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    ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

    Good morning peeps! Well, I did it - 30 days. It doesn't feel like such a big deal, because the longer I go, the less I think about it. Kinda strange.

    Anywhoo, I see that I somehow missed some drama going on elsewhere. Now we get to have "moderators". Yippeee:dunno:!!! I am not overly fond of having things I say evaluated by peeps I do not know. I 'm a grownup, I don't need a babysitter, nor do I need to be protected from "offensive" comments. I really don't get it - is there a scarcity of big girl pants that I am unaware of??? Oh well, whatever. I guess we shall see how it goes. But if it turns out to be like other places where the mods begin to shape the site to meet their standard of "appropriate", then I guess I'll go somewhere else. Don't mean to be a Debbie downer, but seriously, ick!!!

    Anyway, here's to everyone meeting their goals today. I'll probably fiddle with the fishtanks, and we'll be getting our Christmas tree this weekend.

    ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

    CONGRATS Dingy! (Altho I didn't doubt for a sec. you would make it!!)

    HEY - I posted my ODAT first this time!!!!!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

      Well done Dingo! Big congrat's to you.... Gx.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

        Savvy - yep, I saw it after I posted! I was busy composing my magnum opus, sooooo . .. . .:H!!!! I'm so glad to see that you resisted the urge to email. And I am truly sorry for what you're going through. I can only imagine the pain.


          ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

          OK - since Dingy's post has usurped mine (LOL), I am reposting mine here, since I wanted to be sure all who responded to me the other day view my Appreciation:

          Hi all you amazing ODAT'ers!

          I just now read some of your posts about my dilemma the other day. I wanted you to know that I SO appreciate your kindness and understanding!!

          I know we're all "just" cyber-buddies, but I Swear I can feel your warmth...

          I DID stop short of either emailing or calling my dead boyfriend's ex. What I Did do is post a few pics on the obit site. No one had posted any! I didn't write anything, other than caption of photo... Oddly, the only one I posted that was of the two of us didn't show up on site?? Oh well. I guess I'll let that be...

          Most of the people had posted back in Aug. (he died in June), so I doubt anyone's going there at this point.

          I think my brother described what it is to experience the (especially Sudden!) loss of a loved one best. He said it's like when you throw a rock in a pond. At first, it's a huge splash! Then the impact sends out waves, at first in quick succession and large... then smaller and farther apart.

          My waves are smaller and farther apart at last. That first impact literally pushed me into a form of insanity... luckily, not permanent! (Well, some may disagree!!)

          Sorry to be so heavy this Sat. morn. Just wanted you Lovely people to know that I'm ok. And didn't even drink last night when I went to a Christmas party!!

          All's well. I know there will be more waves, but apparently I can survive them.
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

            Congrats dingbat on 30 days!!



              ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

              NOW what the feck is going on? I've been a bit absentee a couple days and missed the drama. Thankfully I usually do miss it. However as the originator of BGP, shall I call upon the factory workers to mass produce? :H Are you talking about moderators as in censors or moderator drinkers? Guess I'll have to poke around.

              Savon, the rock in the pond was a good analogy. If you think about it, the rings subside into the calm of a still pond; a rather peaceful image.

              After papers were served to estranged one (which was rather anxiety producing) I went to a bar for a friend's birthday and had soda water and lime. It felt completely natural and was a nice feeling.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

                Just back from the wedding I feel out of breath!!!!!


                  ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

                  Congratulations, Dingbat! It does get easier, for sure!
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

                    GM everyone and happy Saturday!!!

                    Yaaaay on 30 Dingbat!!!!!

                    Savon, I am glad you are doing better and I love the analogy.....the ripples will get smaller.

                    Capt, how was the wedding?

                    Greenie, nope its site moderators and there is definately mixed feeling there.

                    I'm with D, put on your big girl or boy panties and get over it. I mean really...they are words on a screen. I think we should be able to handle it. But if it's for the peace of the group...I guess that it is good. Doesn't bother me cause I'm not a potty mouth :H LOL

                    I am on Day 6...yaay, and I hope to continue although I have to admit, I really wanted one last night. Being Friday and all. But even if I decide to I have to wait, so then the feeling goes away.

                    Bestlife, twosox & guirtarist and all my fellow ODATers!!! I hope you have a wonderful day

                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                      ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

                      Dingy, You Rock
                      Seems we have a couple of duplicate threads
                      Good Job Savvy. You are tougher than you think.
                      I am doing well. Day 33, I think. It is early for me, still sipping my first coffee. I am not looking forward to work this evening. I am working on the Long term care unit and it is very tough. I have things to do around the house before I go, but just do not feel motivated to do anything except hang out here. Have you all have a wonderful day.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

                        Hello to All ODAT'ers ---
                        Dingbat --- Congratulations on your 30 days! Well done, and nice to hear that you've found it easier as you go along!

                        Sea --- I suppose it will be an adjustment for you to have to sleep at night .. after 14 years! Good Luck to you on the new posting. I'm sure Long Term care is very tough ... most nursing is I think.

                        AK ---- good on your for passing up the drink last night and hitting day 6. Sorry, to say, I didn't, BUT I only had 1 glass ... I'd made myself a nice Italian meal for dinner (by myself last night) .... I made a grapefruit juice/soda/grenedine drink to have while I was preparing dinner which is a big change for me ..... but when I was eating my dinner, a glass of red wine was too much to resist. I sipped on the wine, instead of gulping it, so the one glass made it to the end of dinner. BUT, miracles of miracles .... I didn't have any more ..... So today I feel terrific, and even though I wasn't AF, I am very happy about not going back to the bottle!

                        I'm aware that even though I did well last night, it's an easy slide back.

                        Have been busy cleaning house today ... and it feels so much better to do it with more energy and a clear head instead of pushing my way through it.

                        Have a great AF Saturday everyone!


                          ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

                          The wedding was ok AK girl resisted the temptation but the amount of explaining one has to do to every one just to say NO I dont want a drink is exhausting!!!!!. Do they make Big Guys Pants I need some. PS well done dinngy and sea you guys are the BEST as is every one else who gets through another day but thirty and beyond is wonderfully inspiring !!!
                          Love cap


                            ONE DAT AT A TIME Saturday

                            capt - just say "I'm trying to lose some weight", while looking pointedly at their bellies!! I bet that shuts them up real quick!

