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I have a question and would really like advice...

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    I have a question and would really like advice...

    Hi all, I'm new here and am really excited about starting the supplements and listening to the CD's...which I've ordered but haven't arrived. I do, however, have all my supplements. ;-) I was going to wait until January to start taking them, but I'm thinking that I should go ahead now. I don't want to go AF but I do want to moderate. However, I was going to do the 30 days AF. question is......should I/ or could I start taking them now even though I won't do AF until January? What are your thoughts on this. I don't want to sabotage my success but right now, it might be good to cut back during the holidays and the supplements might help.:new::thanks:


    I have a question and would really like advice...

    Hi GA! Welcome to the site What supps are you wanting to take?
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      I have a question and would really like advice...

      I was going to take all the one's that are listed in the book...oh, and the All One.
      the B-50, Kudzu, Milk Thistle, Magnesium, EPO, L-Glut, and Calme Forte.


        I have a question and would really like advice...

        Welcom goddess
        I think it depends how your body reacts to it. I take everything you mentioned with the exception of EPO and magnesium (doesn't agree with my stomach). What I have found with Kudzu is that after 1 or 1/12 drinks I have a buzz which I don't experience when I don't take it and drink but everyone is different. I personally wouldn't wait until you're ready to do the 30 days because the supplements could actually help curb the cravings and help your body start to recover; at least that is what I've experienced. It's probably another story if you dececide to take the antibuse or the other prescribed meds they recommend. I've never taken them because I'm afraid of taking them. go figure, I'm afraid of taking them but when I decide to drink I'm not afraid of AL -- what kind of sick thinking is that. What I've read about antibuse is that you cannot drink at all because you'll get sick as a dog and it can even be lethal.

        Welcome again, do what you think it's best for you. The best thing to do is to have a plan because it not AL will have one for us.
        :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
        ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


          I have a question and would really like advice...

          I can't offer much advice (just ordered my supps yesterday) but... :welcome:

          I've come to the realization (for ME) that I really don't think it matters when or where... but you have to COMMIT. (Something, I'm still struggling with.)

          Good luck to you!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            I have a question and would really like advice...

            Welcome GA,

            Cutting back is always a good plan, and if your not committed to going AF yet it makes total sense. Maybe cutting back will help for when you go AF. Baby steps ya know? Kudzu and L-Glu will definately help. Besides, it will be good to start the supps and see how you feel, get used to the routine. Most adjust the plan to what works best for them.

            Just my 2 cents
            Wishing you the best!
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              I have a question and would really like advice...

              Thank you all for the replies....I think I will start taking them. 1morechance...I think you read my mind on the curbing my craving before the 30days. I just wanted to have a little reassurance from the THANKS!
              And sunshine....hello to you too! and yes committing is vital! Good Luck to you too!


                I have a question and would really like advice...

                It's the holidays and I know I drink more during this time anyway...but if I take the supps then maybe I won't drink more and will consciously choose not to...make sense? and then in January it won't be soooo much of a shock to my body. I'm just gonna do it!
                Thanks AK.


                  I have a question and would really like advice...

                  Many have had success taking the supps while moderating towards 30 days. Just don't take Antibuse or Campral before you detox. Put yourself on a schedule and don't skip doses or days (like I did in the beginning). I think you will find getting through the holidays abit easier with the supps. I don't take the milk thistle or magnesium because my blood work is good but some suggest taking the magnesium at night. I wish you the best of luck!
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    I have a question and would really like advice...

                    Good luck to you, glad you are here.

                    Its an exciting time when you realize there is a way to stop the craziness. To know there is hope and actually have a plan. But you really have to stick with it, and thats not easy sometimes.

                    I loved the CDs but had a hard time fitting them into my schedule, I took the supps but not all the time. I did well in the beginning but then got lazy about following through. So although it helped and I drank less and had AF days, ultimately it failed. (Now I'm on antabuse until I can get it through my fat head.) I guess what I am saying, is really find a way to make it routine, find what works and stick with it.

                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

