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    My hubbie who is my best friend , we made a decision to quit Monday Dec 15. I told him we are giving up our best friend and our worst emeny. Posion in a bottle is what I am picturing and that helps. My mom died on 12/22 from an abusive alcoholic step father. I am thankful my husband and I are strong together 28 years so now is the time. I never realized I drank to stop that pain, and the wine is not the answer. I still miss my mom after all these years, and now my husband has liver problems..... hmmmm I wonder why ? Hope this works. been reading and doing my home work. I am thankful for this support.

    done 2

    Meow -- great that you have each other for support. Hopefully one of you will pull the other one through a rough spot. I can relate to how you look at wine being your best friend and your worst enemy. Time to say goodbye to that "friendship" .... I'm trying to do the same.... without telling anyone except everyone here at MWO ... and so glad for the support and a place to express my joy at even a few days AF ... and look to for encouragment when I slip. Gradually gaining more courage and strength to say "NO" to that voice in my head.
    Let us know how you're both doing.


      done 2

      We are all in this together and we can beat it together.
      stay close to the site.i look forward to getting to know you.
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

