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Hullo, just beginning

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    Hullo, just beginning

    Hi everyone,

    I am 46 yr old fairly successful guy who has a "drinks problem". Although I don't drink everyday, I passout whenever i drink which is about 4 times a month. All th the tests of alchoholism point me to be one.

    I have resolved to accept that I am an alcoholic and I am going to change this situation.

    any help is welcome



    Hullo, just beginning

    Hi P Smith,
    Welcome to MWO. A good 1st step is to read the MWO book, which you can download and print (if you choose) for I think $12.95 (not sure that will be if yiou are in India).

    Read posts and ask questions. You are not alone.

    Best to you!


      Hullo, just beginning

      Hi PSMith

      welcome, you have done well to come here, passing out is not good, for so many reasons, but you have taken the first step. Me advice is to follow CS's and keep checking in here, reading if you dont want to post, just keep coming along, loads of support here
      Live your life in such a way that
      when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
      Satan shudders & says...

      'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


        Hullo, just beginning

        Welcome to MWO PSmith. I can so relate to the drinking till you pass out. I have never been one to drink every day, but when i do i dont stop till i blackout. have a good read of the threads here and on general discussion. There is alot of help and support here. keep posting!
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Hullo, just beginning

          hello psmith, are you wanting to live an alchohol free life or become a moderate drinker?
          Keeps x:happyheart:


            Hullo, just beginning

            Welcome, you have come to a good place to start recovery.
            There is so much to read and absorb on the different threads. That and the MWO book are great things to read and help you GET A PLAN..
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Hullo, just beginning


              You wil like it here, lots of support and advice. Start with the book and see what will work for you.

              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                Hullo, just beginning

                wow again alchoholic,lot of these people dont reseach the term,are you or arent you,alchohol problem yes alchoholic maybe,dang ive been doin this for years,what the heck is an alchoholic,i drink to much,dang half the world does,but not as much,so stop the MUCH, hahahha,i did after 37 years,wake up,tht part of society doesnt like to see us as a s s holes,nor do we,wake up , gyco


                  Hullo, just beginning

                  PSmith - this a good place. Yes, read the MWO book. It has a lot of good information and there are a lot of understanding people here. Kittyhawk


                    Hullo, just beginning

                    P, I too drank until pass out. Dont start is my motto.

                    Read the book mate, make a plan, understand that only YOU alone can make this work. I am an alcoholic, I no longer drink and I am happy.

                    Get there and your life will be better. glad you're here! nat
                    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                      Hullo, just beginning

                      I doubt if I ever can become a moderate drinker. 1 drink is too many a hundred ain't enough!! you see.

                      I would like to be completely off alcohol.


                        Hullo, just beginning

                        Thank you all for the warmw welcome.


                          Hullo, just beginning

                          hi PS - you are dead right with the "one too many, 100 never enough" theme - it took me YEARS to wake up to the fact that it was the first drink that "did the damage" - as without the FIRST drink it is IMPOSSIBLE to get drunk. I, too, was a blackout/passout drunk - strangely enough, that is not what led me to want to stop ( being an anarchist and ex-punk rocker, that style of drinking was the DONE thing!) It was the anxiety and depression after a bender that got me eventually to being "sick and tired of being sick and tired" - I am happy, (comparatively) sane, healthy and independent of the obsession to drink today, by NOT PICKING UP THE FIRST FRINK - One Day at a TIME!

                          Once again - a big welcome!
                          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                            Hullo, just beginning

                            Hi P Smith and Kaponium that's how I drink - once a week to blackout, wake up drink some more, pass out. Dangerous. As Kaponium said I suffer terribly after with anxiety and depression which has been part of the merry go round on which I drink again to alleviate those feelings but they are back the next day with a vengeance. I am at Day2/3 and really want to get through the holidays without booze. I did last year abnd then within a week of being back at work I started again and it has gone from bad to worse. It is embarassing, degrading, physically painful in withdrawal and I really hurt myself. Best to you all on this post.


                              Hullo, just beginning

                              "one is too many -100 not enough" WELL SAID.

                              I still have to wrap my head around the fact that it is the FIRST drink... not the last one that does me in.
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

