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Hello and looking for help

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    Hello and looking for help

    I found this site just surfing the net looking for some help. I worked the 12 step program about 9 years ago. I was clean and sober for 18 months. However, my friends kept pushing the 12 steps on me which eventually pushed me away. I have been a fully fuctional alcoholic since then. I don't mean that in a good way. People say one has to hit rock bottom before they start to seek help. Well, I have a great job, a beautiful family and I "function" in everyday life. If I keep drinking, I am afraid I won't be around much longer. I am only 35. For the first time in my life I can honestly say that I can't quit drinking. I don't even want to drink sometimes and I have to because I need the alcohol. I am really scared. I have a 2 year old son with another one on the way that's due in February. I wish there was a way other than the 12 steps. Can someone please offer any suggestions for me? Thanks for listening.


    Hello and looking for help

    Welcome Michael! Good on you for seeing alcohol for what it is (or isn't!). We have many diverse members here, some have used AA and have done well with it, and others have not. Whatever works best for you.

    Have you had a chance to read RJ's book yet? It is very helpful explaining what worked for her in removing alcohol from her life. There are supplements that can be taken and hypno cd's that I found to be very helpful.

    You CAN be free from the grips of alcohol, but I will tell you up front, as I'm sure you know, there is NO magic bullet, it take's hard work and dedication. But sobriety is there for the taking. I bet you loved that 18 month of sobriety you experienced? You can do it again! Stick around and read the boards, there is alot of information here.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


      Hello and looking for help

      Michael, A lot of us have been through AA and thier harsh methods or their way of thinking has turned us off. Roberta Jewel has a good program to help you get started. Check out the herbal meds, her book, etc. It has helped lots of us here. We support each other here, the rest is up to you. Their are a lot of Support Forums here that might interest you. Give us a try. Welcome. IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Hello and looking for help

        Hiya Michael, a big welcome to you.
        I too thought that my only options were to hit rock bottom or join AA. I guess in my way I did hit rock bottom or got to a point where I realised i couldnt go on like that. I too had a great job wonderful family etc.
        Well, after finding this site I started reading about others who felt exactly the same as me. That was such a huge help as I didnt feel so alone any more. Next I got the book My Way Out from Amazon. You can also download it from here. Then I ordered some supplements to help with the cravings.
        I guess it all depends how much you are drinking right now as to whether you can stop and go through the withdrawal without medical help? I did, it was not nice to start but it gets better quite quickly. With the support here I am now almost 5 months sober.
        I hope this helped a bit.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Hello and looking for help

          Hi MichaelM,

          Welcome to the My Way Out site! I'm so glad you found us! Your story sounds so similar to so many of ours here. I would suggest you read the My Way Out book, which is downloadable from this site, and to read more posts here.

          Have you talked with your doctor about your drinking while pregnant? I hope you take care of yourself.

          It's nice to meet you
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            Hello and looking for help

            Thank you all so much for your replies and support. I almost feel like crying now. You all made me feel so much better about myself today and that I can do this. When I went into recovery the first time, I had pretty much hit rock bottom. That is why this is so scary now. I am not in one's typical "rock bottom" I feel much more scared now because, like I said earlier, I know I just can't quit on my own. Before, I knew I had a problem and needed a push in the right direction, but I always felt that I could just quit anytime. Well, I am addicted to alcohol and I can't quit. I take wieght loss pills (not for wieght loss but for the energy) then I drink to even the feeling out. I will drink anywhere from 7 - 16 beers a night. I might go one or two days a week without drinking, but it is because I am busy. On the weekends, I will wake up early and start drinking. This is REALLY bad. I am going to look into all of your suggestions and look forward to starting back on my road to recovery. Thanks again everyone. I really needed this today.


            My wife is pregnant...not


              Hello and looking for help


              I'm glad this has helped, yes, you're drinking too much and that is why you're here. We're here to help you. The MYO (My Way Out) program is fantastic but it's a program which must be worked. The supplements, the AF (alcohol free days), the CDs, the entire thing. I strongly recommend it. There's a great thread here called ODAT, for One Day At A Time. It's helped lots of us who felt we could not go for a day, or two without alcohol.

              You can do it.

              Congratulations on your new baby! What a time to start being a new dad, right?

              Take care, :l
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                Hello and looking for help

                Oh yeah, I'm glad you're not pregnant, too, LOL! :H
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Hello and looking for help


                  Good Place to spend your time is right here. Learning, what all of us go thru. There are items here to help if you do not want to go out and shop. I spent my first sober almost 8 months on this site glued. It is never too late to make change, or at best try to. :l


                    Hello and looking for help

                    Hello Michael......This is a good many of us to give and receive support....I hope you find your way out. Bella XXXX


                      Hello and looking for help

                      Hi from a guy in the same place

                      I am in the same exact place as you are. I just found this place today and I am trying to see if I can get help. I am 28 years old and a funtional alocholic as well i have a good job and a nice house and a beautiful wife. I don't really have any advice for you because i am going through the same thing but I thought i would post to let you know that you are far from alone. I wish you the best and i hope we both can do what is healthy and right for us


                        Hello and looking for help

                        hey michael!!
                        and here's another newbie giving you support and encouragement!!
                        i found this site about 4 weeks ago and it really has given me the way forward... i was much like you. functioning alcoholic but drinking every night for 3 years (vodka/beer in my case!! eek!!) i only knew about AA and didn't fancy that much- but the moderation thing seems much more up my street! (i'd never heard of it!) i haven't read the book- no spare cash, nor supplements or the drugs but do you know what? the amazing advice and support you can get just by reading and posting on here has truly been my lifeline!! have just gone nearly 2 weeks without alcohol and just started a bit of moderation- just to see how it felt.. and doing ok-so far!! stay on here it's really good to know you're not alone and that if others can do it..well so can we!!! think positive mate it really is a great life once you open the curtains!!!!
                        x una x


                          Hello and looking for help

                          michael, welcome
                          i have been AF for 6 days now & i know how scarey it is to contemplate not drinking, this site is awesome, I log on 2--3 times a night just to check in & see how people are doing, Just remember you have taken the most important 1st step in acknoledging that you have a problem, talking to others about it can make you feel so much better especially when you know that we all understand the urge & know how despondant you can feel when you feel powerless over A. read the toolbox thread - its full of helpfull advise & ways to cope, but most of all talk to us when you are stuggling, we can support you.
                          just think what a joy it will be for you when your next baby arrives & you are really there Dad you are ment to be, & be there for you babies & wife. lots of luck.
                          Progress, not perfection!!!
                          A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                            Hello and looking for help

                            Welcome Michael!
                            You have already been given great advice, just wanted to say hi and stick around.... the MWO program does work!
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

