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Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

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    Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

    Morning all,

    Guys and gals, my last two weeks have been enlightening, I have never had such a clear head, and am feeling qutie good despite the odd roller coaster oe emotion and tears, I feel like i have been given a last chance in so many ways. Life is too short, and I have so much left of it that it just cant be a blearly fuzzy mess. I could not have imagined feeling like this on Dec 1st.

    So I just want to say a huge thanks to everybody who posts here, the newbies like me who are terrified and alone, u are a comfort to me in knowing that we are really not alone, and a motivation. To all those struggling, just keep popping in, I will miss you lot too but will keep you in my thoughts. To all the lesser newbies, paricularly Wally, Sea, lot check in here loads, give up your time selfessly and always have lots of wisdom in even the simplest things you say, thanks. Kapo I'll really miss your sense of humour and:happyheart: your wonderful tales over the next couple of weeks. SO glad you had a great visit with your man!

    Im writing this as I start the long haul of holiday travel tonight, 25 hours in an airplane, and I will be avoiding the free champagne! Yee ha. I wont be able to check in so much but will mentally carry a few MB of memory just to keep me going.
    Blessings to all in this sometimes difficult month, try to keep happy thoughts somewhere nearby,

    Back end of Dec, XXX:l:h
    Live your life in such a way that
    when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
    Satan shudders & says...

    'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'

    Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

    Hope you have wonderful Holidays Neuro. I will be home for Christmas. I will be working alot. I have two nights off for Christmas. My family is very small, and will meet here. No one in my family really drinks, so I am not worried about AL at the holidays. My daughter made things a bit difficult for me today. She put a whole lot of beer in the refrigerator, and I was very close. I was watching football, and that is a big trigger for me. I just kept thinking about how bad AL makes me feel, and how I have too much to do tomorrow (today for some), to be sick all damn day. That is what AL does to me now. It makes me sick. I am so relieved that I made it through. I don't think that my daughter realizes how difficult it can be for me. Have a safe trip Neuro. You will be missed. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

      Ahoy there Neuro!! Aloha Sea!! Great to see you both here....always good to be part of AF society at MWO. All best with travels, Neuro, you got a long haul ahead of you indeed....plenty of water darl..

      Gosh, Sea - have you ever thought of making your home AF? I didn't for AGES, and often just KNOWING there was half a bottle of vodka lurking, or a few of the teenagers leftover beers just a-winking at me (and I HATE beer!).....well, anyway, I had to make a decision to have our home AL and drug free. It is totally respected and adhered to, and not even questioned.....( Well, that speaks volumes with regards to how much my kids love and prefer their clean and sober mum)!

      Anyway, well done for not giving way - but you MUST put your recovery first - it is SOOOOO easy when it is right there and the time is "right" or the emotion is "wrong" or least if you have nothing in your house it gives you more rational thinking time.....know what I 'm saying?

      For me, FIRM and non-negotiable boundaries are a must, in order for me to remain happy, joyous and free!

      Hello and welcome all newbies to come....Check out One 2 Many's "Love Yourself"
      thread - it's beautiful and necessary!
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

        A wonderful good morning to you all.

        I cannot express how great it feels to be at work on a Monday morning, fresh, no hangover (or withdrawel symptoms after a hard weekend partying).

        A very happy holidays and safe journey for all of you going away. I still have to hang in there untill the 23rd unfortunately. But tomorrow is a public holiday in South Africa at least. (which makes me feel a bit stupid being at work today. But what can I do?!)

        Seacailin, I must congratulate you on staying strong with the beer in the fridge. I have got a magnum bottle of red wine standing in our kitchen in a beautiful display box and flirted with having "just a glass" (yeah, right). Thx to Antabuse that won't happen. (and I actually hate red wine for my part.)

        Anycase. I am feeling strong and positive today and wish everyone a good and equally positive day.
        AF since 15th March 2010

        The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


          Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

          hay fellow newbies,
          hope everyone is doing well, I have made it to day 12 AF, so far so good, hay Kapo were did you find the thread you have suggested??? I find reading people stories so encouraging, i actually dont think I could have got this far with out everyone here, anyway peeps, i will check in later see whats going on,
          Progress, not perfection!!!
          A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


            Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

            Hey Witchy! It is called "do you love yourself?" under general discussion! (Which is just under Just starting out column, in Our Community - well worth a look.. Good to see you, you fellow NZer! Where abouts in NZ are you? Well done 12 days - ain't it grand!

            Johnny - hi and congrats on your AF to date....a new lease of health, wealth and life is tapped when we finally find the serenity in sobriety that we deserve !! Good on you mate.
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

              hay Kapo, i am in Dunedin, where you at??, I am so over this grey weather, especially since I know is sunny above those clouds. LOL. I never thought I wuld be able to get this far, all my previous attemots lasted about 1 day, but then I didnt have the support behind me that I do now, I sleeping better, my head feels clearer, all the goodsthings, would you mind if i PM'd you sometime, if I needed to. i'm doing ok at the moment but I'm not stupid enough to think its always going to be ok.
              Progress, not perfection!!!
              A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

                Witchy - would love a PM from you anytime - either if you are struggling or just to yap about good stuff, and your day in general etc. I am in Greymouth (West COast). Great recovery fellowship in this town of HUGE drinking culture (would say the same of Dunedin too!) Good on you for you present success in sobriety - hell, it's only about TODAY! (yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery...) great to know another recovery chicky on Southern Hemisphere time
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

                  Big thing for me Witchy, is not just STOPPING drinking, but STAYING stopped - I seek emotional sobriety, as most of my relapses have been about "not getting my WANTS met" and drinking to spite myself or someone else. Today is about "life on life's terms" - I am going to have good days with bad patches - but as long as I don't pick up the first drink the crap will pass - and it DOES....even if it just feels like shite at the time, and I know I can escape (albeit VERRRRY temporarily) into the bottle, getting throug the highs and lows of life sober is a bloody great feeling.
                  *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                    Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      Newbies Nest Dec 15th - start of holiday travel

                      Hi guys,

                      Just checking in to see how everyone is doing!

                      I am choosing to have an AF day today - need to rack some more up here. I go in fits and spurts it seems although more AF than not and mod when I do drink (although I have had some Dog days in the past 2 months - not gonna lie to ya).

                      I hear what you are saying Sea - I too find that the more AF days I have, the more that AL actually does make me sick. Even if I haven't had that much, I find that I just get ill now. It's wierd how our body becomes so accustomed to the poison that when you remove it and then readd it in large quantities our bodies balk at what used to be the norm........

                      Anyway, I'll check in tomorrow. Have a good night everyone!
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

