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    It's cold, grey day here. But that's OK. I'm happy and sober. I'm impressed by my tree I got yesterday at 1/2 price and put it up myself! Now I just have to put wire fencing around it to protect it from little doggie. :H Busy day ahead so I'll jump into it with both feet.

    Hope everyone feels good today!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


    Good Day all ODATers
    Big Congrats to Greenie!! You are such an inspiration to me!! I think I am on day 41? I am waiting for Dingy, so I know for sure. She is just two days behind me. We still have massive power outages here. I am so happy that I am sober, and able to provide my sister with a warm place to sleep and shower. We had a nice evening together. When I was drinking, we never spent time together. Oh yeah, I have another furry little Grandchild. My son adopted a puppy. It is sooo cute. Now much Grandchildren consist of a Cat, my daughter's, and a puppy. LOL. I have been weather-proofing my house; shrink-wrapping the windows and weather stripping the doors. Who need men? lol. I have to go food shopping today and then I have invited a friend over to watch the football game. He also has no power. GO PATS!!!
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



      LOL Sea!!! I have the weatherstripping for my front door that I shall l do today.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - SUNDAY

        Hello Everyone! I too feel happy that I stayed sober last night. I will today too!

        Question: I live in Canada, where we get some pretty brutal winters ..... and we don't shrink-wrap ... at least not in the area I live in. Have not heard of anyone doing that here ...... what does it do? ... and how do you get in and out your door?
        My 28 year old daughter is home for the weekend, and we're going to bake cookies together. I haven't done that with her since she was a kid!
        Greenie and Seacallin --- you inspire me! Thanks for that.

        Have a great day everyone!


          ODAT - SUNDAY

          Morning everybody!

          Brutal winters is an understatement!! It's -34C here right now (-43 windchill) - my van won't start. Wasn't plugged in, but I don't think that's the problem!! I think I need a better battery, so must wake up that big mechanic of mine and get him to put the charger on - hard to do vehicle maintenance out there at these temps!!

          I have done that window shrink wrap before. New Day - it is just thin clear plastic taped over the window. Then you blow dry it to get all the wrinkles out. I've also done it with thicker plastic - helps keep the cold out and the old gas bill just fraction more reasonable.

          I'm off to meet with my ladies (Fab Five Moms) to make large quantities of spanikopita, appetizer size. That will be great to have at Christmas. Then, band concert for my son, and hopefully get some cookies baked. Believe it or not, I got almost all my shopping done yesterday. No WII fit for miles and miles here either! Why do the stores only get a couple in at a time? I will never understand it!!!

          Have a super sunday!!!! Stay warm!
          xoxo peanut


            ODAT - SUNDAY


            You might be able to get a Wii Fit on Amazon or Ebay? I'm sorry Sea but it's GO GIANTS! I'm thinking of shrinkwrapping a few windows, too. It's just too drafty here and I'm sick of it. It only takes a few minutes to do. Especially the bathroom ones. This way the damn nosy neighbors can't try to peek in, LOL!

            Coupon clipping day for me. HB is planning on making a big breakfast. He went to the counselor and was diagnosed with depression. Unfortunately he can't see the dr until the 23rd. I'm so glad he's getting help.

            Just got the book "Dry" by Augustn Burroughs. I can't wait to dig in!

            Have a good day!
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              ODAT - SUNDAY

              Hi all ODAT'rs

              Cold here too but at least it's dry. Had a nice brisk walk with doggies and enjoyed it. AF last night so woke up bright eyed. Well done Seacalin and Dingy, you are an inspiration to the rest of us. I have done numerous 30 days but always seem to slip around the 40 day mark. Hope to start 2009 achieving it.

              Enjoy the rest of the week-end everyone.



                ODAT - SUNDAY

                Hi guys,

                Just checking in - have had a couple of drinks this weekend but have been able to control it. I think having that big emotional cry the other night really helped get some of those pent up feelings out.

                I'm feeling really great today, have a nice hot stew in the crock pot, doing some laundry and just relaxing with my daughter. We had a sleepover at the BF's last night which we don't do often with my daughter but that she loves.

                Generally just feeling really happy and content with life today - it's a really great feeling!

                Hope everyone has a great day!
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - SUNDAY

                  Uni --- glad to hear you so upbeat. I'm feeling great today to. Amazing what NOT drinking AL can do! I'll just have to keep reminding myself of that when the urges hit.


                    ODAT - SUNDAY

                    Hi all,
                    Don't have much to say but wanted to check in. Feeling a little down and lonely. I dragged C-mas decorations down from attic, but no time to put anything out yet cause I have work to finish up. We still don't have a tree, and it is rainy and windy so probably won't drag ourselves with baby out tonight for one. Need to do some baking too -- maybe later in the week.


                      ODAT - SUNDAY

                      Hi CS,

                      Sorry you are feeling so down today. I know that it can be rough to get into the spirit without the tree and decorations already up and the weather all crappy.

                      Maybe you could do some of that baking today? Put that wonderful smell all through your house to lift your spirits?

                      whatever you choose to do, keep smiling and remember we're all here for you.

                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT - SUNDAY

                        Yeah, but I used up the last of the eggs making omelets for breakfast this morning! Maybe I can borrow some from my neighbor.... That warm nutmeg smell is just what I need! Trying to get my work done, too.

                        Thanks for the good thoughts, Uni. Glad to hear things are better your way.


                          ODAT - SUNDAY

                          CS --- with children, it's often difficult to produce the Christmas we'd like too.... and end up putting too much pressure on ourselves. I just finished some baking, but it's been years since I've done much ... find yourself an excellent bakery and buy a small selection of a few of your favourites. Hours saved! I used to just bake the one family favourite and buy the rest. Besides, if I had too many homemade goodies, I'd be the one eating most of them!


                            ODAT - SUNDAY

                            New Day, I used to do TONS of holiday baking, with one favorite recipe being the 1st batch I would make. In recent years, that has become the only recipe I make, or maybe just one more. Depends on time and mood. But thanks for the suggestion! (BTW, I did borrow eggs from my neighbor...Do I make cookies or dinner? Hmmm...?)


                              ODAT - SUNDAY

                              Good evening everyone,

                              Just wanted to check in and say hello, Fridays party went well, only stayed for a short while, was asked to stay for a drink in the bar area and I said NO, told them I had other errands to do.

                              Saturday was a day of cleaning and wrapping presents, was very tempted to drink, I hate those feelings, but I reminded myself how great I have been feeling and looking and how awful I feel when I do drink. So here I am today on day 22 AF, the last time I had that urge to drink was last Friday, I think it was last Friday, anyway it was a day last weekend, so if the beast just appears its ugly face one day a week, I think I can deal with that, not giving in this time, I am going to do this, this is my new life and I really love it.

                              Hope everyone has a beautiful AF Sunday night.


