I just now read some of your posts about my dilemma the other day. I wanted you to know that I SO appreciate your kindness and understanding!!
I know we're all "just" cyber-buddies, but I Swear I can feel your warmth...

I DID stop short of either emailing or calling my dead boyfriend's ex. What I Did do is post a few pics on the obit site. No one had posted any! I didn't write anything, other than caption of photo... Oddly, the only one I posted that was of the two of us didn't show up on site?? Oh well. I guess I'll let that be...
Most of the people had posted back in Aug. (he died in June), so I doubt anyone's going there at this point.
I think my brother described what it is to experience the (especially Sudden!) loss of a loved one best. He said it's like when you throw a rock in a pond. At first, it's a huge splash! Then the impact sends out waves, at first in quick succession and large... then smaller and farther apart.
My waves are smaller and farther apart at last. That first impact literally pushed me into a form of insanity... luckily, not permanent! (Well, some may disagree!!)
Sorry to be so heavy this Sat. morn. Just wanted you Lovely people to know that I'm ok. And didn't even drink last night when I went to a Christmas party!!
All's well. I know there will be more waves, but apparently I can survive them.