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Does Hypnotism work?

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    Does Hypnotism work?

    Does anyone have any experience with this? Either the CD's available through this program or hypnotism done in person with a therapist. I would love to hear what you think.

    Does Hypnotism work?

    Hi Wannastop ---- I did a 10 week private session a year and a half ago, and had the sessions taped, so I could listen at home in between. I'm afraid it didn't work for me. I was hoping it would, because about 20 years ago I had one session to stop smoking and that worked .... 1 session! So I wasted about $1200, but it would have been money well spent had it worked.


      Does Hypnotism work?

      I love CDs and think they most definately work. Its fiinding the time and getting in the right frame of mind that was hard for me. Life can be so busy. But I am making time by getting up a bit earlier than usual.

      I know some don't like them, but I do.

      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Does Hypnotism work?

        Totally works for me. I bought the Abstinence CD's, with the plan to mod. Wouldn't you know it - I'm abstaining!
        Ten thumbs up in my book...
        Best wishes to you,
        You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


          Does Hypnotism work?

          I'm a huge fan of the MWO hypnotherapy CD's. Cheap at twice the price.
          vegan zombies want your grains


            Does Hypnotism work?

            Hi, I havent tried the MWO hypnotherapy cd's, so I cant speak for those.. but I didnt really have much of an effect with hypnotherapy myself.

            I had three visits (apparently, 3 was maximum for stopping drinking) and I thought the whole thing seemed to centre on "guilt".
            I know no-one wants to hear this,but Im just being honest on my own experience here... but I actually left feeling so low, that i went straight to the nearest pub for a glass ofwine.
            THEN I felt even more low and an utter failure and went home

            I thought the 2nd and 3rd visit would be better, but it made me think even MOREabout AL thanever before.

            However, I AM thinking of trying the MWO cd's, as the program is fab and MUCH MORE cost worthy
            ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

