finish up my laundry before I go to work. Have a happy AF Friday everyone and everyone to come!!

            Twosox :l


              ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

              LOL, cap, you crack me up! Congrats, uni! I'll tell you what I did at my last AF wedding. I cheated on the champagne toast! I put the glass up to my mouth and I pretended to drink but didn't. I also had a lot of fun watching everyone else get drunk and the drama...oh, the drama. If I had had even a sip of champagne I would have switched to wine. I didn't have the discipline then. I ate a lot, too! LOL.

              Congrats, dingy, I hope you feel better for your big 30!

              "See" ya later, "sea". Sorry, that was bad. Really corny.

              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                Missed you, two, congratulations! Now there's no excuse for me to avoid the treadmill today if you're doing all that before work!
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                  thanks Be - Maybe I'll give that a go.........that would get me through Day 12!
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                    GM everyone and happy friday!!

                    Day 5 here and feeling great. Antabuse makes it too easy, it feels like I'm cheating or something. Oh well, whatever works. All I know is me and my son are getting along so good. Teacher even says he is happier at school. You think having a sober mom has something to do with it? I'm thinking yes.

                    Dingbat, I hope you feel better. Wow, almost day 30, thats awesome.

                    Hi Capt, hope you are well.

                    Uni, Yaaay on the double digits! I can't wait to get there.

                    2Sox, 13 is not unlucky and you can get past it.

                    Be, hello to you.

                    Hi Sea, See you when you wake up.

                    Okay, did I miss anyone? Well to eveyone here and those to come I would like to say you are doing great, just keep trying. It will happen. They say the more AF days you string together the easier it gets.

                    Okay, it's off to work for me. And for the record....its 8 degrees here! Brrrr So you should all feel a bit warmer.

                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                      ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                      Hello to All ---- Everyone sounds so positive --- even me today --- LOL! Had a good night's sleep (took 2 melatonin caps to ensure it)..... and feel so much better today. No excuse now not to get to the gym! Have been slacking off in that department.

                      My goal now is to go through the weekend AF (would be a first), but this time it's starting on Day 2, whereas before I'd always come up to the weekends on day 4 or 5, and just couldn't push through. This change up may be the answer ... here's hoping!

                      I don't have a wedding or Christmas party to attend like some of you ... I said "no" to attending another cocktail party this Saturday, simply because I want to do this.

                      Uni and Captn --- keep each other in mind when you're at your respective weddings .... it'll keep you stronger knowing you have that bond and desire to remain AF.

                      AK --- glad to hear you're doing so well. I hope to be right behind you .... only on day 2 (again) right now though.

                      Dingbat, Sea and twosox --- way to go!

                      Be --- I'll think of you while at the gym!

                      Have a great Friday!


                        ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                        Good advice New day thanks!!!!!! being strong is my down fall...... Uni is stronger!!!! Thanks ND the desire to remain af is supported by people like you!!!!!! THANKS
                        love cap


                          ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                          Hey Capt
                          Missed u yesterday. Nice to see you. Nothing new here; have some housework to do, pay my bills, ugh...and off to work. At least I will get out of work around 11:30pm and can go to bed tonight. Hope you all have a great day.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                            My Dear sea missed U too nothing new!!!!! neither except I love you!!!!! sweet heart


                              ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                              I Love you too Capt. When u coming to whisk me away from this long, cold, New Hampshire winter??
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

