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    ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

    Good morning! I missed posting yesterday; I was too busy watching school closings. Then my son got to play his games on my laptop! No school again today, but we still have power, so that's good!

    I was reading yesterday's thread and I agree with doing the AFx/ALx counting days. Not all of us are aiming to be completely abstinent, and the whole point is to make our lives better. It's so motivating to take a look at your drinking and realize how much you've cut down. I'm AF right now because I really don't want to drink, and I feel so much better in so many ways. That doesn't mean I'll never have another drink in my life!

    Hope everyone is doing well today!

    ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

    ODATERS!!!!! Friday! The Weekend!! Holiday parties! Danger, Will Robinson!! :H Not really - just have a plan!

    hi dingbat! Yes, me too. I don't dare have a drink right now because I can't afford to be wrong in the middle of life-altering decisions.

    How'd you do last night twosox?

    Keeta, get through the weekend and you're knocking on 30!

    Hope Savvy is doing OK.

    I went to an event last night and one friend said "You haven't had anything to drink since you've been here". (I didn't feel like soda) I just said "That's because I quit drinking 6 months ago" and flashed big smile. He nodded and gave me a big hug. He is an alcoholic, but seems fine with it. I was stunned at how he looked since I last saw him. Someone had said he looked rough. No wonder everyone says how good I look. I must have looked awful. In fact a close male friend said I looked 20 years younger. Hey, and the guy woh wrote the book (that was the event) wrote in mine that I was beautiful! Now is this a good reason to be sober? How good do you think that felt!

    Have a great one and don't forget your one random act of kindness! :l
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

      Good morning, I was wondering where you were dingbat. My Christmas shopping went good, funny in a way because I was so worried about what stocking stuffers I would get my son and when I got home and divided them up he got more than my oldest daughter, I don't know how that happened. So now I need to get her a few more things, not much more though.

      Going on day 20 AF today, can't believe only 10 more days to go, then I can start another 30. Greeneyes it really does improve your looks, I can see my rosacea clearing up, hoping my psoriasis will do the same.

      Have a Great AF Friday!


        ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

        Hey ODATers!

        For me the biggest change is no more bags under my eyes. I used to have huge ones and hated them. They're gone. I get compliments on my looks now, too, and I'll take them! And my fingernails are awesome from the supplements. I tell my son they're my talons.

        I've done a lot of shopping online and have some gifts wrapped. We had a snow storm yesterday and it's absolutely beautiful out. I just know there's going to be massive sliding after school. Who knows, maybe I'll join them?

        Since I've been terrible about the treadmill my son set up our WII Fit for me. I love that thing! It's ready to go and so am I!

        Take care, all,
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

          TGIF, Peeps!

          Glad everyone is getting their shopping done - oh my, I'm still FAAAR behind. But will try to rectify that tonight.

          I did have 2 1/2 glasses of wine last night - thank God, I switched to water after that or it could have been another ugly one. Be, I know what you're saying about the bags - I have them, too. Yuck. Twosox - 20 days is awesome! You're doing great! Greenie, I'll try to follow your example tonight; there's a Christmas dinner we're attending. Isn't it wonderful how the people around you notice the change? And, dingbat, you're so right about the counting; I think it was yesterday when I decided to do the same. It's just so depressing to always go back to day one.

          Well, you all have a wonderful day - rain (or snow) or shine!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

            Becoming, I was thinking about getting the wii fit, I need something more than just the treadmill too. Now I hear how much you like it, I think I will get it.



              ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday


              I'm sick of beating myself up over that stupid treadmill in the basement. It's depressing down there! The WII Fit is upstairs and I have so much fun with it. I just wish I thought of it sooner. It's definitely worth it. I've got a profile set up and goals...

              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                hello all
                thanks for the great idea akgirl i'm on board with counting AF/AL days. This week has been a good one so I think I start with my days as of this week. No christmas shopping here. We've decided to just use the money to treat ourselves to broadway shows and jazz clubs in NYC. We don't have children so the presents things makes it easier to skip. Last night we went to the city to see the Alvin Ailey dance theater, it was GREAT! Had 1 glass of prosecco with dinner and then 3 hours later 1/2 glass of champagne at intermission. I felt good about being able to mod and not want any more than what I had. I feel a change is happening but I still have to work on my plan and continue working on what I believe makes me medicate myself.

                Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day and let's reach our goals today!
                :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                  ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                  Hi guys,

                  I'm feeling okay today - had a great cry last night to let our some of those old pent up emotions about my mom. I know that I'm going to need to really do that a lot over the holidays - it's time to let myself heal since I've hung on to this pain for so long now. I'm actually looking forward to when I'll be able to look at pictures of her and smile instead of having such intense emotional pain. Small steps but I'm finally at a place where I think I can deal with this - and I know that to deal with it I need to do so without AL so that I can fully experience the emotions that I am going to have to go through.

                  I'M actually quite happy about it even though I know it will be difficult.

         AL for me today. The BF and I are going to watch a movie after work and then I'll probably just go home and relax with a cup of tea and my book. I'm looking forward to a relaxing, AF weekend.

                  Hope everyone meets their goals today.

                  Love and Hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday


                    Everyone sounds so upbeat, it's sounds wonderful.

                    I'm just not feeling it today, I'm not inspired and I don't feel like moving. Last night was rough, fought with Hubby, he wanted to do the laundry and I freaked out, had a complete meltdown and yelled at him about it. WTF I had to go to my room for a while then he went out to play texes hold'em at a tournament for the baseball league. Today is AF#4. Really dont want to drink this weekend, feeling way to depressed to drink. PMS also.

                    Anyway, enough of me being a downer.....going shopping today, did a little bit during lunch yesterday, I'm having trouble finding Wii. Then I'm gettin Wii FIt.

                    Sunshine- Nice MOD job last night. Be proud of yourself.

                    Green- Way to Go! That must have been a great feeling, you deserve it.

                    Two- Keep up the good work. 10 more days, wow!

                    Imore- Kudos to you, another nice MOD job.

                    Be- Hi, you sound great! Have fun slinding in the snow. Sounds like a blast, go for it!

                    Question the AF/AL days, is it monthly? or weekly? Am I AF 10/AL 2 if I only drank 2 days so far in Dec.

                    "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                    "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                      ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                      GM everyone,

                      AF10/AL2 and going strong.

                      Just wanted to say hello and wisheveryone a great day. I will check in later

                      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                        ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                        Not doing so well today guys. 2 year old is really taking it out of me today and yesterday. I had one good AL day this week (well yesterday wasn't bad) and the weekend is upon us. This will be the 3rd Sat. in a row spent with hubby's family; I have nothing done for Christmas. been off my meds since thanksgiving, and am picking up a small refill today, but on Monday I have to see the bitchy psychiatrist that I saw last May. Hubby has been totally preoccupied with his own concerns and doesn't seem to give a shit. Every year the holidays get worse.

                        Sorry. I wanted to feel good today; I do physically, but I don't know where to begin with a plan.


                          ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                          Good Day ODATers
                          So glad to be home. I had to stay at work two and half hours late. We had a major ice storm. The Governor declared a State of Emergency. Trees and power lines down. I am very lucky to have power, and it may be temporary.
                          I am going to have to ask my kids about that Wii Fit. That sounds awesome!
                          Congrats to all sucessfully battling the beast. One more night at work, and then, two off.
                          Uni, my heart goes out to you. I completely internalized my Mom's passing. I had to be the strong one. My sister fell apart. I kept it together for about 8 months, and aften 10 years AF, I started to drink. Long story. I will pm u when I have more than half a brain cell functioning.
                          I hope you all have a wonderful Friday. I am going to rest up for yet another enchanting
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                            Uni I can totally relate to suppresed grief. I lost my mother almost 9 yrs. ago and although I think I was able to go through the first few stages of grieving by myself, with the help of my therapist I was able to realize that I'm stuck in what they call the acceptance stage of grief. That explains why I've been numbing myself with AL. I don't know if you've read about the stages but it talks about how the stage of acceptance
                            is about accepting the loss, not just trying to bear it quietly. After I realized this 2 weeks ago, I've been feeling hopeful that I will get through it but it will take alot of work and emotional pain to get through. My therapist said something that really made me think : "suppresing the pain equals suffering and that is exactly what I've been going through.

                            It is possible to recover and not let AL take over our lives.
                            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                              ONE DAT AT A TIME Friday

                              I hear ya you guys - that is exactly it - suppressing it and then numbing it because to feel the real pain and go through the real greiving process was something I wasn't ready to do. Now I have to put the AL aside and really go through the excercises given to me by my therapist so that I can really go through the pain so that I can move past it. Gonna be hell but honestly I am really looking forward to the light at the end of it. I think it will really help me with the drinking after I have dealt with some of my suppressed pain that I have been trying to keep quiet with AL.

                              Thanks for all your support guys, means a lot.
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

