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ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

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    ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

    I've been up since 4:30 (as usual)... Hesitated to post, waited until almost 7:00... We'll see if Dingy starts another post!! :H

    I guess this is Day 3. Had a "moment" yesterday when I went to this grocery store and had to walk by liquor store... It was Calling me: "C'mon in - you're a Good Girl & it won't be naughty to just have some fun!!"

    Wellll, I walked on by. I tell ya, tho, that VOICE is really annoying and Very strong at times.

    Absolutely MY kind of day today: High of 63 with bright blue skies...

    Hoping to make it a good one, as I hope all of you do!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

    Hey!! I'm here! I was trying to get enough coffee in my system for my brain-hand connection to function!

    Good for walking by savvy. I know the feeling - I have to stare at it in the house everyday. But I just ask myself, "Really, is it fun????" I know the godawful hangovers aren't; nor is not remembering the night before, "coming to" on one or another couch checking for burnt stuff, bruises or blood (oh, yeah, I am one of those)!! I really, really don't want to go there anymore!

    It's cold here, of course. It is
    November in Upstate NY. But it looks like we may get some snow that will stick, so maybe we'll have a white X-mas.

    Good morning to everyone!! Hope everyone is doing great and meeting their goals. I think twosox, uni and greeneyes are busy putting some AF days together.


      ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

      Wooo hooo - my post "stuck" this time!! :H

      Thing is, I have drinking down to a science - RARELY if Ever have a hangover... and rarely get really out of control (bruising, etc.). I think the worst thing I do is the good ol' drunk-dialing thing. Gets me in Trouble!! And hate not remembering wth I even said...

      And, of course, drinking + driving = NONO. So that means if I'm drinking at home, I'm pretty much Here for the duration. God forbid a friend would call me needing help w/me not being able to drive!

      I have to ask myself WHY do I think it is Fun?? Even by myself...? (Actually, Usually by myself!!) It still seems like it's fun and/or a reward or something. I need to change that idea somehow!!

      PS - I am IMPRESSED by your willpower, Ding. I know ME - if it's here, I drink it. That you have it there & Don't is super!!
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

        Good morning all, snowing here and its sticking, dingbat I am definitely busy putting AF days together, going on day 15 today. Had an urge for some wine yesterday while Christmas shopping, but talked myself out of it and I prayed, by the time I got home it passed. Hope everyone has a great AF Sunday.



          ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

          See, there ya go twosox! You're halfway to 30 already. I've read that it takes 30 days to break a habit, so I guess that's why it's recommended that you go 30 days AF at first, then take a moment to re-evaluate your goals. Good job, you should be proud of yourself!


            ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

            YAY, YAY, RAH, RAH!!! Everybody's doing good! Keep it up!!!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

              Good Day All
              Snowing here too. One more shift and I am off until Tuesday, night shift. I have to work during the Patriot's game today, so not happy about that, but what u gonna do? Football is usually a big trigger for me, so being at work will take care of that. I have really got to start Christmas shopping, but no one in my family can decide what they want; very frustrating. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)


                Today is my first day. I have tried so many times. I made it all day yesterday (I had gotten to have to drink in the mornings because I felt so bad) and then had for beers in the evening. I wanted another one but talked myself out of it. So, no hangover this morning. Last night I ordered the book, CDs and Topamax. I hope it is ok to order it online. I hope I can make it through the day, then until the materials come.
                You sound like a great bunch of people. I have to admit I am very, very frightened I won't be able to get this to work but am committed to trying again. I HATE to ask for help. Shows lack of character don't you know. So i am going to post everyday just to get over that fear.
                Thank you all for being here. Any advice would be appreciated.


                  ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

                  Hi Hoping and welcome to ODAT!

                  What you've done is agreat start. I wish you lots of luck and look forward to getting to know you.

                  Be back in a bit
                  :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                    ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

                    Welcome Hoping
                    It sounds like you are filling you Toolbox. That is great. Why don't you join us on the Newbie's Nest thread too. It is a group of people in early sobriety, supporting each other. We would love to have you aboard. I look forward to reading your posts.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

                      OMG - drank today after all. I had SO many "heads up" things. Didn't want to pay attention.

                      NOT drunk. But... just didn't do it. Damn. Perhaps I should just go by the wayside for a while until I figure what the hell I'm doing...
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

                        You Still drinking now, Savon? Whether you are or not, just make sure you stick's OK........
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

                          Welcome Hoping, you came to the right place.



                            ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

                            Welcome hoping! Looks like you've already made a start; and taking that first step is the important thing!

                            savvy - don't you dare go anywhere! I can't tell you how many times I drank when I promised myself I wouldn't. Hell, I'd tell myself no as I was pouring it down my throat!! We all have to make it through in our own way and in our own time. One day at a time, right????


                              ODAT - SUNDAY (after peering around for Dingy!)

                              I know what you mean, DB - I would literally have to get the first glass down just to STOP the frantic debate going on in my head and get it over with....then I would think....Oh well, too late now, might as well keep going....
                              Savon - STICK WITH US! You can do it - how can WE help?
                              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

