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I missed a day somehow!

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    I missed a day somehow!

    I somehow missed a day, thought yesterday was day 12, which today would have been day 13, the same day I gave in on last time, was determined to get past today. Well, I got to thinking and was counting the days since my last slip, I even looked at my old posts to find out what day I started day 1 again and guess what today is day 14. I know its not a huge deal, but I am excited I made it past day 13. The temptation wasn't even bad yesterday, even though my husband and his friends were drinking. So now I just need to keep going one day at a time.

    One other thing I am coming to terms with is this, I always said I did not like to feel buzzed, apparently though, I did why else would I keep drinking until I was. I would also drink to get a buzz at parties, so I would be more talkative, I'm usually the one who will wait till someone talks to me. So this may sound silly, but when the beast tries to convince me to moderate, I tell myself why, what is one glass of wine or one beer going to do, nothing, so why bother.I don't ever want to be that person again. I am really starting to like the new me!

    Have a Happy AF Saturday!

    Twosox :l

    I missed a day somehow!


    You go girl! You are doing so well and I am happy for you. I am inspired by this post. I haven't been 14 days yet, but feel stronger everyday.
    Hope :h


      I missed a day somehow!

      That's ok twosocks when I was on my drinking binges I had many a lost weekend ! Ha! IAD.
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        I missed a day somehow!

        I have done the same thing, Its great when you loose count in your favor! You are on your way!
        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


          I missed a day somehow!

          gosh well done you, treat yourself now to a nice pamper x
          Keeps x:happyheart:


            I missed a day somehow!

            Great Job Two! I'm sure you are on cloud 9! Your way of thinking if a good one. Why bother when you know you can't get that good buzz until after a few drinks and after that it's ALL OVER, at least for me anyway. I can never stop with a few. It's all or nothing. I choose nothing. Sometimes it's easier NOT to count the days. Kind of stressful. I find myself using my fingers in the middle of the night to add up the days! It's easier to keep track of the days that you do drink which for me is always 0! No fingers required!

            :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
            AF since 10/11/2008


              I missed a day somehow!

              Thanks everyone, made it through yesterday, had a urge while Christmas shopping, but talked myself out of it, when I got home the urge had passed. So here's to another happy AF day!



                I missed a day somehow!

                I keep losing days too. Yesterday I posted that I was on day 17 but in fact I was on day 21, today is day 22. This damn Topa makes me loopy as hell. :H
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  I missed a day somehow!

                  cyclefan, that is great day 22, fantastic!!


