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    Good morning all!! Here we are - fresh start to a new week! Let's start by sending positive vibes to Savvy along with extra pairs of BGPs :H Seriously, Everybody focus on yourself and what your sober life means to you and guard it with everything you have! Because it IS everything you have.

    Have a happy day and tickle a little kid today so you get to hear that funny tickle laugh they have.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


    Well said Greenie!

    I didn't have a successful weekend but I am starting again today. Not too worried about it as I know that I can easily rack up another 10-15 days and that's my plan. I reached my last goal of double digits so I'm back to get to 7 days and then go from there.

    Hope everyone else had a good weekend and back to the grind today.

    Take care all, I'll check in later.

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.



      Well, here I am. I guess one good thing about drinking is that I actually slept until 7:00 (instead of getting up at my usual 4:30 AM!!)...

      Still, not good. And it's embarrassing when you're giving others "thought-provoking" encouragement... only to not take your own advice.


      And all the stupid "reasons" I come up with for drinking, like: I'm sad, I'm happy, I'm bored, I'm feeling good, I'm feeling bad... on & on.

      How the heck do you deal with NO matter What you feel, you decide drinking will be good?? Stupid, I know...

      Right now it's: Go to gym, drink, go to gym, drink?? WTH?????

      OK, I'm GOING TO GO TO GYM. I am I am I am.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT - MONDAY

        Good morning, greenie, uni and savvy and all to come.

        Great idea, Greenie. My daughter's getting a big belly tickle when she comes home. I french braided her hair before school so she was on cloud 9!

        Uni, you sound great. Isn't it wonderful what some AF days under the 'ol belt will do? That's my philosophy, the more there are, the better it gets. It works for me and I don't beat myself up as much.

        Savvy, don't be embarassed. Your words of encouragement are always great! If you're going to the gym, then I'm getting on the treadmill, deal? Don't ever give up, buddy. :l

        I had a nice weekend and I feel really good. I can't stress the wonders of that All One powder enough. It's made such a difference to me. I feel so much healthier.

        I'm a bit stressed, ok, that's putting it mildly, very stressed about finances. What's helping me is this ODAT philosophy. I'm taking work, bills, all of that One Day At A Time, too. It's the best I can do and I find I don't stress as much. I'm also giving more to others. To the food shelf. I feel better and I'm not so "whoa is me". It's hard, though, I'm getting kind of scared.

        Anyway, take care all, and lets have a good, drunk-free week, ok?
        Love, :h
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          ODAT - MONDAY

          Happy ODAT Monday everyone. I had a good weekend, didn't drink, today is day 16 can't believe it, the longest I've gone so far. I have a Christmas Party tonight and Friday to go to, but I already told myself I will not let AL have control over me again. I'm finally in control again, feels great!

          I will make sure I give my 5 year old a belly tickle before she goes to school, I gave her one last night, before she went to bed. I do love to hear my kids laugh.



            ODAT - MONDAY

            Hi all,
            I don't usually post on this thread. I've been all over the place and quite down lately. Beatle, LVT, Cinders, Bestlife, if you see this, thanks for your help. And of course Prest, T and Det. I have to try harder. so my little baby step for this morning is that I took some vitamins from the pile of supps that has been gathering dust on my dresser for months. I feel that I have alienated family and friends and possibly some MWOers. I can't go thru the holidays like this. Anyway, I am off to work but will be back here this afternoon. Thanks for listening.


              ODAT - MONDAY

              OK, Becoming - Report back when you've done the treadmill!! I AM Still going to gym - honest!! eeky:

              (PS - I collect signatures I like for my Outlook email --- I stole yours!!)
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                ODAT - MONDAY

                Hello Everyone.. its RIPP .. i am good, i just refilled my blueberry coffee only to find the poodle and cats chewing the bottom of a brand new 7 pound bag of kitten cereal. They really get even when i am upstairs on the net talking to you guys!!!

                Drinking SUCKS.. i did not this weekend. Still had tummy problems from wine Thursday nite.. i am learning, the hard way!

                Happy days to all. :l


                  ODAT - MONDAY

                  Good morning. I'm late today as I, too, actually slept until 7:00!! Don't know why, 'cause I'm usually up with savvy! I have to be quick, as the pond froze over again - I thought the replacement pump was going to do the trick, but no dice!

                  savvy - don't be embarassed! I ignore my own advice all the time:H!! Chin-up, you're fine and today is another day!

                  uni - the important thing is improvement, no??? Take a look at all the days you didn't drink and stop beating yourself up for the days when you did.

                  twosox - :goodjob:!! It does feel great, doesn't it??? I am so happy to wake up clear-headed these days.

                  cso4 - Welcome!! This is a great thread to get support in meeting your goals. No pressure, no judment; we all just take it one day at a time.

                  And good morning to greenie and becoming! OK - I have to go save the fish!! Dang - and it is COLD out there!


                    ODAT - MONDAY


                    Oh no, you're checking up on me? That means I can't back out now... :sofa:
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      ODAT - MONDAY

                      PS - Hi ripple! Good to see you here! And you're right, drinking does suck, at least the way I do it!


                        ODAT - MONDAY

                        Hi Guys --- I'm not going to post much, but wanted you to know I'm not giving up either ....I'll be around, gathering strength from here, but until I've got 4 days AF, I won't say much. Feel like I've let everyone down yet again because I drank over the weekend... yet again. I don't understand it, because I was feeling very confident about being able to get through it. Well, all the "regular" wine is gone ... and only the expensive stuff is left, so I won't stock up on my regular drinking wine, so as not to be tempted.
                        Have a good week everyone!


                          ODAT - MONDAY

                          BecomingMeAtLast;489822 wrote: savvy,

                          Oh no, you're checking up on me? That means I can't back out now... :sofa:
                          You can run, but you can't HIDE! muhahahahhah!!

                          Just back from gym. YES, I done did it. And glad I did... At least that's ONE good thing I've done today!

                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            ODAT - MONDAY

                            newday - you do realize that we're always hardest on ourselves?? The guilt you're feeling is because you let yourself down. We've all been there, and it sucks. I've been so disgusted with myself that I seriously considered just leaving my home, because what good was I to anyone?? Of course, my family wasn't thrilled with me, but they didn't want me to leave either! Try not to beat yourself up so much, it can turn into a vicious cycle. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try and try again. You can't be said to fail until you stop trying (I stole that from someone - I can't remember who)!!!

                            :l to you!!


                              ODAT - MONDAY

                              Good Day ODATers
                              Slept an hour later than I planned, but I guess I needed it. My daughter and I are going to have oil changes done on our cars. It is Frigid here today. It is my night off. I have lots to catch up on: housework, laundry, phone calls, etc.... I have an appt. with my new therapist at 5pm, then off to an AA meeting.
                              Ripps=Great to see you!!!
                              Hang tough all who are struggling. We still have a couple of weeks until Christmas. You can chock up some AF time. Day 35 today. I am creeping up on my old record of 37 days. Now all of you put on your Big Girl/Guy pants and let's go.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

